Froggy Bottom Happy Hour II
This is an unhosted cafe.
Newcomers welcome and join the fun.
Your first drink is on us!
Your first drink is on us!
Rude, Crude and Lewd language is encouraged.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Clean tables and the beer is still flowing.
Come on in.
The question is, how many people are still around?
I am here…kinda in and out but still here. 😉
How are things?
Better. Much better. Hubby finally got a good job with decent benefits so things aren’t as tight as they used to be. Which relieves a whole lot of stress on him. 😉
That’s nice news. Glad to see you around again!
Last day of work tomorrow! Woohoo!
On the other hand, I had an extremely difficult time tonight writing my diary. It was like I had severe writer’s block and a high lack of motivation.
Hello Psi. a high lack of motivation I know well. 🙂
Damn I forgot who I was.
Gotta run for a minute, back in awhile.
Heh…now I know who’s behind the Froggy Bottom robot! 😛
Yeah, it was difficult. It didn’t help that I closed the window that I was writing my original diary in. So frustrating when that happens…I couldn’t bring myself to re-write everything tonight, so I’ll be writing what was supposed to be tonight’s entry tomorrow.
I too am feeling a bit unmotivated. I should be doing something to get ready for school, but, here I sit.
OK, not really, but I might just change it.
Why go through all that trouble?
You’re right, that would take motivation.
I post two witty and insightful comments in the other diary and then figure out this one is open. 🙂
The bread looks like it’s rising acceptably and should be done soon, which is good, because I’ll be hungry about the time it does. London broil (the cut, not the cooking method), Rice-a-Roni, homemade bread for dinner and maybe if I get ambitious, some veggies. Yum.
If you haven`t figured out what to do with your unleavened dough from your suicidal machine, you might want to put it in the bank.
That way when an old hippie says “Hey man, ya got any dough?”
You can say “Ya man, but it`s all in the bank”.
Just say`n.
Would anyone be willing to go recommend my diary about the Michigan Meet-up this past Sunday? I would really appreciate it.
OK all those old geezers have gone to sleep and it’s us really young people now.
Wait a minute. Gotta change my Depends. 🙂
This old geezer is still awake, but becoming bleary eyed fast. Nite all.
It’s hard to believe that makeup is now considered a weapon of mass destruction, when it has notoriously been used as a weapon of mass deception.
Poor little waif.
Heading to bed shortly…just downloaded Camino (Mac OS X web browser) but not sure I like it as much as Firefox; the fonts seem to be awfully small (or maybe that’s just my old age showing up).
Got to get started on my diary project (CA propositions), but I seem to be falling into the same hole you were in tonight, Psi…need to set up a routine and get to it, or it’ll be election time before we know it…
Okay, off to bed with me…