This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
FBC: the leader in rising and shining the natural way.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Good morning Andi.
It’s nice and cool here this morning. It isn’t going to last but I’m enjoying it while it does.
That sounds good. Fall will be here soon though.
Good morning Andi and FM,
How is Wednesday so far?
I’m a bit rushed this morning. Day-trip to DC coming up.
Good morning ask.
Sounds like a no slack day.
I’m afraid you’re right.
But the train ride should give some relaxation.
I haven’t taken a train ride in years, but I remember I liked riding trains more in Europe than I did here in the states. Can’t remember the reasons though.
if i can hazard a guess, it might be because their trains are about ten times more comfortable.
Morning Boo. I think you’re right.
Wait a minute. The last train ride I took in the states was from Bayonne to Boston and it had very nice plush seats in the car.
I think for me it was more the atmosphere. Even though trains are more comfortable than planes, the ones here seemed more like the cattle car/plane experience to an extent. The European atmosphere seemed more open, airy and relaxed. If that makes any sense.
Hey, how is your back this morning?
Morning SN and thanks for asking.
It’s better, but I’m still in the one position sitting and laying down phase. I decided to do all my site visits this morning before I take my medicine. I found out last night it’s damned near impossible to concentrate or type after taking it.
How’re things at the house of SN today?
is sort of tail waggy and filled with food bowls and water dishes and pleas for belly rubs. And then there are the animals…
So after you get your belly rub and food and water, then you take care of the animals. I see how it goes. š
Exactly. š
Sorry you back is acting up FamilyMan!!!! I can definately relate. LOL Looks like we have more in common than just being from the south.
Couldn’t let you suffer alone Refinish. Although I think this is carrying it a little to far. š
Way too far if you ask me. LOL
the poop patrol keeps getting earlier and earlier, doesn’t it.
But it’s very nice to see you in the morning.
It’s about the same time, but I’m out of half and half so no morning ritual of boiling water, pouring it through the aromatic ground coffee and enjoying that first cup. Ahhh
Don’t you hate to get throw off your morning ritual?
half and half just ruins good coffee anyway. LOL
No, sugar ruins good coffee.
I agree with that also. I drink my coffee black unless I am having B&B on the side after a really good dinner.
How’s Ryan doing? Has she been to the ENT yet?
She went yesterday and will need rhinoplasty sometime soon. I let some undesirable element of me show when I slipped up yesterday and said blowjob instead of nosejob…twice.
ROTFLMAO!!!! Well a good blowjob is a lot more fun than a nose job.
and cheaper.
Would have loved to seen the doctor’s face when you said that. š
No, thankfully I didn’t say it at the office, just here at home.
Darned! I’m sure if you’d said it in front of the doctor, it would have been one of those kodak moments. š
He was kind of creepy. Very rich looking and smelled like a woman and his voice sounded like Ben Stein. Drove me crazy.
Then I’m sure it would have been a kodak moment. š
Sounds like he is one of the aloof doctors. The kind that makes you feel so lucky that they even have a moment to spare for you.
I need Giddy to recalibrate her let’s go dance to DST — I’m trying to figure out if getting her to stop bugging me is worth trying to
walk in the woods in the semi-gloom.
Just about the time she gets accustomed to DST it’ll be time to turn the clocks back. Happens to all of us.
It’s getting light enough to see what I’m going to trip over so I guess I’ll make her happy.
See ya later.
See ya Andi. Don’t trip too much.
I think we should have the country run on dog time.
Good thing about a day trip — no need to worry about liquids in your baggage.
And I decided against taking the shuttle.
Oh, for a bullet train system in the U.S.
Good Morning Fellow Ponders!!!! I am taking todayoff from work and staying in bed most of the day to try and get my back in good shape. I have been through this many times and will make it through again. Bad backs run in the family. LOL I am the lucky one. I am the only one in my immediate family who has not had back surgery.
I did a new design this am. Here are two versions of it for black t-shirts.
Be a Smart Ass
Be a Smart Ass
and what it looks like on white. LOL
Be a Smart Ass
Morning Refinish. I got jealous of you yesterday being the only one with a bad back, so I pull mine too. I feel for you buddy.
ROTFLMAO!!!! Somehow I don’t see anyone being jealous of pain unless they are totally nuts.
I’ve got something to take care of the total nuts.
Then you need to send super squirrel to DC.
Oh, I love that! I think that guy lives in the tree above my deck, outside my bedroom window.
I found it the other day and I was waiting for Mary to show up. I know how she loves squirrels. š
I love squireels. I hate chickens. LOL
Good luck in avoiding that surgery. Bad backs are common in my family as well and there have been many surgeries and many back braces — both of which I’m happy to avoided thus far.
Thanks Miss Andi!!!!
I outta here too. I’m going to take my medicine and zone out for awhile.
Have a good day in the pond.
Good Morning all. Just a few seconds to say hi and then get ready for work. Hope ya’ll are are ready for the fall. I know I sure am! This summer has been a bummer for the heat is getting to me. We need some rain badly. What little we get is not enough it seems. Hugs to every one. Have a great day…
My Letter to the editor was published… on line at least. LOL
Letter to the Editor
look for the one about John Carter. They changed the name of the letter. I called it the Debate on Debate or John Carter the Egotist.
Very good!
Thank you!!!!
Anyone around? Is this thing on? :::thump thump:::
LOL!!! I am here in between drug induced naps.
Glad someone is around. Is your back still bothering you?
It is much better but I am home today and taking muscle relaxers to make sure I can survive the rest of the week. LOL
Just don’t relax those muscles too much! We need you out there, man. š
No problem with that. I am actually going to a political meetinmg tonight if my back is okay and the drugs have worn off. LOL
for a few. I was noble and spend my lunch break bringing Quicken mostly up-to-date. Not a wonderful work break.
What’s new on the children or dog front? How does Colin like school so far?
Sorry I haven’t been in earlier, I’ve been working on a diary that tells you just exactly what you should be afraid of. Hint: It ain’t al-Qaeda.
How is everybody today?
Everyone here should go read and recommend…
I’ve been just kicking back today — mostly made the bed, but waiting for the spouse to go wash the bedspread and sham covers. They’re too big for our washers here so he’s going to have to go to the laundromat up the street. Just wish he’d get moving…I’m a little frustrated with him today (or as usual). I’ll be so glad to get him back to work and out of my way!
Back to work — cleaning some old stuff out of the fridge so we can grocery shop later…
Thanks for the recommend.
As for me, my granddaughter is out of the house so I really ought to do something useful (other than reminding everyone here that they have a better chance of getting run over in a crosswalk than they do of being blown up by a terrorist, of course). I just don’t know what it would be.
The new lounge is open.