Peace Vigil 8/9/06
Peace Vigil 8/2/06

“”There isn’t anyone here who doesn’t support the troops,” says Ben Fain, one of the vigil organizers.

The weekly gatherings began a year ago this week to support the efforts of Cindy Sheehan, who set up camp outside President Bush’s ranch in Crawford, Texas. Sheehan, the mother of a solider killed in Iraq, became the public face of Americans grieving over a loved one taken in war.

Since then, the Beaverton group has never missed a Wednesday, gathering at 6:30 p.m. through blistering heat, numbing cold and Oregon rain. ” Oregonian Article: A vigil for the dead . . . and for peace

The Vigilers also showed support for Lt. Watada and raised over $400 for his defense fund

My son.

Ben, one of the wonderful Vigil Organizers

Most wore black to show mourning for a sad anniversary.

My family and our hockey buddy (his first vigil)

Phil Ochs, Woody Guthrie & The Youngbloods

New friends. My husband, in VFP shirt, today was his birthday. He met another USN ET Vet. Both Veterans for Peace. One from Viet Nam, one from Gulf War… both standing for Peace.