We have 86 new members since August 1st, but not a whole lot of them are making their presence known. Some of our more ‘talkative’ members are taking a break or have moved on. So, this is a newbies and lurkers thread. If you’re new, drop by the Froggy Bottom Cafe and Lounge and get to know some old-timers. Or ask any questions you might have in this thread. For example, questions about posting diaries, or ratings, or comments, or netiquette. Whatever. And get some free mojo.
Any ideas for projects are welcome too. Kid Oakland and I are working with Omir the Storyteller on a local blogging thing-a-ma-bob. We just had the members do an outstanding series on the ten biggest underreported stories around the world. We’re due for a new photofair in September, I believe. Ideas? Ideas? Ideas!
My name is Man Eegee and I’m a newbie. Do you know where I can find a New User Guide? π
Sure. In the FAQ. π
A Stud-like Hoss like you can’t find the FAQ? π
I’ve been outed. π
Just wait till I post the photos…
I’m not in my boxers in any of them… ahem
yeah, yeah…but do you have a blog dedicated to trashing you?
but I have been called alot of names recently. The recent additions involve being delusional and a hysteric.
Oh yeah? I’ve got evil mind control powers, doncha know?
do you mind sending your brainwaves over to my boss’ desk to inform her that I need an extended vacation? With pay? Thanks for your assistance! π
That doesn’t sound evil enough to me…how about I make her head explode instead?
she’s actually a good person, but I know a few advertising gurus that you could practice your technique with… π
(i think they just pulled the ad, getting confirmation)
Now you’re talking! Advertising gurus Take that!
:::squinching up face, concentrating on blowing heads off:::
Did it work?
I don’t know if it worked, but don’t start doing that with beer drinkers. π
Pfft, get back to me when they say that recognizing your humanity with legal equality will RUIN ALL OF HUMAN CIVILIZATION FOR ALL TIME. ;p
the state of things, you either have the Rs telling you that you’re going to ruin civilization or the Ds telling you that you’re nuthin’ but a “single-issue voter” – perhaps sanctimonious if you’re especially feisty.
Or anti-American. That one works too if the fiesty bit gets a tad more animated.
My single issue of course is the planet, so I take it as a compliment when accused of only focusing in on it.
I mean, really, spidey. There are nine — no, eight — no, twelve — no, fifty-five planets in this solar system alone. When will you Earthians stop assuming that your planet is the only one that counts?
(Just a little teasing. Really!)
I stop at 8. I don’t recognize Pluto thank you very much. It’s like hockey. I don’t go beyond the Original 6.
I hope you’re not saying you have something against newbies.
Nope. Just the makeup of the solar system. Oh, and the stupid NHL which since expansion my damn Make Believes haven’t won a freakin’ cup.
I have to admit, I don’t understand anyone’s caring whether Pluto is classified as a planet or not.
Sure, I can understand why astronomers, if they are to use “planet” as a classification, might want to define the term; my thought when I read this article was, “You mean you guys hadn’t done that before? You need a staff philosopher or two to point these things out.” But what’s with the “save Pluto” outcry?
It’s not like you have to learn a whole new list of planets. Just strike one item off the old list.
“But, poor Pluto!”
Poor Pluto, what? Nobody’s proposing its destruction. We’re just not going to call it a planet any more.
“But with one stroke of the pen, it’s been banished from the solar system!”
Look, that’s not like being banished from the EU or something. OK, so once it’s been banished, it’s going to be out there all alone? Well, but Pluto is out there — way, way out there — all alone, except for its moon (which itself may now be a planet; can you imagine the celebration on Pluto’s satellite? “Hooray — we finally made it into the Solar System!”).
By the same token, I don’t understand the “Pluto? Pheh. That pathetic little rock? It’s not even on the same plane as the rest of us!” contingent.
However, I am entirely in accord with the astronomer who complained that the new definition would give us a total of fifty-five planets, with more to come. Elementary school is getting arduous enough as it is. Plus, I refuse to call anything with that many members a system. (Have the astronomers defined “solar system”?) Maybe it could be renamed the Coalition of the Orbiting.
Just had to get that off my chest.
(On the other hand, you raise a serious concern re: the NHL.)
Good to see you here, by the way.
I know, right? It’s like a parlor trick from hell. Back people into a corner so their options are: a) rock; or b) hard place. And then bitch about how they can’t be trusted with power because they make such bad choices.
Oh come now, it isn’t all about you. There are links to MLW, dkos and DU there as well. And a nice link to dress Paris Hilton as well.
I’d be flattered that some folks want to talk about how exceptional things are… in a most meta fashion of course. Beats hijacking threads, that’s for sure.
Hi spiderleaf. I’m trying to make it into the city to check out that honeysuckle for Cat.
Awesome possum. Hi FM, how’s it hanging?
It’s going pretty well, just slacking as usual.
How’s it going with you?
Slacking and lurking mostly. But pretty good all in all. Been a good summer so far.
That sounds good. Summer I can’t say. I’m ready for winter.
Ah but all of you who comment there are so wise, so all seeing, so incredibly hip to the human condition… I bet in your own country you head up an ultra-effective left wing movement to counter all that Canadian denial that the ultra right wing has taken over Canada. Oh, but we’ll be content with that hip Paris Hilton link for now… π
Why thank you, I do indeed. It’s so effective that the majority of Canadians, who didn’t vote for the PC party and many who did, absolutely (incl. some true conservatives) will knock them out of power in the next 6 months & try and reverse course . That’s the power of people talking to each other honestly — shit starts to happen.
Glad you’re enjoying the Paris Hilton link. I can’t take credit for that myself, DTF was kind enough to provide it. It is great fun though, so many different outfit choices!
Wise? How kind of you to say, but I certainly can’t claim that, I do try to recognize bullshit and hypocrisy where I see them, but unfortunately haven’t been participating that much recently. I appreciate the compliment though.
I’m to blame for the Skeletor Show and Borat links.
Heh. Like I would ever wear boxers…
I am a newbie. I’m mariachi mama. I’ve been lurking for ages and just decided to join.
To introduce myself, I’m a dual American/Mexican citizen. I’ve lived most of my life in the US, but moved to Mexico a number of years ago. I live in Oaxaca de Juarez, Oaxaca.
Mariacimama! We are so glad you came out of lurker mode. Hope you find this site warm and friendly, helpful and informative most of the time. We have fabulous, intelligent writers and posters alike with a hint of humor and extreme amounts of compassion. Pull up a chair and join in.
you over here, you’ll find the immigration diaries are received much differently than over at DKos. Paz y ¡Bienvenidos!
Welcome mariaci mama. Glad to see you here.
Welcome MM. So very good to have you finaly log on and join in the discussion of our loves, hates and other things. I personally will be glad to hear what you have to say bout the elections in Mexico. Again a very huge welcome.
to our humble pond. So glad you have joined us;-)
Thank you all for the warm welcome.
Green has always been my favorite color.
Not really, but why let Man E have all the fun?
I’m hungry, I’m sweaty, my feet stink, and I don’t love Jesus…is there any hope for me?
As long as you’ve got stinky feet there’s always hope.
Welcome to the pond. π
You like stinky feet? FM, how come you’ve never shared this with all us old-timers? π
Nah, stinky feet just make me feel at home. π
Wecome Crabbin Girl. Pick yourself a lili pad and sit a while and join in the fun at the pond.
the pond water’s fine – and maybe a bit stinky, since its summertime. A Jimmy Buffet fan?
BooMan, this is a great Idea. If we can get the “free user guide” that Man Eegee put together posted somewhere nice and friendly on a daily basis, maybe we can coax the new members out on the floor, so to speak.
is some mention of issues of importance to folks other than candidates. I’m thinking mainly of statewide measures that are going to be on the November mid-term ballots, and maybe a discussion of what those measures might do for election turnout.
For example, three that come to mind here in California are:
What impact will those issues have on turnout? Will the progressives turn out to vote down the first and back the second and third? Or will the Religious Reich bring out their troops to force through the first, and while they’re at it shoot down the other two? And what effect might these and the other propositions have on the other races, especially gubernatorial?
Now that it looks like life around here might actually be returning to normal (or what passes for normal in this asylum), I’m thinking of doing a diary series on the mid-term propositions; I’d love to see what other states are voting on. There might be some issues that, once sanity returns to the halls of Congress, we might want to take national…
I’d be really interested to read these, Cali.
Yes, I’d like to hear about these too!!
I’d also like to hear what people know, or more scarily, don’t know about which private corporations will be counting their votes this fall…..
Sirocco’s diary Famous Author Excoriates Israel has created an influx of international readers and probably nieuw non-U.S. members during this period.
I appreciate the participation with a debut diary of Tammy and another new member from Israel, lmissdt.
Welcome Wagon Invitation
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Welcome all newbies/lurkers!
After reading the Stud-like Hoss’s New User Guide, especially the part about recommended diaries, what would be the feasibility of a Mega-Unrecommend feature for the author of the diary? It would be one of the Edit features, could only be used once per diary, but would automatically remove the diary from the Recommended list.
It would be great for time-sensitive diaries where the time-period has passed, like the Live Blogging of debates on TV, or Action Alerts where the time to take action has passed, but it wouldn’t disappear the comments like deleting the diary would.
Not sure if it’s feasible in the Scoop system to add something like that, but maybe a feature to look into?
In conjunction with what you were saying Cali. I put a link for all the UN 10 diaries over at my place. I was wondering what a rought time estimate is for those before they become unreadable?
but not so much lately. Not taking a break really, just clammed up in a state of disassociated horror at the fucked-up state of the world. Some part of me shut down and daily declares “I just don’t care!” It’s not true; I do care but I can’t let myself feel it right now. It’s all gotten so painful…
I empathize, but I’m glad to know you’re still here.
Well, two “ideas ideas”: first, start writing your damn long-form articles, and have them ready to roll first week of October. And since I’ve been, um, cutting & running for awhile, hadn’t noticed the links/references to the compilation diaries (10-parters, etc.).
Ok. That is all. For now.
to the UN10 Diaries – we still have one left which will probably run in the next day or so.
Does anyone have any interest in doing a series of diaries on labor/workers rights in time for labor day?
If there is interest, I’d be willing to set up some topics and facilitate a la Managee.
I’d love to help out with this, keep us posted.
and it’s a holiday…
scrupulous debauchery is encouraged.
Enjoy yourselves, it doesn’t come around again until the 26th.
Mr. Mutt is looking for his fountain.
Happy Holidays!
Back at’cha
I am still here, just not as often as I would like to be. Dealing with Labryinthitis (fricking airplanes grumble grumble) for the last three months. Vertigo, blurred vision, wierd head pains…all kinds of fun! I can only look at a computer screen for about 10 to 15 minutes before I feel like I am about to fall out of my chair lol.
Nice to see alot of the newbies poking their heads out. π
Hey Cake…so great to see you!!! Also very sorry to hear you are dealing with health issues. Take good care and drop a line when you can. You have been missed!
Awww! sniff You guys… π I have missed everyone here!
Cake it’s good to see you and I hope you get to feeling better soon.
Heh me too! It’s so bad that I can’t even stand to hear my son’s voice. (he’s really high pitch.) Makes me feel absolutely horrible, it’s not his fault that mom feels so bad. π Good to see ya too…maybe you could get in a nap for me? π
All ways willing to help with a long distance nap. π
I knew I could count on you! π The little one has decided that he is too big for naps now so I miss out now.
Take care of yourself Cake or death!!!!
Been dealing with inner ear/vertigo crap myself too off an on. Gotta get a hearing base test… but I’m a procrastinator when it comes to myself π
Heh me too on the procrastination. π I have an appt with the doc on the 21st. (after going to the ER not once but twice in as many months) Hubby just finally got a really good job with really good insurance so maybe I can get this taken care of. They have me on Meclizine which is essentially Dramanine. First time I have ever been insured. Really odd feeling but maybe i can get used to it. π
We were without for three years. So totally can feel the relief you must be feeling. Sorry you’re so ill though.
My ear makes me feel like a super bad case of the flu. Debilatiting (sp) type of flu where you’re sprawled out on the bed and it feels like it’s spinning. You gotta crawl to the john just to ralph. It comes and goes.
Ack! I am so sorry! Thankfully I haven’t had too much nausea amazingly enough. I thought the ER doc was gonna pass out from shock because of the fact that there’s been next to none. But then there’s holding onto to the bed so you don’t fall off, the ringing and ear pain…I know EXACTLY where my eustachian tube is on the right side lol. So many symptoms…not too much relief. Just hoping now that there hasn’t been permanent damage done. One step at a time sigh.
Let us know what’s up.
and YUP … it feels like you’re going to just fall off the world. Be it the bed, a trail, a bridge… or your own kitchen floor. Like the planet tilted and you’re being sucked into a spinning void.
Yeah I must say that was the worst! I get more of that than the nausea…kinda hard to chase an extremely active 2 and a half year old when everything is either spinning or breathing. I had the spinning sensation inside in the CT machine, talk about freaky! That thing spinning above your head…ugh.
Have your drs. discussed Miniere’s Disease with you? I suffered from it for several years and actually diagnosed myself through research and then my DR. It is an inner ear thing and most suffer severe vertigo because of it and it can be brought on by allergies. It is not curable but very treatable with antivert. It also has 99% disappeared for me but it was very dibilitating for a few years. WebMD has really great info on it.
Actually the Hubby pointed me to the WebMD page when I first finally got some sort of diagnosis that didn’t have to deal with allergies. So it’s all still a possiblility. As of right now, I have been treated for allergies and Labryinthitis. And so far neither is working very well. sigh.
I expect now that we have insurance things will go a little better with figuring out exactly what’s wrong. It’s just getting to see an actual doctor, not to mention seeing one that doesn’t just blow me off. I will try to keep you guys updated.
My friend mentioned it. Doc just wants to get a baseline hearing test first off… as I am partially deaf in one ear anyways. It’s the one that is ringing or “static” or think of having a mosquito in your ear… is more apt of description. Sometimes it’s like being underwater… you can “hear” but it’s very distorted… or you can just hear background noise and not speech.
The flat out dizziness were horrible… those hit hard at the apartment when we moved… At first I thought it was flu brought on by stress… but it was occuring alot. Noticed a HUGE change in me while hiking thet falls. I literally had a vertigo type panic on the trail. Which is SO not me.
Reason I LOVE the photo of me and Medea on the bridge… π CenterSpan baby. I was so worried that I might panic or get sick. It just happens though… it’s weird. No rhyme or reason.
I know.. .I gotta go see the doc again…
Yeah I expect to have to get all of those tests and probably more from what I read. It’s a big relief to have that insurance now ! My right ear is the one that is giving me the most trouble. I get the ringing in both but the right one feels so clogged and the eustachian tube throbs and aches. Together with the dizziness, walls and floors breathing, and the constant fatigue it’s just killer.
And yeah you should see a doc sometime soon. Hubby had to twist my arm too so I am in complete sympathy. π
hope you feel better soon, always glad to see your comments. paz
(p.s. I fall out of my chair without Labyrinthitis so don’t feel too bad) π
Not New. I haven’t left. I haven’t been banned. Not a lurker…
Guess that just makes me “busy”. π
Welcome aboard Noobs
I have heard that Noobs are people that just act like newbies.. I guess I’m one of those ..
I’m a newbie. I was told the Booman Trib community would be a great place to pitch Nancy Skinner, who is competing for an endorsement from the Progressive Patriots Fund.
You really should hear about Nancy Skinner from MI-09!
She is a true progressive, a former radio host on the local air america affiliate, running for office so she can bring a New Energy to Washington. Focusing on enviromental issues, specifically gas and the development of alternative fuels. She wants the federal government to repeal $6,000,000,000 in subsidies to oil and gas companies, and develop a relationship with the American auto indsutry to expedite the creation of alternative fuels and hybrid vehicles.
She loves the netroots! She attended Yearly Kos, she blogs at dKos and her own blog. Feel free to checkout her website: SkinnerForCongress.com
Nancy promises to make CSPAN exciting!
Vote For Nancy Skinner (MI-09)! Let’s send a progressive woman to Congress!
and the very best of luck to Nancy from down here in the IN-9th.
I’ve been around – but lurking. Had to cut back due to too much RL and trying to send some energy to getting out and working on electoral stuff.
I’m trying to get together an Austin page for Do More Than Vote and using your open thread to check my links.
I’ll post what I came up with below this comment. Maybe you can do one for your city? Seems like it would be a good tie-in to the BMT Electoral Project – which is awesome.
Devote 5 minutes at your desk: Get connected. Sign up for True Blue Travis’s weekly emails. True Blue Travis is our coordinated campaign, helping all of our local, state, and federal candidates get elected. Their newsletters will keep you up-to-date on what’s happening and what help they need from you.
The same form will let also let you volunteer for specific tasks down at TBT’s headquarters at 505 Willow or to help out specific candidates.
Devote 10 minutes at home: Call radio talk shows to let listeners know what you think. Getting Democratic voices onto the conservative-controlled airwaves is a must. Schedules for Austin talk radio stations: AM 590 KLBJ, AM KJCE 1370, and 970 KIXL (Christian).
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) gives you numbers to call and talking points to use.
Devote a half-hour at your desk: Write letters to newspapers – the perfect way to express approval of or disdain for the news and views of the day. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) makes it simple. To get issue specific talking points: click on an issue, then enter your zip code. (Click on “Show more newspapers . . .” to include the Austin American Stateman on the list.) Your letter is emailed automatically.
Texas Freedom Network – (“A Mainstream Voice to Counter the Religious Right”) has some great tips for writing letters to the editor at their action center page.
Devote half an hour on the phone: Where are the Dem voters? True Blue Travis has a brilliant project to identify voters who vote in general elections but have never voted in a primary. Which ones are Democrats? You save Democratic candidates almost $10 every time you help us identify how these folks typically vote to target mailings and get out the vote efforts. Just 2-3 simple questions. Click here to get started.
Devote a weekday evening Meet our candidates and lots of like-minded pregressives at Democracy for Texas (first Wednesdays of the month), Latinos for Texas (second Tuesdays), or Keep Austin Blue (third Wednesdays). These meetings almost always have some of our candidates present to talk about how their campaigns are going. And it’s a great way to get a chance to talk to them, ask questions, and offer to help out.
Or join one of the many Democratic clubs in Travis county. There are clubs for specific interest groups, like Texas Environmental Democrats, the Black Austin Democrats, or the Stonewall Democrats. Other clubs are neighborhood oriented, like the Central Austin Democrats, or the West Austin Democrats. Bookmark the Travis County Democratic Party’s calendar page to find out when their meetings are, as well as many other events around town.
Devote a couple of hours on the weekend Register new voters! Find out how to become a deputy voter registrar. Check the True Blue Travis website for announcements of voter registration drives (Goal: 60,000 in ’06!), or better yet, make sure you’re on their email list, so you won’t miss one.
Or spend some time on the weekend helping out one of your favorite candidates. Here’s a list of all of our local candidates, and here’s one for the statewide and federal candidates, including links to their websites and email.
Devote some money $5 or $500 – it adds up. Pick a candidate to donate directly to from the list above, or donate to the Travis County Democratic Party, or the coordinated campaign, True Blue Travis. Become a fundraiser. Create your very own fundraising page on Act Blue, pick candidates you want to support, send your weblink to everyone you know, and encourage them to contribute.
And have fun! Join us at Austin’s own Drinking Liberally at the Dog and Duck every Tuesday at 6:30pm.
I still owe you a reply email from awhile back (he says sheepishly and apologetically) Hope you are doing good!
I’m good – we’re opening a new campus in a little over a week, so it’s been crazy with work stuff. And especially when trying to find time to boot out as many R’s as possible – November is right around the cornere it seems. I know how it goes . . .
Ahoy. Active Kossack here … always glad to read a diary there that says “also available in green”.
Is there any way to remove the ads? dKos allows members to pay a small monthly fee to have the page rendered without ads — I’m looking for something like that.
I may be weird, but I can’t stand visual clutter, and I can’t stand advertisements. I am willing to pay a small subscribers fee to be able to read BooMan Tribune without the advertisements.
Thanks. The pond rocks.
Hello Bolx. I don’t know about the ads, but I’m sure someone can find an answer for you.
You’re right the pond rocks, and welcome.
Welp… Boo makes his millions with those ads π but if you truly desire a clutter-free Pond experience, download the Firefox browser and there’s a setting on there wherein you can disable all those ads and not see them.
I use Netscape myself so dont ask me WHICH buttons to click but I know they’re there!
Nice to see you here. Wow! We even got Cake and Janet Strange out of the woodwork. Awesome!!!!
Hey cake, sorry to hear about your ear probs. Had it myself a couple of times over the years. Really lousy. They always gave me Antivert, which seemed to help after a day or two. . .but maybe it’s “old” stuff, or maybe mine wasn’t as bad as yours. Whatever the case I hope you are soon back to good health. I remember having to crawl across the floor cuz I couldn’t stand up. . .LOL! Not so funny at the time, but the thought of it now makes me laugh.
Good to see you again. You too Janet S. and all the rest of you old reprobates. . .
It’s morning now, guess I should think about going to bed. . . . . . .or not. Oh, whatever.
Thanks for the good thoughts! I am on an anti-vert right now called Meclizine, it takes care of most of the dizziness and the weird head pains and all of the other assorted symptoms. Still playing the wait-and-see game. Hopefully this new doctor isn’t an ass like the last one. (very long story)
Haven’t been called a reprobate since I was teenager! Was my mother’s favorite word for me. Sure your not her? π
Hmmmmmmmmmmm. . .could be. For sure I wouldn’t mind being your mother at all (now that all the hard work has been done, LOL)
Best thoughts and wishes for your health and well being, Cake.
Big, Big Hugs and Loves
It has been great seeing you and diane around here, I know I missed your absence. π Now hopefully Diva can settled in, and hop in here with us.