What Are Ya Havin’?

This is an Almost Hosted Cafe.
Nosh on the table.
Nosh on the table.
Rude, crude, lewd behavior appreciated.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Finally! Sorry it took me so long to get here. I’m having a helluva time on the site today. I don’t know if it’s the site or just me, but it’s hanging everytime I try to click on anything and not all the graphics are loading. Is anyone else having that problem?
Everything is okay for me. Maybe clearing the cache would help.
How’s everything otherwise?
Thanks, Andi — I tried that earlier and it was a bit better after. Everything’s going ok except for having had some pesky computer problems this week. How’s everything with you?
No too bad. Nothing much every goes on with us and I pretty much like it that way.
I’ve been meaning to ask you — on all those beautiful photos you post of the woods, is the light really that golden and glowy in real life?
I don’t have the camera or the camera skills to capture it as it really is — I have to make adjustments that drop the quality or I can’t get it in focus. So then it comes out “grainier” and darker than it really was. I do usually end up having to lighten them but they never really look as good.
Good afternoon Izzy and Andi.
How’s your back?
It’s much better. Thanks for asking.
How’s you day been going?
It’s gone.
Glad you are feeling better. My advice — avoid lawn work for at least the next 4 weeks.
I really like your advice. I’ve come up with the perfect solution though.
The Robot Lawnmower. Turn it on and not worry about it. Next solution is for the weedeating and flower beds. 🙂
Solution for the weedeater and flower beds — the nearest high school kid.
That would involve paying someone. Can’t do that.
If the neighbors wouldn’t object, I would like a goat. Maybe 2 or 3. Or concrete in the entire yard. 🙂
Hi FM — how are you?
Doing better. Read you’re having problems with the puter. It sounds like it’s on your end.
Yeah, I thought it was, but it seems so weird it hasn’t been on all the sites. We had to get a new server and new networking software, so things aren’t really broken, just the kinks aren’t all worked out.
I hate that period where switching to a new system and you know it’s not as smooth as they advertize.
Good to see you all … good to read that FM is feeling a bit better … good to be home from work … good to have 4 containers of ice cream in the freezer … 🙂
So I guess everything is……….good. 🙂
When do you have to take your next dose?
I take it you’re meaning my medicine for my back. I just took it. I guess I’m getting used to it, because it hasn’t effected me today as much as yesterday.
… you’ll be typing weirdly unintelligible but totally fascinating things? 😉
Could be. I figure once my eyes start crossing, it’s time to throw in the towel. 🙂
too bad … that might have been fun … for us anyways. 😛
Yada, yada, yada….. 😛
Hi Olivia! I hope all’s well with you.
Sorry to hear about your computer probs … 🙁
If you open those 4 containers, dump them in the bathtub, and join them there, I think we could have a nice picture for ice cream wrestling.
It’s too cold for that now … we got the ac fixed yesterday and it’s going down to 10 tonight (it’s only 17c/63F) … double ha! Besides, we’re having enough trouble keeping the cafe hopping these days … 😉
Besides, we’re having enough trouble keeping the cafe hopping these days
The resulting picture would solve that problem for weeks to come.
the heights of geezerhood that I have without achieving considerable skills at predicting the behavior of human beings. 😛
I went to bed at 1230! 🙂
Geezerhood doth knock at your door. 😛
a huge seismic shock last night.
Over here on the left.
So Olivia what’s for dinner tonight? We had a mostly veg dinner tonight.
that didn’t work. 🙂
w/ grilled chicken and a bunch of fresh veges and herbs from the herb garden … yummmy … 🙂
Sounds really good. What kind of vegges? I had fresh tomatoes, baby butter bean, onion and corn bread smothered in butter. Oh and the tomato had Miracle Whip on top. 🙂
that stuff is a miracle … a miracle that anyone can eat it! 😛
Besides the miracle whip that sounds very good FM.
Just the usual … peppers, mushrooms, grn onion, tomatoes, basil, garlic …
Hey everyone. I hope you all have a pile of dirty laundry to curl up in.
that is too cute for words.
When Giddy was young, she used to like to get Jim’s dirty socks* and take them out on the porch and snuggle up with them.
* Yes, Jim is one of those men who is unable to put his dirty clothes in the hamper. In front of, yes; inside of, no.
Heh heh. I had to buy her a larger crate yesterday and she wanted nothing to do with it until I put a dirty t-shirt of mine in there. Then she snuggled up to it and went to sleep.
Now that is slacking. A dog after my own heart. 🙂
she’s definitely a basset. Is there still a growing stomach phenonemon with Esperanza?
Yes. :/
what are you going to do?
She’s being spayed tomorrow, either way. I think it’s why the previous owner was in such a hurry to get rid of her. 🙁
Nice person. But at least you got a real sweetie out of it.
She is a lovey alright.
When George was spayed it took him months to forgive me. She looks like such a sweety that she’ll probably come up to you wanting you to rub her ears and acting like she wants it done again. 🙂
well I hope it’s either a wayward ball of poop or puppies that look just like their momma.
I hope she’s just a good little eater, but she’s looking decidedly matronly. Like I said above, spaying is tomorrow, either way.
Evening all.
How are you, Andrew, and the hubby?
Have you started school yet?
Things are pretty good. Andrew is adding new vocabulary, slowly but surely and my hubby is getting ready to go back to work after his long parental leave. I start school on Monday.
Jim started school already, didn’t he? You had a rough fall from your bike, right? How are you feeling?
I’m well over my fall — I did it on July 4.
I hope you have a good school year to look forward to.
Is Andrew going to daycare?
Andrew will be in daycare 2-3 times a week. We are taking him to a woman Hugh went to high school with who runs a small (5 kids, tops) out of her house. That will be weird (at least for us), as he has really only been around us for the past year.
He has made such great strides in the past year, I have to catch my breath just thinking about it. Next Tuesday and Wednesday are the one-year anniversary of our “family day.”
Wow! Mazel tov!
So I’m assuming you’ve got a party planned and that there will be a nice diary with pictures, eh?
We’re celebrating this weekend, as I will be in school on the actual anniversary dates. I was about to start composing a rough draft of a diary. I have a hard time with starting as I usually get a rush emotions and dissolve into tears. It has been an amazing year.
about composing on computers instead with ink and paper — tears don’t make the words run. 😉
I hope you have the wonderful celebration you so richly deserve.
Hi Toni. How are the Toni family?
The Toni family is great, though dreading the return to work.
How’s the FM family?
They’re doing fine at the moment. I just never know when things will start hopping.
Ah the return to work. 😉
Are you just about done with your constant stream of house guests?
Toni around here the stream never dries up, but the newest ones will be leaving by this weekend. At least that’s what they said. What they do is another story. 🙂
Do they leave tips? 😉
Yep they sure do. Their tips usually consist of ways to better wait on them. 😉
Long time no type … 🙂
We have been in get ready for school mode around here, plus get the house in some sort of order. I also joined a new gym. What’s new with you?
That sounds super busy … the gym too!
A lot of the same here … busy wk w/ deadlines … grrrrr
It feels like we have been running at full speed for the past 2 weeks. I actually think that school will provide a break.
Lots of deadlines at work? Is that typical for the end of the summer, to try and clear projects for new seasons?
… just extra work b/c people are off on holidays but the work doesn’t stop … 🙂 I’m doing two peoples’ jobs right now and of course it’s all due at the same time. 🙂
“I’m doing two peoples’ jobs right now and of course it’s all due at the same time.”
Mais, bien sur!
Night everyone. Meds have kicked in, a giant bow of ice cream and I’m nodding off.
Hope everyone has a good night.
I ran an all-day workshop for my new Student Council members yesterday – 7 to 5 – and then I came home actually stayed up to watch The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. It is finally hitting me, so I bid you all a good night.