Clear eye observers, Sidney Blumenthal Israel’s debacle, courtesy of Bush and William S. Lind Beat! both stated the obvious that corporate media has ignored; Hezbollah won the Lebanon War. No wonder the French are getting cold feet in heading the UN peacekeepers. What nation can realistic believe that they can disarm the forces that defeated IDF without getting their asses kicked too. There may be a Lebanese political settlement without a repeat of sectarian violence but the one thing for sure is that Hezbollah will be dictating terms as the victor.

The second observation is that the Commander in Chief is delusional.  He will “Double Down” and open the 4th and 5th Middle East fronts; no matter that Lebanon proved Air Power won’t turn Muslims against their government or that 130,000 US troops in Iraq are hostages to millions of Shiite Revolutionary Guards. The only possible outcome is nuclear Armageddon.