What Are Ya Havin’?
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New clean lounge open for those who are dial-up impaired.
I’m trying to figure out who Mary, SN and Andi are in the picture above.
But oh yeah, I’ll take a beer.
I think I’m the one behind the bar listening in on everyone’s conversation.
Well I have to be behind the bar. The other guys are too short to be me.
Have a Moxie on me 🙂
I can’t believe you’re so calm, I’d be a wreck if all that happened in my family.
BTW, how’s the puppy?
The puppy is a sweetie – but a handful. What incredibly bad timing I picked to get a new puppy. Of course I didn’t know she was going to get hit by a car. I would have put the puppy off a few weeks. 🙂
I suppose the puppy is too … puppyish … to entertain your daughter and keep her mind off of everything?
She’s great at it! For instance, she jumps up onto her bruised knee, therefore making her forget about her broken nose.
LOL! I’m glad you’re a glass is half full kind of person. I hope your daughter is.
What about your sons? How was the “off to college” business?
except that his cell phone is worthless down there and we have to change plans and pay a big cancellation fee. Damn Sprint.
His big week kind of got swallowed up by the girl’s little accident and the new puppy. 🙁
He’s in college. Lots of parties to take his mind off of his mother 🙂
Oh please, don’t even try to tell me that parties hold more allure than his mother. See, as a non-mother you are so naive. 😉
but I’ve been at college parties. Sorry 🙂
…and I’ve…never…been to a college party. Sigh.
at one and really embarass your son 🙂
Do they still yell “TOGA TOGA TOGA” like in Animal House? Somehow I think I’ve just dated myself.
we’ll have to ask PsiFighter. It’s been a long time since I went to a college party. <sigh>
Call him every two hour and he won’t have to worry about going to parties.
I’m the one who took the picture. That’s why everyone looks so bad.
I think the one with the stylish white bow in her hair must be Andi. She has a flair for that sort of thing.
Sorry SN. Just can’t picture Andi with a stylish white bow in her hair. 🙂
But I’ve seen how hot she is in person while you can only draw conclusions based on small talk. You should see her vast bow collection.
Bow collection? Nope I’m not going there. My head hasn’t had knots on it in awhile. 😛
as in bow and arrow
Yes, but they’re beautiful and frilly and feminine anyway.
LOL,me either!
OK then who’s the third from the left, saying something like, want to come up to my place sailor. 🙂
Hey Family Man,
I have the answer for your question.
Andi is the proper looking lady with the hat. SN is behind the bar because the drinks are free back there, and she could use a few these last few days. And Mary is talking to the Fed E…I mean the sailor ;o)
You must be the sailor. Hi sailor.
Hi Flapper :o)
My grandma (if she were alive) would be proud of me. She was quite the flapper in her day.
Although that woman’s shoes are so stylish it’s possible that she’s really Izzy.
Hey Super. You’re a mind reader. You posted that even before I asked the question. 🙂
If only I could figuire out how to read my owm mind…
At least you’ve got one to worry about reading. Just a bunch of empty space between my ears. 🙂
Hey, keeping it simple is a good strategy!
Strategy hell. Simple is all I know. 🙂
Now, who would that be …?
Don’t know. 🙂
Thumbnails should help the dial-uppers.
The view from my window next to the computer.
That’s looks so peaceful keres.
It is, during the week when the neighbors are not using heavy machinery of chainsaws and their kids are not riding their trail bikes for hours on end.
All I can here right now is the wind and the birds. Of course, if I wait too much longer I’ll be hearing the whines of several hungry alpacas.
Ah yes, feeding the critters. I haven’t done farm critter feeding in awhile.
The most vocal critter I ever had was a donkey.
I had adopted her from the BLM at one of their Mustang and burro adoptions. Having lived wild her first three years she thought a regular feeding schedule was literally the BEST. THING. EVER. She’d set in with the HEE-HAW HEE-HAWING once she could hear that you had gotten out of bed – apparently that’s what the big ears are for.
LOL that would have been something to see.
Here`s a pic inspired by the blue & yellow flower, by Olivia, you had up last week.
Wow, that’s gorgeous. Did you take that?
I caught ya! 🙂
Looks like you’re doing well, from reading the previous comments …
Hey Olivia where ya been?
Certainly not recording anything … 😉
All good things take time and more time and more time….. 🙂
Too much time and people will be tapping their toe. 🙂
… could record the toe tapping for a post? It’d be like a mini version of Stomp … LOL
Or they could record a continual whining of the word… when. 🙂
I almost missed you slipping in the back door of the bar.
Still taking bug pictures?
Yes Mary B,
It`s in one of my reef tanks, & here`s another one for you. It`s reflections of reflections. This one I took last night in one of my other reefs.
The colors are just amazing!
That’s really something.
What a beauty!
Olivia, I hope you like tomatoes.
… but I like your photos even more … 😉
This one says you rescued tommy?
Yes Olivia,
Since people get to know some of the interests I have, I often get calls to
save people from themselves. I guess some people think it would be cool to have a reef & they buy the best. The problem is you can`t buy brains. They end up not knowing appropriate care these beautiful creatures require. Some feel terrible, some feel guilty, but I feel that at least they didn`t flush them. So I acquire fish this way & place them with knowledgeable hobbyists when it`s a size problem or when there would be conflict with some of the many fish I already have. There are also fish that should be in a marine tank or fish only tank. The reason is that certain fish love to eat corals, which in my case is not very practical as I have many corals in all my tanks. But rest assured they all get very good homes. Here`s another shot of “Tommy Tomato”. He`s getting used to an anemone that split last week, so he now serves two masters.
That’s great that you do that … but it doesn’t surprise me seeing some of the other animals you’ve rescued 🙂
they’re wearing — oh the horror — dresses!
There you are! What are you doing way down here?
and a pure leftist.
Aloof and stand-offish with a bow in your hair?
down here? It’s quite a crush at the bar. But I think I can get that sailor to buy us all drinks 🙂
Complete the following:
The last time I wore a dress . . .
For me it would be – “Carter was in the White House.”
… was probably before you were born.
The last time I wore a dress John B***kman thought he could get it over my head just because he bought me a hideous pink carnation corsage. Um, 1978.
And was he right?
God, no! He was my fallback date and he had green hair from the swim team. Plus, he drove a Matador. I had standards back then.
And very high standards too I see. 🙂
Don’t let that intimidate you, FM – you’ll get there. 😛
Now if I had asked that, it would have been multiple poundings on the head.
I went to a wedding shower at a frou frou ladies tea room. So I went dressed for the occasion.
You’re such a girl. As if the lawyer thing wasn’t intimidating enough.
I’m difficult that way 🙂
you have a tremendously impressive number of freckles.
if they all ran together I’d have a great tan though!
My daughter has darling little freckles all over the bridge of her nose – like cinnamon sprinkles. Now that her nose is the size of a grapefruit all of the freckles stretched along with it.
in a tanning booth and you’ll be all set for Italy.
otherwise I try to stay out of the sun. At least, that’s the plan. It doesn’t work too well in the summer.
Mary has freckles? Well I’ll be. 🙂
Now you’re channeling Gomer Pyle?
Who do you think the guy was modeled after.
can you sing like him?
Nope but I do say, well golley a lot.
Back Home Again in Indiana brought tears to my eyes and vomit to my throat — inestimable distances beyond annoying.
Couldn’t have outdone what I put in the Open Thread yesterday. Tiny Tim singing Do You Think I’m Sexy. 🙁
Yuck. Though I think it would be even worse coming from John Madden. Or Marilyn Manson.
Bet you could find a duo of them doing that on youtube. It’s amazing what you can find there.
you’d know that. I had a conversation with dada about them one night. But I don’t have red hair so I’m safe from him. 🙂
Yeah I always miss out on the good stuff.
Actually she looks better than what I was imagining. But the poor thing …
I didn’t want to show her teeth – she’d kill me. This was in the ER and her swelling got very impressive the next day. Now her whole face is sort of midnight blue and fucshia.
How’s she doing with her medicine now?
She’s just taking ibuprofen now and doing ok. She’s got alot of dental surgery coming up so pain meds will be an issue again.
I’m glad the ibuprofen is doing the job for her, but oh god the dental surgery. I hope she finds something that works for her.
should fly down to take her picture — she really knows how to bring out the midnight blue and fuschia.
Yeah, she WOULD kill you if you showed the worst. And you’re a good mom so you won’t 🙂
No you always keep those and embarrasing kiddy picture for later black mail.
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