I was prompted to write this post because of a recent experience I had when I decided I would venture to post a comment on one of the big named community blogs. The issue boils down to institutionalized racism regarding Hispanic credibility based on my perception in today’s society.
What I find amusing is how people on the left cherry pick the articles to blast la raza. These are the same people who will cry out on the mountain tops saying that the MSM is a tool of the corporatist and they lie about anything. But when it comes to minorities and la raza from South of border, they take what the MSM says as the gospel truth. What is worse, no matter what WE say, will always be looked at as questionable. And if we espeak Espanish berry well, pues forget, its not good enough, we must not know what we are talking about.
Considering where I was, I was not surprised to get the response I did.
True leftists dont fit your model.
Don’t shit on those who really love you.
While it was just another defensiveness knee-jerk reaction, which I should have let it go, I, however, responded by asking the commenter to define the meaning of a “true leftist.”
What bothered me about the comment was the connotation behind it. It is an attitude that is becoming apparent among some who claim to be left of center and happened to be within the Democratic Party. It is the same nasty attitude that used when it comes to dealing with Hispanics and Hispanic issues.
While overt racism and discrimination may not be in full view, it is obvious there is a blatant inequality on who has the right to express their views. When it is expressed, it is often times hidden in some sort of semantic tactic that prevents many white people from being able to really listen and hear what people of color are trying to tell them. The comment made to me is typical of many whites who not only want to deny the existence of racism, but also claim that whites are the new victims of modern American racism.
I do not understand how anyone can declare that I was “shitting on those who really love me” in light of the highly visible signs of white entitlement in America. The comment not only accuses me of trumping up some type of accusation but it also trivialized what I said as if I was going along with some new fad sweeping the country.
What amazes me is the kneejerk reactions that some liberal whites have when racism is being called out. I will take fault using a broad paint brush from time to time, but lately it is becoming harder to start separating “friendly” from “foe.”
I am not alone in this mind set either. In a recent survey, Pew Hispanic Center 2006 National Survey of Latinos, conducted by the Pew Hispanic Center, Pew has found that Hispanic support for the Democratic and Republican Parties has shrunk nationwide because many feel “significantly discontented” by both parties many feel there is an increase in discrimination due to the recent immigration debate. What the Pew Hispanic Center found:
Perceptions of Discrimination
82% – say that discrimination is a problem that is preventing Hispanics from succeeding in the US.58% – say that discrimination is a “major” problem, compared with 44% in the 2002.
54% – say that the debate over immigration policy has made it more of a problem.
Among sub-groups of the Hispanic population, 51% of the foreign born see the debates as the cause of more discrimination, compared with 57% of the native born.
Among the different generations, 51% of the foreign born see the debates as the cause of more discrimination, compared with 47% of the second generation, and 60% of the third-plus generations.
Political Repercussions
Regarding party identification, a majority of (42%) Hispanics still identify themselves as Democrats, however, this has droped from 49% in 2002.When it comes to which party has more concern for Hispanics/Latinos Issues
37% – say that the Democratic Party has more concern for Hispanic issues
9% – say that the Republican Party has more concern for Hispanic issues
37% – say that the neither the Democrat and Republican Party has any concern for Hispanic issues
Think the Democratic Party cares? Not one fuking bit. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee as now just come up with their ad campaign “Secure” to try to do one-up the Republican Party. In a Pete “I Hate Meskins” Wilson, the DSCC potraits Hispanics as terrorist and the Bush administration has failed to combat it. All of a sudden the message that Bush let in “millions more illegal immigrants” rolls by.
The Democratic Party can kiss the the Hispanic vote GOODBYE, if they want to be like more like the Republican Party, FINE!! Just to let you all know, the recent debate over immigration has upped the political interest among Hispanics and just like in Mexico, the Democratic Party feel it at the polls.
Why? Because we do politically energized and unified more than ever before, a feeling that has been missing for a long time.
The sleeping giant is finally awakening as we are rapidly reaching the point where we are finally starting setting a few trends for ourselves:
- As a minority group, we are growing more in population;
- We are growing more politically aware/powerful; and
- We are becoming aware of our economic power.
True, no group is monolithic, but it is evident that political blocks are starting to form, as sub-groups within the Hispanic community are beginning to recognize common interests.
At the same time, Republicans are now realizing their base is demographically shrinking, yet their core strategy still depends on racial resentment and xenophobia to get their voters to the polls. It seems like the Democratic Party has decided to follow in their footsteps.
If the Democrat Party is truly the party of equal opportunity and the defender of civil rights, then the current Party better start showing they are mending those fences to convince the 82% who are also “hypersensitive” like me. Especially, if the Democrats want to utilize the 75% who feel empowered to vote this November.
I and other loyal Hispanic Democrats are tired of being everybody’s scapegoat and punching bag.
Email the DSCC and tell them to stop the racism: info@dscc.org.
I would expect all those who are calling themselves progressives/liberals/anti-racists to say something about it…NOW!
If we’re going to put an end to this extreme right-wing agenda and put Democrats back in charge, the time to end racism is now. THIS BULLSHIT NEEDS TO STOP!!
The DSCC has one thing right, Election Day is closer than you think. Just remember, the Dems need our vote.
I just saw the DCCC’s ad on their website. I hate pandering to people’s fears no matter which side of the aisle it originates. To equate border-crossers with terrorists is despicable.
Despicable is the word. Thanks for the heads up on this, ManE.
It’s not just directed at people of color–I have encountered similar responses when attemtping to discuss the subject of disability rights. Either that or it’s “Wait until 2008.” (Guess that means its ok for some who claim to be liberal to treat people with disabilities as sub-human. I sure haven’t seen anything to prove that opinion wrong.); “I’m sure things will get better for you.” (News flash–due to all of the budget cuts, they are getting worse.); or the meaningless “I support you.” (Made by those who don’t give a damn about Medicare D and can’t even be bothered to write an LTE about it.)
Actually, that is one of the major reasons that I stopped writing about it. People are more concerned with gay marriage than health care–what is wrong with this picture?
Stree Kid, I hope you don’t categorize me those who merely say “I support you.” I miss your excellent diaries. I need them to help me stay informed.
I have taken some actions to support your efforts, though I do not list them here. Sometimes folks aren’t able to do all of the action items that need to be done, but we each do what we can and when we can. The flood of bad things happening today is overwhelming for all of us who care, and it is often difficult to take action on everything and then to also report it back to this blog.
Some choose one issue, others (like me) try to spread some action items around. Did I say “overwhelming” already?
Please, don’t give up.
Yeah, Medicare D is overwhelming. So is living on SSI and having a traumatic brain injury, in addition to everything else that I haven’t mentioned.
One of my recent experiences coupled with the lack of response to what I have written (not just here) and a few other things that I was told, was depending on that never happenned (and that really hurt) have shown me that I was wasting my time when I was writing about Medicare D.
I disagree that you are wasting your time. I don’t know what kind of response would make you think you aren’t wasting your time; that, of course, is a personal thing. But your fight is far more than personal.
You are articulate, extremely knowledgable, and you speak both from personal experience and a fund of highly accurate information. That is rare, from what I’ve read. I hope you’ll keep it up.
[side note: The med. change is familiar from being forced into an HMO that requires “failing” at certain drugs before the one’s of historic effectiveness can be prescribed. This has happened to my friend who has lupus, for example. She’s been about wiped out while she “failed”. That sort of action, of course, is exactly what they’ve built into this travesty of a drug “benefit”. ] [Second side note: We missed you at our BT picnic Sunday].
You are articulate, extremely knowledgable, and you speak both from personal experience and a fund of highly accurate information.
Yeah, and I lost roughly 24 hours worth during a goddamn power failure and couldn’t recover it, and am having trouble getting going again.
“failing” at certain drugs
Years ago, I had a toxic reaction to an anti-convulsant. Know how terrified I am that will happen again? And I had to go thru all kinds of bs to get a prior-authorization for a different one, as mine have to be DAW and is more $$$ so it won’t be approved when I need a refill on my rx’s. Generics don’t work for me! I know that I am going to have to go thru that again and I am terrified. As for the reaction, I have one question: are people speaking up to get this damn thing changed like they are for gay marriage?NO!!!!
Could someone please tell me why something so trivial take priority over people’s health, the rights of ethnic groups not to be discriminated against (or exploited) and disability rights? Did you know that senior citizens and people with disabilities can’t get married either w/o losing health insurance/Medicaid? I haven’t read anything here suggesting to change that. Instead, I’m told to wait until 2008, assuming that I live that I don’t go into status eppilleptcus from withdrawl from rx’s (that I have been taking for 30 years). Status eppilleptcus is, in 9 times out of 10 fatal.
We missed you at our BT picnic Sunday.
I was a ? and I tried to make it, but, I couldn’t–longer of a bike ride than I thought. And my car has still not been fixed–needs a strut. (I can move one of the wheels w/my hands.)
There are other reasons that I feel that I was wasting my time.
I know about the marriage thing. It is a terrible issue.There are a lot of seniors who will not get married because they’ll haveto give up social security, or pensions, or other benefits that they get as single persons – it is stupidity, again, that wealthy people don’thave to go through.
I had the “DAW “experience my self just this past week. It took an hour to browbeat them and the insurance company into a very temporary “truce”, and of course, the battle has just begun. ( I just killed 10 lines I wrote about this because it was making me so angry I knew I would not sleep!
Re picnic: If we do this again, give a holler, and I’ll gladly run taxi service if you need it and I possibly can. I’ve been stranded myself more than once, and I’m happy to pass on the favors received. . .
SK, is there any way that I can send you an email? I have looked at your profile and see that you don’t list one. Neither do I, so I understand why you may not want to be contacted.
It is a total lack of respect; I’m mad and pissed, I want an apology and now. The DSCC has just given me a reason to stay home this November. Someone needs to be fired, who is the moron who approved that commerical.
To the Democratic Party…No More Money is being sent to You…! You have my e-mail send me an apology.
I’m sick of racism. I feel poisoned when I am around people who are unabashedly racist. I meet a lot of them here in Mississippi. It sucks. I confront them wherever and whenever I can, but it is a small effort compared to the larger problem. We really do need some leadership in this country who will address this head on. In the meantime, I am doing what I can down here in the land of race-based economic slavery.
Please keep up the good work you do to keep us informed. We must communicate if we are to make progress.
Just about everything you have said about Mississippi, I can say and do say about Michigan – except I’ve found it worse here.
What I did do is fire off a scorching letter to the DSCC, castigating them for taking a leaf from the Repubs playbook of coding for racism with their terrible film clip and “millions of illegal immigrant” trashy statement. I demanded that the offending clip be removed.
I know that my state doesn’t have a monopoly on racism, and I’m aware that Michigan is also a racist haven. I don’t mean to imply that MS is first in anything, because we’re last in everything good. But we are certainly near the top on racism and everything bad, also. I bash my own state because I know it too well.
The problem of racism is spread throughout our country and most, probably all, other countries, too. It is a serious problem everywhere and everywhen it occurs.
Thanks for your letter, evidently it did some good.
DSCC pulls ad! But no appology from Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y yet!
We did it!!!
Here in Houston.
This fight is not over, we demand an apology from DSCC Chair Sen Schumer of N.Y. May we remind him, the Current demographic in NY is 16.0%, 28% in NY City. We will remember during his re-election campaign, we will find another Democrat to replace him and don’t think we can’t, we did it with Liberman and we can do with Schumer too.
Until we hear an apology, Sen Schumer is on notice!
Call Sen Schumer and let him know we demand an apology – 202-224-2447
did they pull it? The article mentions the outcry from Houston’s Dem Leaders but I can still see the ad on the DSCC’s site.
Sen. Schumer and DCSS Are On Notice in my book.
And for now on, I will keep my own On Notice List. I just have to come up with another name.
could call it La Lista de los Pinches đŸ˜‰