What Are Ya Havin’?

This is an Almost Hosted Cafe.
Nosh on the table.
Nosh on the table.
Rude, crude, lewd behavior appreciated.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Happy hour is finally here. Belly up to the bar becuase we got what you want.
Beer, beer wonderful beer. I’ll have 27.
I’ll have 27 Excedrin and 27 hours of sleep.
Hey FM, company still around?
27 hours of sleep yes. Pace yourself on the Eexcedrin.
Yep they’ll be here until next Sunday. I figure by that time all the groceries I bought today should be giving out. 🙂
buy fewer groceries.
Either that or start hiding food in my room. 🙂
Hanging in there, okay?
Did you find an orthopedic surgeon?
Yeah, she has an appointment tomorrow to see if she’ll need surgery on her wrist and foot. And the dean of students was helpful at the school, but we’ll just have to wait to see how soon she can resume classes and driving, etc.
I’m glad the dean was helpful — were there services available to help with classes?
She was going to email all of my daughter’s professors and tell them what’s going on. She’ll have more time to make up assignments for one thing. She wants her to come into the office when she wants to start class again and they’ll figure out what she needs.
Sounds like a fine plan. I hope it made Ryan feel a bit better.
Did you go out and buy the super-saver size of bubble wrap?
Not quite as fun as popping them in real life. After 40 years I still never tire of it.
Some of us never grow up. 🙂
The sound was all wrong. Plop? What kind of sound is plop for bubble wrap?
When I had surgery on my neck (spinal fusion), I wasn’t allowed to drive for 6 weeks afterward. You meet all sorts of interesting people on the bus. Even some you don’t want to, but I figured it was a learning experience.
Also, what most doctors don’t tell you is that it takes about three to five years to fully recover from surgery or truma. So, it’s best to take the long view when thinking of treatment (physical therapy, pain management, etc.), otherwise, it just takes longer, and leads to lots of feelings of discouragement (“I should be better by now”) and shortchanging the healing process.
Been there, done that, bought the Tee-shirt.
Some of them are great. Some, not so much. Sounds like a good one.
Hi all. I’ll stick with tea for the next two hours – if I let go of the alcohol before noon rule, it’s a very slippery slope from there.
I had too many friends growing up whose parents spiked their morning OJ with vodka.
OMG vodka in the morning. Everybody knows you start with beer.
Then again, Sunday morning bloody marys aren’t bad. 🙂
Champagne brunch is my outside limit, or maybe a mimosa brunch, for that vitamin C hit.
I figure if I want vitamin C, I’ll have a screw driver. But tomato juice has potassium doesn’t it? Decisions. 🙂
is at 4:20.
You come right on over here and sit by me. 🙂
By you or on you? 🙂
I think the world would be a far better place if instead of politicians continuing to blow smoke up our asses, they smoked a bit of mother earth.
Hey Blair… what say we bomb the shit out of Iraq??
Nawwwwwwwwww fuck it.
By you or on you?
Surprise me. 🙂
A high school friend and I used to think we could solve all the world’s problems if we could lock up all the leaders in the White House, shut the chimney flues, throw a bale on the fireplace, and not let them out — or let any Cheetohs in — until all the treaties had been signed.
Hey, I sent you a little something today (no, not any of that, lol); it should show in your mailbox in a few days.
At this point.. I think the Regime needs to be tossed ON the fire. 🙂
Thank you for the surprise. You turned my mailbox into a box of Cracker Jack. I wonder if it’ll be a ultra cool spit on tattoos. 😀
FM, what’s in that beer……..?
rt/clik for big size
Now I want to know what was in the beer too. That’s a way trippy picture, dada. Very cool.
That’s the beer from the back room. Did ya see the black lights too. 🙂
you been holdin’ out on us FM…that’s good beer!!!…:{)
We aim to please dada. However for that back room, sandles and tie dye required. 🙂
At least I think that’s how I remember it.
Listen to me tell ya what’s required. Hell that’s your room. Sort of like the Froggy Bottom Twilight Zone. You walk through the back door and it opens into everyones room. Geeze that room is making me go metaphysical. 🙂
Drugs are no fun if ya need em…:{)
Gotta go work on dinner…later my friend.
So if we do both a.m. and p.m. and we’re open-minded about longitude, it’s always happy hour.
I thought it was always happy hour all the time.
So beer at 5:00 am isn’t normal?
Andi! 🙂 You have to try this beer… it’s called “Arrogant Bastard” I kid you not. The hockey dudes all love it. Mr. Damnit turned them on to it.
with that name make you think of me? 😉
not the name.. the adoration it’s been receiving from many I know. 🙂
I ain’t falling for that — but nice try.
Well I don’t/won’t drink beer. But I always like to hear what is good… I hear this is good. So thought you, the Beer Guru, might like to know. I’ll wait till I find a beer called Happy Snappy Photographer 🙂
I do like beer and I do like to tease, too. 🙂
And I really loved the idea that a beer called Arrogant Bastard would make you think of me.
Arrogant Bastard Beer
The bottle is even cool 🙂
appears to start and end with the beer’s name. 🙂
Arrogant Bastards site
‘ere. 🙂
Hi Cake.
Hey there Mr. Family Man! How are you tonight? 😉
I’m doing fine. How are you feeling?
Bah it comes and goes. 😉
Shhhhhh… did anyone hear that noise??
it’s always 4:20 somewhere.
Really. It doesn’t.
So I went upstairs to take a nap, and just as I was drifting off I heard a clatter. At first I thought my granddaughter had come home early from playing over at her aunt’s house, but I didn’t hear her turn on the TV, so that was pretty much proof it wasn’t her. I figured whatever it was, it could wait until I had a nap.
Then I wake up about an hour and a half later and come downstairs to find the bread machine had tried to commit suicide. I don’t know why it was so despondent, but the clatter I heard was it knocking a bunch of plastic storage containers off the counter as it jumped around kneading the dough, on its way to leaping into the trash can. Luckily I had just changed the liner, and even more luckily it unplugged itself as it did its attempted leap into appliance oblivion so it didn’t start a fire.
Now I’m seeing if the partially kneaded loaf that was still in the pan is going to rise and turn into bread, or whether I had a big ol’ lump of unraised dough that isn’t even kosher for Passover because it had leaven in it (never mind that the leaven, um, didn’t).
Oh, and I had a recruiter call me today. Someone over at Boeing remembered me from an interview I did over there last year and wanted to know if I was available. The commute would be a killer but doable, and even more important I would be back to work. So here’s hopin’.
Hope the job comes through Omir.
The bread could always be used as spackle, sort of. 🙂
Spackle that bugs could eat their way through. Now there’s an entertaining thought.
What’s that commercial? Happy cows make happy cheese.
Happy bugs make……
Yes, good luck with the job prospect.
I find dogs are a good disposal unit for all failed cooking/baking efforts. Any hounds about?
None I would want to torture with a bread brick. On the other hand I could use it as a doorstop.
I seem to remember making a bread brick earlier this year. I must have set the machine up wrong, or missed the yeast, or somethin’.
Luna cleaned her teeth with it for a few hours. As far as dogs are concerned, they like a good gnaw, and a challange (and road kill – but we’re trying to forget that incident from last week).
Good luck OMIR!!! That commute would suck though.
Yeah, it’s longer than the commute out to Redmond and I’d have to start it at about 7 in the morning. On the other hand, I have lots of music and books to keep me company, and the recruiter lined up someone in my neighborhood that I could carpool with. It wouldn’t be much of a pool, since I don’t drive, but I’d be very happy to supply them with gas money.
I’m just freakin’ on the term “recruiter” ACK 🙂
Hey I found your blog… and that is SO not your picture… it can’t be. 😀
Heh. It isn’t. On the baseball board people used to remark about my advanced age because I was always talking about my granddaughter, and one of my friends dug that up. It’s actually a picture of Harry Halford, at the time the oldest man in England, I think (about 107).
Hmmm, one of these days I need to update the blog.
Don’t sweat the word “recruiter.” In my business recruiters are a good thing, or at least a tolerated nuisance, and they find me jobs that I wouldn’t be able to find on my own. It has nothing to do with m*l*t*r* recruiters (term masked so as to not freak you out further).
Hmmm, one of these days I need to update the blog.
You silly man! 🙂 Good luck with the job. I wish is was closer to your home… actually I wish you could make a ton of money just blogging 🙂
So do I, but so far whenever blogging is involved the money seems to flow the other direction (out instead of in).
I’m pretty proud of it myself.
For some reason the suicidal bread machine has me laughing hard enough to almost cry. “My loaf is meaningless, I’m going to end it all.”
I’ll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you on the job front. Unemployed is a bummer if that’s not where you want to be.
It would have been pretty bad if the bread machine had fallen on the floor and broken itself. I don’t really have the money or the inclination to replace it.
On the other hand the fortuitousness of landing in the trash can was just . . . well like you said ROTFL. It’s like Arlo says. Some things in life are just put there to make you smile.
I would love “unemployment” if I could make enough money at it for it to be enjoyable. As it is I’m barely getting by, the credit card bill is climbing, and I’m old enough that the voice in the back of my head says “One of these days they’re going to stop hiring you.” If I had the discipline to write and had writing income coming in, that would be perfect. Nobody cares if you’re over 50 if you’re a writer (unless you’re writing for TV, apparently).
If I were smart I’d take the opportunity afforded by the next job to start that writing project I’ve always meant to do. Well, I guess that rules that out.
That seems unusual behavior in an appliance. Did the loaf get out of balance or something? I’m very glad for you that it landed someplace soft, and even more that it unplugged itself. Still, I can’t help laughing.
I hope you do start that writing project. I love your voice here, and I’d be happy to buy some books to contribute to an ongoing writing career should you get it started back up again. Though, I have to admit that it’s not a great way to make money, at least not at first. I don’t like to think about all the spec hours I’ve got invested in a career that’s about a quarter of a living so far. Fortunately Dr.Mc is happy with the idea of me as a kept man and (because I’m relatively inexpensive) can afford to do so on her extravagant academic salary.
My guess is that the bread somehow got overbalanced. The machine was sitting right on the edge of the counter, and I think the dough just got off center and it made the machine wobble enough that it wobbled off the edge, taking the containers with it when the plug came out of the socket.
At least that’s what I hope happened. I like to think better of my microwave than that it was sitting there whispering “DO it, DO it, DO it” to the bread maker while the stove and refrigerator looked on, helpless to intervene. (And kudos to the trash can, which timed its leap perfectly to break the breadmaker’s fall and ensure that it was unharmed.)
But then again, I haven’t seen the citrus juicer for a while, so . . . hmmmmmmmmm.
(Oh yeah, it’s about bread minus 10 minutes and it looks like the bread rose at least as much as it did last time, so I think I’m OK. It’s not rising as much as I think it should, but I think that’s because I’m using some older yeast and I just need to add another teaspoon or so.)
As for the writing, thanks for the kind words. Mostly I just need to come up with some good, memorable characters, and I figure if the characters are good enough the story will pretty much write itself. Of course a plot, conflict, resolution, and putting my butt in the chair to the tune of 3000 words a day would go a long way toward getting a novel written too. If I could just do that, I figure by the time I’m 65 I could retire on, oh, a tenth of what I make as a Perl jockey. About enough to keep me in Alpo as I sit on the street corner with my banjo, my harmonica, and my sign that says PLEASE HELP THE HIPNESS IMPAIRED.
a ruined loaf of fresh bread. ::tears roll down face::
Good luck on the job.
Thanks, I could use some money coming in.
Hey Keres, you’re kinda like the Dog Whisperer, right? Do you mind if I ask you for some advice re: doggy behavior?
Sure, ask away.
I was nearly attacked today by a dog I only have about 20lbs on. He’s been friendly with me before, and this is the first time in my life I’ve ever been threatened by an animal. Most typically, even animals who refuse to sit with other folks will be in my lap, cozied up to me in 5 minutes. This pooch was like that when I’ve met him before — and he’s never threatened anyone else, either. But he came at me today viciously and relentlessly and had to be locked up so I could enter the house.
Now, his human “mother” is currently dying from cancer, so I’m imagining he’s pretty well freaked out in general. I was over there to help out and visit with her, and new people have been in and out of the house way more than usual lately, plus I was wearing some scented lotion and cologne that he may not have liked. But I’m going to have to go back over there again, and I’m still totally freaked out from the experience.
So I was wondering if maybe you had any advice or anything for how to negotiate that context in a safe way? Should I just ask them to lock him up from now on? Is there a better way to approach him? I tried to come slowly and gently to him with my hand out so he could sniff me and see I was safe but he just took advantage of that to try and launch another attack. I’m disabled and I can’t fight this dog off — he’s a year old Golden Retriever and he is massive; if he pins me, I am meat.
Dogs respond to cues we don’t always understand. I remember one time my dog started barking like mad at me. I couldn’t figure out what was going on until I remembered that I was wearing a reversible coat that I had turned slick side out to keep me dry in the rain. There must have been something about that unfamiliar coat he didn’t like.
Dogs respond to scents more so than we do, so that could have been it, or it could have been that he was just freaked out by the unusual circumstances.
Good luck. I don’t have any answers, but I hope someone does.
Thanks, Omir. I was just wearing a tshirt and jeans, although I had on some sunglasses, maybe he didn’t like those. It was just really weird because it was so vicious, not only for his personality, but also for my experience. It kinda freaked us all out.
What I need is one of those bread machines, set to Stun. 😉
Next if you can, have roomie’s mom approach the dog with you. And while she’s still there you should give the dog a few treats. The combination of approval from the “alpha” and food should help.
Mom can’t get out of bed. And his “other mother” was right there, trying to calm him. No dice, he still went off.
Then I’m with everybody else — safety first. The dog needs to be locked up when you’re there.
LOL . . . if the bread fails I’ll send it to you. While he’s breaking his teeth on it you can slip by.
We have a demented black Lab in our neighborhood. If the parents are out in the yard with him he’ll just look at me as I go by and not say anything, but if it’s him by himself or just the kids he’ll bark like mad and play-bow (in my response to my play-bowing at him) and run around the yard. Sometimes he’ll respond to me taking him a dog treat, sometimes it’s like, “OK, I’ll take the treat, but I’m still going to bark at you.”
Stay away from the dog. If as you say, he wasn`t like this on previous occasions, you`ll never know how he will be at any given moment. There are many things that could be the reason for this behavior but being mauled is inexcusable. I could never trust that dog again. I`ve been around dogs all my life & am big & stong. Still It`s pretty amazing how strong a large dog can be. You also stated you may not be able to fend him off, so please do not put yourself in danger.
Thanks Knucklehead. That’s pretty much where my head’s at, too, but it’s good to have reassurance that I’m not being overly sensitive or paranoid.
Check your pockets for beef jerky or road kill. That sometimes sets dogs off.
… umm..
I’m no dog whisperer… but I bet he’s feeling very concerned about his mistress and knows she is ill and is on the protective side. I bet he can sense each and every person’s sadness, grief, worry, fear…
He probably needs a break from it… a nice trip to the beach/park. Something familiar. Soemthing “normal”.
I think you’re right on about his psychological state.
Regardless, for your safety… it’s best he be kenneled up while you are there.
I’m sure he’s just overwhelmed with all the “vibes” right now. All he knows is (ala Froggy Doggy Bloggy)
Me Mstress Sck
Me Gots tooby Grd dg
Me gots lts uv wrk
Gots tukeep Mstress sAf
Gots lots bd vybz
Tu mny sad in ayr
Scrd ayr
Me barcs bad awy
Cuz me luvs mistress
Me wannby gud dg
The only 100% safe answer is to have him locked up when you are around. It’s really not worth taking the risk of getting hurt.
I don’t think Goldens are prone to rage syndrom. OK, I just looked it up and they are not a listed breed. Rage syndrom is most comnon in Spaniels, and dogs expresing it tend to get a glazed look in their eyes. Afterwards they are fine. It’s like their brains short-circuit and they don’t recognize people they know.
There’s no one answer to dealing with an aggressive dog. I’m big, and able to take on a dog if need be, so I usually put my arms up and yell at them to back off. Obviously that won’t work if you are little or don’t know how to fight a dog. There is also the consideration that, in your case, you are entering a dog’s territory, and that is more problematic for some breeds, and some doge, than for others.
Sounds like your friends’ dog was acting atypically. If you do chose to have him out when you are there, it should only be when your friends are there with you. That way his owners can correct his mis-behavior, or god-forbid, stop him if he attacks you.
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate that. Yeah, the whole thing was just bizarre and scary. Since one of the primary features of my disability is muscle weakness, I’m pretty much defenseless anymore unless armed. And I’m not armed. 🙂
I think just to be safe, I’m going to ask them to lock him up if they need me over there. Then I only have to worry about the Attack Rooster out near the barn, and he’s a little easier to wrestle if the need arises. 🙂
Too bad we’re on different continents, or their attack rooster could duke it out with my attack drake.
Heh, insert your own “lesbian-hosted cockfights” joke here.
That doesn’t sound good … I think you should ask them to keep him locked up when you are there … I don’t think you should take any chances, especially when this behaviour was so uncharacteristic.
Oh well, that settles it, then. 🙂 No seriously, after talking it out with everyone, I think that’s what’s best, too.
Thanks for the advice everyone! {{Cafe}}
and we want you to be safe … 🙂
Wow, consensus. And it’s not 10 hours into a Greens meeting.
Glad to hear it. Being a chew toy for your partner is one thing. . .
Take care, Indy, and don’t get chomped.
Indy said “doggy”… hehehehehehehehehe 😀
Hey all,
The place is hopping.
Posting this since I promised to let y’all know know how a person could go about ordering a signed personalized copy of WebMage. That’s now officially possible through the auspices of Dreamhaven Books, a damn fine F&SF specialty store in the Twin Cities. They even have a page up specifically for me with all the info: Link
The Dreamhaven page mentions that the books will be available sooner then my reading if I stop in. If anyone does order a book through Dreamhaven, let me know to stop in sooner and I will make a point of doing so.
Hi Kelly and thanks.
How’d the writing day go?
though I did a fair bit of promotion as well. Some e-interview stuff, putting together pull quotes from reviews, and answering fan mail. That’s the weirdest thing, actually. I’m glad that people like the book and I think it’s cool that they want to tell me so, but at the same time, it’s just a surreal experience.
When I was younger I used to really like Heinlien until one time I read a book about him, and it talked about how much he hated fan mail.
I hope you’re have a good experience with it.
I think it’s just that I’m a little too midwestern to cope well with compliments.
Gotta scamper, Dr.Mc is telling she’s got a hot bath waiting for me.
See ya Kelly.
Lucky boy!
Lucky stiff 🙂
Stiffy luck??
Take care KMc’s 🙂
Froggy Bottom Happy Hour II here