Thought we’d check out
this lovely bar tonight…
this lovely bar tonight…

…Anybody want to join me for a cold one?
Don’t let the name of the place scare you…
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
made me think it might be our kind of place:
Count me in.
Whew! I thought nobody was around but me.
Nope I’m in and out. Trying to blog from the den right now. Seeing how far I can go with the wireless router.
Got FMom sitting by me watching the screen. First time for her.
Hi FMom! Fine boy you got here! 🙂
To late. I’m back at my normal place.
Phew! I’m not a good liar.
See FMom I told you she would say something like that.
Oh wait, FMom is not here. 😛
I’m here too. Laid up with a bum ankle (which stopped me from going to the Michigan meetup last weekend..grrr).
So my life now consists, basically, of laying on the couch, watching tv or reading, icing every 30 minutes, and messing around on my laptop.
It isn’t as fun as I thought it would be. Oh well…
Except for the icing, that’s pretty much me.
I told ya’ll it wasn’t easy. 🙂
I don’t know how you do it, FM. If I didn’t have YouTube to keep me company, I do think I’d go crazy.
It’s a learn art. Patience is the key. 🙂
How’d you do that?
Playing ultimate frisbee. I went to jump for a disc and tried to jump off of a guy’s foot. Next thing I know I’m on the ground and can’t feel my right foot through the blinding pain.
See if you had never left the couch to begin with that wouldn’t have happened.
Hope it gets to feeling better soon.
Yeah, but (as albert said in an open thread yesterday) ultimate frisbee is like a drug to some of us. In fact I probably wouldn’t be laying on the couch, elevating, icing, and trying to get it to heal more quickly if I wasn’t trying to be ready to play again in the championship series next month.
Yeah I know the feeling. Ultimate lawn care is that way with me.
Ouch. Hope it heals quickly enough for you to play next month. 🙂
that Bacchus and Dionysus are the same fella so there aren’t extra points for shaming both of them?
Pah, next you’ll be telling me that Ares and Mars are the same guy. Rubbish!
Family Man and Family Guy.
Nope. If you ever watch My Name is Earl. I id with his brother Randy more than anyone else. 😛
If that’s true he’s really stretching the limits of his wireless router right now.
Sort of like taking a trip and never leaving the farm. 🙂
Hehe…I remember that clip. Too funny.
Hello Psi. How’s the first day of freedom from the job?
It’s a weekend, FM. I can’t really tell the difference on Saturday, y’know? 😛
Are you kidding? My last work day was on a Friday and from there on each day seem more special.
Well I guess now each day to me is a weekend. Never mind. 🙂
I forgot to add Psi. One of the reasons I took the puter up to the den was for FMom to read you Ethanol diary.
It was in our local paper that we have an ethanol plant coming in the future.
Why remember when you can YouTube?
Oh, and….YEAH!!
Hey Olivia, did you get a chance to check out any of the Ultimate videos?
Not yet … any you recommend?
Sorry to hear about the ankle … bummer!
I think that the video for Nemo, 2004, Motown Throwdown is pretty much the gold standard. Other good ones are Nemo, 2003, No Surf, and Nemo, 2004, Sectionals.
If anyone else is interested : Ultimate Videos
I’ll check those out … 🙂
I’m still trying to get a picture of Olivia the metal chick in my head. For some reason I’m seeing you with a spiked purple or pink mohawk.
How’s it going?
Did you read ej’s metal mosh pit thread?
Sure did metal girl. 🙂
I’ll tell you that George Bush and Snidely Whiplash are the same person.
(Sorry about you ankle; keep it elevated.)
Yep, I am…I wish I could tell you this was the first time I’ve gone through this, but sadly it’s not.
I thought that was part of the joke… 🙂
so you’re probably right.
to the seafood restaurant I want to go to sometime:
The Cantankerous Fish
Love the name…
Been in and out myself…and guess what? I’ve decided to get my spud butt back to school next quarter! The local community college sent out the entire fall schedule with its quarterly newsletter, so I skimmed through and found they were offering Aquacize which I love. So I signed up for the Tuesday/Thursday evening section, then decided to take a couple of other classes while I’m at it and actually work on finishing my AA degree — taking Survey of International Business and Intro to Macroeconomics. For some reason, I feel like finally finishing what I started many moons ago…even if I never use it, just knowing I’ve got it will be enough. And I’m starting myself off relatively easy — just going a couple of days a week so I don’t burn myself out.
Classes don’t start till late September, so I’ve got lots of time to freak myself out…
Hi Cali. That’s great you’re getting back in school.
The Cantankerous Fish sound pretty cool.
Good going, Cali!
Great news Cali, I’m sure you’ll do really well…classes always go better if you’re taking them because you want to be there instead of having to be there 🙂
That’s great!
Something exciting to look forward to!
you didn’t tell people that they could drink there if they can find MacDougal Street.
You can drink if you can find Bourbon Street. You can hear some damn good jazz too.
Wrong city. Guess again.
I know, I just wanted to momentarily relive my time down in New Orleans. It really was some great jazz.
Looks like it was fun.
It really was. And the food was great. I’d go again in a heartbeat.
If you do it again, let me know. You were about 2 miles from my home when you went by on the interstate.
I definitely will. You’re up around Huntsville, right?
Nope, between Tuscaloos, AL and Meridian, MS.
Dammit, I knew that. You’re right, I went right by you. Of course at that point I had been up for over 24 hours straight and probably wouldn’t have been too great at conversation, but I could probably have matched you at lying around on the couch (for a while, at least) 😀
Yeah I think when you wrote your diary about the trip, we figured out you went by here after being awake a looong time.
Next time I’ve got a big comfy couch you can knock out on and plenty of coffee when you get up.
Do Something
See I did do some work after my nap. LOL
Here is my latest design.
I’m Gay & I Vote
Good design Refinish.
I guess since you’re rested up now, you’ll be working until 5 or 6 am. 🙂
Thank you!!!! I doubt I will stay up that late but I do have quite a few things to try and get done tonight and tomorrow. LOL
Just try and squeeze a nap in from time to time.
I still have hope of turning you to the slack side. 🙂
LOL!!! I doubt that will ever happen. I have to many things to get done and way to little time.
I always looked at it, I have way to little time not to slack.
Maybe I will feel that way when I hit geezerdom. LOL
Hell I was born this way.
It was only the inconvenience of having to eat that had me working. 🙂
ROTFLMAO!!!! I guess I am just the opposite. I have always over extended myself and been involved in as many things as I can be at all times. I hate working cause it takes away from my volunteer time. LOL
Well volunteering is something you enjoy, so it could be considered slacking. I on the other hand enjoy naps. 🙂
We both agree on work.