…Until we work together to stop feeding these Parasites with our overt and covert taxes, I have a few suggestions: Stop buying crap, stop recreational shopping. Boycott big box stores. Laughter is the best medicine, so have a good belly-laugh at the ads designed to disempower you because you haven’t bought their product. Laugh uproariously at the swill served up as “The News” on MSM. Let’s begin the revolution by acknowledging it’s Us against Them, not Red State vs. Blue State, or any other foolish notion. It’s America we’re fighting for, and it’s America they’re destroying…

by Leslie Brundige
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Recently, while in New England I learned that the United States government was going to evacuate it’s citizens from Lebanon.  Israel’s bombs were disrupting their lives in inconvenient and dangerous ways.  Further, these hapless citizens would be required to pay their government for their very late and ill-planned removal from the war zone.  I was stunned. 
Expect absolutely nothing from your government, except prison time if you don’t pay your taxes.
Katrina.  South Florida hurricanes.  Energy blackouts during heat waves.  Levees in New Orleans and Lake Okeechobee that have and will cause more tragedy due to inattention.  The looting of Amtrak.  Surely the Parasite Elite have more use for our rail system than the average tax-paying American.  They have private jets, limousines.  They can’t conceive of a need for an alternative to commercial airlines.  Or an effective means to evacuate a city in case of an impending disaster.  Or simply an affordable means of intra and inter-city travel.  They Don’t Care.
Until we work together to stop feeding these Parasites with our overt and covert taxes, I have a few suggestions:  Stop buying crap, stop recreational shopping.  Boycott big box stores.  Laughter is the best medicine, so have a good belly-laugh at the ads designed to disempower you because you haven’t bought their product.  Laugh uproariously at the swill served up as “The News” on MSM.  Let’s begin the revolution by acknowledging it’s Us against Them, not Red State vs. Blue State, or any other foolish notion.  It’s America we’re fighting for, and it’s America they’re destroying. 
Remember last year’s evacuation of Houston?  Bumper-to-bumper gas guzzlers, not one of them filled to capacity with human beings, running out of gas waiting for traffic to move.  Here’s an idea; fill your car with human beings.  Either you’ll be helping someone who doesn’t own a car to add to the traffic, or you’ll eliminate a few that would otherwise be clogging up the roads.  Even if you’re racist or elitist, include blacks, poor whites, immigrants in your rescue plan.  Call it noblesse oblige, call it being a good Christian, or call it having a heart. 
Remember the TOTALLY EMPTY southbound lanes of the interstate leading into Houston?  Am I the only one who was made crazy by that image?  Remember, your government is NOT going to help you.  So be the first to begin a logical caravan of vehicles across the median and drive north in the southbound lanes.  O.K., leave the breakdown lanes open for the emergency vehicles that in all likelihood won’t appear anyway.  They don’t care about us, why should we be so obsequious to their inane laws in the face of a crisis?  What are they going to do, give out 5000 tickets?  Who cares?
Oh yeah, less television wouldn’t hurt.  Except Bill Maher, Stephen Colbert…

Written by Leslie Brundige [send her email], who is a contributing author on www.populistamerica.com

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