I’m not sure if Markos read either one of my Warner pieces very carefully. He’s right that I had a problem with the branding of Warner at Yearly Kos, and he’s right that I like Warner on a personal level and think he has a lot of political gifts. He’s wrong if he thinks I have changed my mind about either one of those things.
What’s on your mind?
he also doesn’t know how to properly spell BooMan
I try not to let that bother me.
This is funny though.
And they still call us the Democrat(ic) Party. That really annoys me. Maybe we should call them the Republic Party? Or maybe just cut to the chase and name them the Party of BS.
in the backroom while you were chomping on your cigar?
Last night while making dinner I was half listening to the tv when Countdown with Keith came on. I thought my ears were decieving me but just looked up the transcripts from last night.
“OLBERMANN: Also tonight, back to the news, the decider in chief taking issue with people who don`t agree with his mission in Iraq, and, according to new polls, those who agree with him now constitute just 35 percent of Americans.”
Y’all might want to read that again. Keith actually called Bush the “decider in chief.” WOW! Kieth is my hero. He used to veil his disdain for the preznit but not this time.
That was one of the best things I have heard on National television in years!! GO KEITH
i’m curious if this is a common word association with my screenname?
I can’t say that I’ve ever associated you with a manatee. Perhaps I lack imagnination.
it did come from a kangaroo that speaks exclusively in the third person… 🙂
That explains it.
After reading his diary, I want a cheeseburger…but I’ll just have to settle for baked chicken for dinner tonight… 🙁
Don’t forget dessert.
This isn’t quite enough for a diary, but enough for an open thread:
I was absolutely appalled in midday today that CNN, during the Daryn Kagan show, was doing so much obvious drum-beating in favor of a war with Iran. It was as bad as Fox. The worst thing was a “Fact Check” segment they did supposedly profiling “the Iranian military that we’d be up against.”
They claimed: Iranians have weak military. Still bruised and hardly rebuilt after 1980s war with Iraq. Hurt by sanctions. No spare parts. No planes. No pilots. Only 325,000 troops, half of whom are green conscripts. They even said specifically that the Iranians’s ultra-high-speed torpedo (the Russian Squall or Shkval) is not considered a threat to the U.S. Navy. They practically said: “it will be a cakewalk!”
This is amazing bullshit! The United States could certainly kill a lot of Iranians. The U.S. has a track record for that. But the Iranians would really fight back.
They’be been beating the Iran war drums all year. I think it’s about 75 percent likely that we’ll see a strike on Iran in October.
This is why I’ve come to genuinely hate the TV news. You’d think little memories like Iraq, asymmetrical conflict, Vietnam, would have some effect, but they just blabber like it’s still 1950 and the US has just won WWII (in its own mind). Nothing sinks in. Thanks to all our wonderful opinion makers, we’re like the Redcoats in the Revolution: “these savages couldn’t POSSIBLY match our musket power, so just be sure to keep marching in a straight line so we look good when they surrender.”
Sometimes I think the whole lot is on Osama’s payroll. Wait for the next CNN crawl: “Death to America!!!”
I wonder if there is any family relationship between Daryn Kagan and Robert Kagan (who was one of the founders of PNAC). Anyone know?