We cannot afford George Bush any longer in the office of the presidency.
The budget deficit is destroying our financial stability and that of future generations. Soon, China and India will be outsourcing jobs here as they shoot past the United States as the primary players on the world economic stage. Thanks a lot George.
Our homeland safety and security is at risk since the Bush-ites will sell out anyone and everyone for a supportive headline in the newspapers and the lead story on newcasts. The British government and especially Tony Blair are only finally realizing, or maybe accepting, this. Poodleboy should have noticed that if the Bush-atics will sell out one of their own intelligence agents, one working on Iran issues, for political gain, well, anyone’s game. What’s that poem: ‘First they came for the CIA agents…’
Our Iraq veterans are just beginning to realize that the Vietnam-era denials about the deleterious health effects of Agent Orange have been ‘replaced’ with iodentical denials about depleted uranium bullets, shells and missiles. Just wait until the care of veterans get privatized–BushCo must have that somewhere on the agenda.
The senior segment of our population has already experienced the MediCare financial boondoggle where the Republicans deliberately turned their respective backs on the opportunity to negotiate lower drug prices. Screw the people, gotta keep those Big Pharma contributions rolling in…
Our students–future scientists, educators and leaders–cannot be supported with necessary finanical aid–let alone roads repairs, security improvements and the like be done–because billions and billions have been wasted in the Iraq boondoggle–with no end in sight. Sorry Mary, you can’t go to school because President Bush is re-making the world and he says we must stay the quagmire…er…course
Trust around the world in the word of the American government is non-existent as the U.S. seeks financial, military and economic cooperation in the Middle East and throughout the world but other countries are rightfully dubious about what they are being told and promised. Hmmm, why? Neo in “The Matrix” may have extraordinary abilities to aid humanity but neo-cons are Agent Smith personified.
It seems Georgie’s getting tired of them Iraqis not being very appreciative and the American public for not sticking with The Most Manly Decider. So let’s make him an offer he can’t refuse. We have no choice because he is personally incapable of repairing the breaks and disconnects, of working with others in resolving any of the aforementioned issues–even if he so desired (which he obviously doesn’t). That would require what he isn’t and has never been:
* able to converse on difficult and complex issues
* able to see the world through more than a black/white lens
* able to feel comfortable with his strengths and weaknesses, ending his torturous ‘self-camouflage’
* able to acquiesce when necessary and appropriate and relinquish his absolute need for constantly playing the ‘alpha’ role
* able to work with non-subservient others, equals who he must listen to and talk with rather than issue directives or see into their souls
How about getting Georgie a shot on the television show “Fear Factor” since he and his cronies are most adept at such mongoring? Sounds like a good trade to me, an offer he couldn’t refuse.
But the diary’s pretty nice too.
Unfortunately, getting rid of the “lightweight” is just the beginning. Removing the titular head, while being cause for celebration, will not solve the problem. The entire administration, in fact, the entirety of the “representative” side of the government, with some small number of exceptions, needs to be replaced.
Time for a “mulligan”…a do-over…what passes for government “of, by and for the people” isn’t working very well, eh.
The mid-terms are 78 days away, the change better start now because 08’s going to be too late.