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- Day 45: I Explain Trumpism to Justin Trudeau
- Day 43: The #TrumpRussia Conspiracy Goes Mainstream At Last
- Day 40: Republicans Contemplate Giving Up On Deficit Control Forever
- Progress Pondcast Episode 22 With Bill Hangley Jr, on DOGE and U.S. Alliance With Russia
- Day 37: The Last Bulwarks Protecting the Merit-Based Civil Service
Who’s still feeling the heat?
Hi Izzy. I’ll have a beer float. 🙂
I’m assuming that is NOT a typo?
Nope beer and ice cream go great. It is after 6:00 am isn’t it. 🙂
The thought of it is making my stomach roil. But as long as you’re happy…
If I could only figure out how to include everything I like with beer, I would be in slacker heaven.
Been awhile Izzy 🙂 … How ya doin?
I’m doing pretty well thanks. How are you?
I’ve got my choc.milk and my choc.cookies, and it’s almost 3pm here … lol 🙂
How’s FCH going so far today Olivia?
I’ve got my choc stuff so I’m doing okay. 🙂
How ’bout you … getting your slack time in amongst your visits w/ the relatives?
Yep I decided to totally slack today. Not even going into the city. Not to much longer and you’re home.
Your filaments are still in need of a trim? 🙂
Yep. I think I’ve caught the fear of the barber from someone. 😛
I didn’t realize that phobias were contagious … Does that mean I will start fearing snakes? 😉
You don’t already? I thought you were smarter than that. 🙂
you’re next in the barber’s chair….
clik to enlarge
Hah if it’s J.D. giving the haircut, I’m sure Olivia would scurry to get there. :~)
Not even for a lifetime supply of chocolate ice cream.
maybe not lifetime … as long as it wasn’t the cheap kind either … 😛
I don’t go to a barber … they’re scary looking! 😉
I don’t know why I feel compelled to ask, but do you have that with chocolate sauce, whipped cream, and a maraschino cherry on top?
It’s the preferred way. But of course that’s only with dark beer. 🙂
I was afraid of that. What do you do with lager?
Same thing except white chocolate chips and pineapple. The pineapple gives it a little bit more fiz.
Well the dark beer floats we don’t start until after 6:00 am. The larger floats are for late night.
If you think that’s bad, you should be here when NDD and I discuss lutefisk stuffed chitlins. Goes great with a larger float. :~)
hey!…half way thru hump day as they say.
flowers from the foothills…a rarity, I know….
one of the cannas just starting to blossom
in homage to O, IVG, MM and other purveyors of petal po*n
skip the ice cream Izzy…just tap a fresh keg and attach a hose to it…FM and I’ll split it….:{)
Thanks, dada — gorgeous!
Great picture dada. Can’t think of anyone I’d more rather split a keg with. 🙂
Meta Newbies and Lurkers thread up.
Great idea to front page it Booman.
and the dogs didn’t bark once during either one; flying pigs arriving off momentarily.
that might stop by today…heading out shortly to get hair trim; I’m starting to develop that shaggy dog look:
Back in a bit…
Cali, if you (or anybody else in the Bay Area) are interested in meeting Jerry McNerney, candidate for CA-11 against Pombo, this Sunday afternoon on the Peninsula (not far from Stanford), email me at brittpbb at yahoo dot com.
since Sundays are usually family day…I’m hoping that if/when things get back to “normalcy” around here, I can contact the campaign and see if he needs/wants anyone to work a table down in South Santa Clara County (which oddly enough is “Dick” Pombo’s district), or perhaps at the Pleasanton BART station…
Not you too Cali!
Olivia you need a HAIRCUT. 🙂
Hey, I explicitly pointed out to you that I survived my last haircut and even hours later I was still all right, proving that there weren’t any residual effects. So, there, there ::pat pat:: — it’s all okay.
Hi Andi. I see you have gotten through your day fairly well. There’s just no talking to Olivia when it comes to haircuts. 🙂
You did, in fact, do just that … 🙂
So Olivia I take it you’re finally home. See any hawks today?
no hawks today … 🙂
how’s the new toilet seat?
Haven’t even looked at it today. I’m waiting to install it so the excitement will build.
That’s funny
Got word an hour ago that my daughter was hit by a car in her college town, about 90 miles from here. We’re waiting for word from her boyfriend who is with her at the hospital. Initial reports are eyes swollen shut, two front teeth knocked out and possible broken arm/wrist.
Oh shit, SN. Please keep us posted. I’ll be sending every good vibe I have.
SN I’m so sorry.
oh wow!! I’m very sorry to hear that. That’s terrible. I hope she will be alright. How far is she from you?
She’s about 1.5 hours from here. We’re definitely going to see her, but I don’t know whether it’s to visit at the hospital or to drag her back home and wrap her in bubble wrap.
Take bubble wrap reguardless. I’m sending every good wish I have in me.
Thanks, Whit.
You can’t help but obviously be worried, so sit here and talk with us. Did the boyfriend say what happened other than a wreck?
If you go to Greensboro, please don’t be the one to drive.
sending positive vibes in your general direction…
definitely will say a few prayers. Please keep us posted. (((Second Nature)))
I’ll be keeping you in my thoughts. Take care.
Damn! Positive energy heading that way for your daughter, you and your family….
Oh my. I have no spells but will hold your daughter and you too in my heart. Best best wishes.
Just echoing what everyone else already said. Keep us posted!
… and best wishes! Please be careful yourself travelling to be w/ her …{{{SN}}}
Very sorry to hear about this, SN. Fingers and toes crossed. Take care and let her know the whole pond is hoping for her speedy recovery.
All I have inside is goin your daughter’s way right now SN…I’m so sorry to hear this news
Goodnight everyone! I opened a Froggy Bottom Waffle House for morning, but feel free to congregate whenever you’d like — waffles are a good midnight snack, if you ask me.
SN, I hope all’s well with you, your family, and your daughter. I’ll keep you in my thoughts and, hopefully, hear from you tomorrow.