Froggy Bottom Slackerly Sunday.
Jump in a hammock and relax.
This is an unhosted cafe
This is an unhosted cafe
Welcome newcomers and lurkers.
There is a hammock waiting for you.
There is a hammock waiting for you.
Beach party
just around the corner. |
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Free bar and the view is great. Grab a hammock.
I’ll have 27 of those umbrella drinks.
Who’s around?
I am, but I’m about to go out for a run. Awfully hot and humid day out, but gotta get the exercise in, ya know?
How’s your weekend going, FM?
Hello Psi. It’s the usual slackerly day.
Be careful in that heat. It can sneak up on you.
I know. Always take a bottle of Gatorade with myself when I go running. Yesterday, I got worn out quicker than usual…but I think it was because I was trying to avoid all the goose crap that had magically appeared on the track.
I guess goose crap could do it. 🙂
Just looking outside at the brown grass wears me out.
You are probably the personification of lazy, just for that comment alone. 😛
Thank you. I try. 🙂
An ironic statement if I ever saw one.
I don’t guess you would believe I run 10 miles a day, huh.
I am! I am! Back from shopping in the wilds of SE PA…and lived to tell the tale in spite of my gonna-be-fourteen-next-Sunday shopping companion. (I’m just kidding, CBtE and I had fun while we were out.)
Anything exciting happen today? I got a new wireless router. woo-hoo.
Nothing exciting so far. You got a wireless too? That’s great.
So has the excitement of having the kids home worn out yet? 🙂
I’ve had wireless, but my most recent router has the weakest signal ever and it’s been getting worse, so I got something different to see if that would fix the problem.
I hope it doess, becuase lately I lose my signal even when I’m within 20 feet of the router. Grr.
I’m still liking having the guys back. Although it will be nice to send them off to school in Setember and get back to a normal work schedule.
So far with the one I just got, I can go all over the house, but when I tried over at my sisters house it was to far. She lives across the street.
I understand about September. When my routine gets thrown off I’m just out of it. Got to have a certain number of naps a day. 🙂
And the new router works all the way to the street, maaybe further. No more running back in the house to load the next web page to read on the patio…
Isn’t the freedom to move around nice. I’m still waiting for nice weather to blog from the patio.
Did you, in fact, have a slackerly Sunday or would you forced into familial activities?
No it’s been fairly slackerly, even took a long nap.
Well I do that all the time anyway. 🙂
I had a pretty unslackerly day going but I fought my way through that and arrrived at a slackerly late afternoon, sitting on the deck, reading.
Good for you. I always love to hear of people slacking.
I hope Mary shows up today. I missed her last Sunday.
Also has anyone heard from or about Wilderness Wench lately? I’ve been thinking about her wondering how she is doing.
You might have to stay up late — last week I think she showed up around 8 your time.
My god all the night owls around here. I guess I can keep my eyes open with toothpicks.
clik image for big version
bizarre looking things close up, eh….
got time for a quick <>
clik for details
then I really gotta go….
Great pic dada. It looks like the stripes are painted on it’s back.
I’d like to try that Fat Tire Amber Ale.
been a whole bunch of these guys around lately…they seldom light long enough to capture….this on was eating something it had caught….
some of them are a bright electric blue…really strange bugs…
Lately the only thing I’ve seen around here are mosquitoes. Little suckers are to fast for me to snap a picture though. 🙂
must be down…..anyway, look for “skinny dip” seasonal brew…..
I already like it. I saw this. ABV 4.2%
My kind of beer. 🙂
How awesome … You can see his eyeballs! 😎 And the wings … kewl! And it has a hole in it’s far end LOL … and the long bit looks like it’s made of sugar cane. And to top if off, it looks as if it’s wearing a stripped vest … LOL.
You have some serious competition in bug pictures Olivia.
I don’t think we’re talking competition here — I’m not in dada’s league here 🙂 … that’s an amazing shot!
It is a great shot, but I think the gold standard is set by your shots. 🙂
And then there’s things far away — wanna play spot the heron?
Your photo from this morning’s cafe was another stunner!
or you wouldn’t have had a chance.
On the morning pic — thanks; there was something about the way the log looked that really appealed to me.
I really need to get new bi-focals. Is the heron green? 🙂
If they would just make a p&s with a 300mm lens like keres has for her SLR, that heron would look like Rodan (yes, this reference is a test of your childhood).
The ultimate p&s is what’s needed.
Rodan? Andi that was way before my time. 😛
but surely you had a misspent childhood watching badly dubbed japanese horror movies.
The first time I ever saw Rodan was in my early 20’s when I moved to St. Louis. In my misspent youth we had the choice of a new outhouse or a tv. The outhouse won. 🙁
Yeah but an outhouse can be tipped over on Halloween.
I’m trying to follow this line of thought here Andi.
So because an outhouse can be tipped over on Halloween, a TV should have been purchased to watch badly dubbed Japanese monster movies. Yep makes sense to me. 🙂
It’s a lovely foggy morning here, and a small flock of Sulfur-crested Cockatoos have decided to visit the back of our property.
We’ve had a light rain on and off last night and this morning – which we desperatedly needed.
Good morning keres. Lovely picture. Your ears must have been burning.
When I was a youngster perusing the TV Guide, there were two things guarenteed to prick my viewing interest “(musical)” and “(Japanese dubbed-english).”
Rodan was in fact my favorite.
I really never did see Rodan until my 20’s, but I liked it.
those icky, clicky bugs in their original huge cinerama glory — they put me off water beetles for the rest of my life.
and thank you for not showing up my pathetic heron shot with one of your great bird photos.
Nothing wrong with that shot. You have to work with what you get, and the framing, color, and sense of movement all come through.
Now if you’ll all give me a few minutes, I’ll post the shots I just took of them when they moved closer to the house.
I’ll delighted to a wait a few minutes for more of your bird photos — of course, since I’m dial-up it will be a few minutes plus a few minutes.
I’m on dial-up as well. And considering how badly run our phone service is, I’m just glad I’m not reduced to bush-telegraph.
Here’s a closer view. I only wish I could send you guys the sound as well.
This is really stretching the limit of the information in this image.
certainly shows how good the original was. — inspired by this I just tried doing something similar with the heron but he’s just a big blur.
With my Nikon D70 I can take an image 3008×2000 pixels, or just over 6 million pixels per image. It gives me lots of info to play with. And with photoshop I can get lots more out of the image than what the camera got.
If you wanted to bring Imogen’s speakers out in person I could let you play with my toys. 😀 Plus, cockatoos.
my p&s shoots at 3072×2304 — you’re just a much better photographer (albeit with better lenses).
(Jim has a D70 so that wouldn’t work as an attraction. The birds might, the hiking definitely would but Jim’s a teacher and the school year just started so we aren’t going anywhere.)
What about his winter break? It will be the height of summer here. Summer being a relative term cuz it rarely gets out of the 70’s-80’s range.
All the critters will have made little ones and the bush will literally be hopping with them.
We heat our house with wood — we don’t go away in winter.
But I do appreciate being enticed.
why I spend hours, and even days, building rain shelters for the critters?
Nina and Inti giving me the stare-down that translates into, “where’s breackfast?”
They look like real characters!
I’ve got to run real fast and get some dinner for everybody.
Back in awhile.
but I just got here …
Glad you made it! How’s it going?
Hey CG, I’m good. How are you?
I’m finally going to see the Chihuly. ON Thursday. If anyone gets any good pictures I’ll post them for you 🙂
Oooh, I’m so envious and can’t wait to see pictures!! Did you see that there’s a New York exhibit? (It’s on my list for September or October.)
Isn’t your Italy trip coming up soon too?
hmmmm interesting… Chihuly AND Al Gore. Quite a combo 😉
I’m looking forward to seeing it. When we had the Big Storm come through in July it took out 40 trees at the Botanical Garden. But it didn’t damage a single piece of the Chihuly exhibit. I would have been so mad at myself if it had been destroyed and I’d missed it.
Italy is in September.
I heard you and SN got together when you were on vacation? I’m jealous SHE got to meet the Cabin Boys. ::sniff::
Yeah, Chuihuly and Gore on the same day? I don’t know if I could handle that. 🙂
How considerate of your Big Storm to miss the artwork and just get the trees. I wish my storms were more particular about what they destroy…
Not only did SN meet the CBs, but I met 2 of her NBs! Maybe you’ll be out this way sometime?
The nearest I’m likely to get to your area might be Harrisburg. Which I suppose is only close in a relative sense? And even that’s unlikely before the end of this year.
But you never know. Stranger things have happened. I might unexpectedly have to go to Philly on business or something.
When do you do your clinicals?
Well, if it happens, let me know.
Ah, my clinicals…the boys go back to school on September 5th, and that’s when I have to get back to work on that. Probably start as soon as I can after that on some of the self-directed work. I took July and August easy this year.
You deserved the break. I’m glad you had some fun.
She deserved the break? Geeze she just had a whole week without the Cabin Boys. One day I’ll teach ya’ll how to work as hard as I do. 🙂
Ahem, it was my first week off in 14 years. I think it was a little overdue. 🙂
You take a vacation after only 14 years? Geeze when you get old you’ll be wanting to slack all the time.
Wait a minute. That’s not a bad thing. 🙂
Don’t you think you’re being a little hard on her FM? Not everyone was born with the slacking gene like you. Some of us work hard to achieve our slackdom 🙂
he was worried about missing you and I told him you didn’t show last week until an hour later.
How ya doing?
I’m good but still recovering from a week of 17 hours days at the office.
So I didn’t get a chance to do any Chicago planning stuff <hangs head>
next week should be better.
How are you?
until he gets back or I’ll have to commit sepaku.
I didn’t do anything on Chicago either so you can unhang your head. I did tell kidspeak about our general plans and she thought they sounded good.
It sounds bad … don’t do it. I’ll be around — I’m vacuuming so I can be easily distracted 🙂
sepaku is Japanese ritual suicide of the falling on the big knife sort.
And it’s somewhat akin to vacuuming.
Maybe I’ll switch to dusting.
So Jim started his school year? (Tell him I’m still crying because of him.)
and he is already in school year mode which means that when I’m told him you were still crying he said to tell you to “suck it up”.
This should take care the last vestiges of your delusion that he is a nice guy.
he doesn’t teach Phys. Ed.? What a meanie!
I went to the movies this week and saw this really great documentary called Can Mr. Smith Get to Washington Anymore?. It’s about Jeff Smith’s 2004 campaign for the U.S. House of Representatives in my district. He came out of nowhere and almost beat Russ Carnahan (it was the race to replace Dick Gephardt). He was one of the Dean Dozen.
Jeff was the guy I supported for State Senate who won his election the beginning of this month. The one that I had that coffee for? It was so cool to see him on screen. One of the producers was at the showing I went to. The film won a film festival award and now they’re taking it to LA in the hopes it will get noticed and nominated for an oscar.
I thought it was really well done. And I took a bunch of only semi-political friends. They all came out wanting to volunteer on a campaign.
On the main page of the web site you can click through to watch the trailer. (Well, you could if you weren’t on dial up … sorry!)
maybe it will show up on one of the premium movie channels so I can see it.
Reading anything good? I just finished Allegra Goodman’s Intuition. I had a like/dislike relationship with it. Like her writing, found the ideas very interesting, couldn’t care less about any of the characters.
I don’t know if they put documentaries on premium channels. (I’m cable illiterate).
I’m still reading The Milagro Beanfield War. I like it but its a slow read.
So since I was kind of brain dead this week I switched over to Jan Karon’s Light from Heaven. It’s part of a series that I suspect you would hate. 🙂 Very sappy. But I’m totally hooked on it.
And it was just the kind of fluff I needed.
You’re right, not my kind of book. I read mysteries, scifi, and fantasy for escape lit.
I’m back.
Hi Mary. Saw you’ve been working real hard. You need to slack more.
Andi don’t fall on your sword.
There you are! Hi. I’m sorry we missed each other last week. How is Family Mom? And the rest of the Family Family?
Everybody is doing fine. I’m sorry I missed you too. Just don’t know about you late night people. 🙂
You’ve got to slow down. You’re working to hard.
I know but it wasn’t my fault. I was working with a bunch of New Yorkers …. and, well, you know how driven those east coast folks are. 😉
What kind of ice cream are we having tonight?
No ice cream tonight. A giant piece of triple chocolate cake and a big glass of milk.
Yeah those New Yorkers are something. Well I guess you could say those North Easterners.
Helmet On. 🙂
Are you getting excited about Italy?
I AM getting excited. Lots of e-mails going back and forth between us with planning stuff. Like whether we want the place we are staying to organize a wine tasting for us, or if we just want to buy wines as we go and then do our own tasting late in the week? We decided on the second choice.
It’s only a few weeks away!
What life altering decisions. How can you stand to make them?
It’s hard when the burden of such tough decisionmaking falls on us, but we try to live up to our responsibilities 🙂
I think I like the second choice better too. That way if you like what you’re tasting, you can keep on tasting and tasting and tasting. Have a rip roaring good time.
Now you know if you get stuck on italian, just email me and I’ll translate. 🙂
You’re so sweet to offer. But I don’t plan to be on-line at all when I’m over there 🙂
Oh now I am down in the dumps. No Mary live blogging from Italy. 🙁
mi dispiace
Actually I’m not sorry at all 🙂
Why did I know that. 🙂
ice cream du jour? I could do that.
Hi SN. How’s everything going tonight?
Meh. My daughter just told me that the insurance guy of the schmuck that hit her called her today and asked her all kinds of questions. Arggghhhh!
Hi SN. Was your daughter in an accident?
Yeah – she got hit by a pickup truck while riding her bike.
Is she OK?
She’s getting better. She has a broken wrist and big toe, a broken nose, several breaks in her facial plate, four four broken teeth, two front top teeth pushed back about 14 degrees, black eyes, scrapes, deep bruises.
OMG! The poor thing.
So … how are YOU doing Mom?
Actually, after the driver’s insurance guy called and asked Ryan how long she’d been riding a bike, we’re thinking of calling a lawyer and suing. Other than that, I’m fine. It’s nice to be able to baby her here at home – though she’s very worried about missing classes which had just started two days before she got hit.
Obviously she knows that his job is to save the insurance company as much money as possible.
to figure out how to get out of paying?
If the guy who hit her was insured by Allstate, tell her not to even bother with the adjuster – just get a lawyer.
I’m serious. Allstate has decided it’s better for their bottom line to seriously low-ball most of their claims, eventually getting people to settle out of shear frustration, and take the occassional hit in court.
When I was hit by a guy who was insured by Allstate, we offered to take a lower settlement (he had basic coverage, and we figured we’d take that and try to get my insurance to cover the rest under my under-inusred motorist coverage) than what we eventually won in court, but they wouldn’t budge – at all.
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