The Kid Oakland Blogroll and Midterms

As a country we are facing a lot of challenges. The news from around the world is very discouraging and very dangerous. Our government is being run incompetently. Our foreign policies are delusional. We can’t ignore these events and will continue to cover them. But as the summer season comes to a close we will be focusing more and more on elections. Kid Oakland is leading the charge in identifying local bloggers that are covering house races around the country. I provide his blogroll list below the fold. We need help identifying more bloggers that are focusing like a laser on local races.

Daily Kos, MyDD, and Swing State Project have identified promising races and are doing fundraising for them this week.

I think regular netroots visitors are in agreement that we need more fundamental change than just a switch in the party that controls Congress. The best way to get that change is to win many of the second and third-tier races where we have very progressives candidates running. The Democratic Party has been running away from its principles, thinking that our values are out of step with the American electorate. The party has begun recruiting more socially conservative candidates and is afraid to stand up to the bellicose policies of the Bush administration. Our best answer for this is to prove them wrong by helping to elect progressives all over the country in races where we were supposed to have no chance.

A large influx of new netroots fueled representatives will bring the combative attitude and fresh thinking we have all been calling for.

So, if you know of any local blogs covering promising progressives give us some links. And if you have any ideas on how we can help make the 2006 midterm a landslide, post them in the thread. And check out k/o’s blogroll.

Local blog name or L = local blog
CA-11 = dkos Tag
G = google blog search
T = technorati search

R = regional blog
C = Campaign website
$ = ActBlue page