…Until we work together to stop feeding these Parasites with our overt and covert taxes, I have a few suggestions: Stop buying crap, stop recreational shopping. Boycott big box stores. Laughter is the best medicine, so have a good belly-laugh at the ads designed to disempower you because you haven’t bought their product. Laugh uproariously at the swill served up as “The News” on MSM. Let’s begin the revolution by acknowledging it’s Us against Them, not Red State vs. Blue State, or any other foolish notion. It’s America we’re fighting for, and it’s America they’re destroying…
by Leslie Brundige
Click Here for More Related Commentary
Recently, while in New England I learned that the United States government was going to evacuate it’s citizens from Lebanon. Israel’s bombs were disrupting their lives in inconvenient and dangerous ways. Further, these hapless citizens would be required to pay their government for their very late and ill-planned removal from the war zone. I was stunned.
Expect absolutely nothing from your government, except prison time if you don’t pay your taxes.
Katrina. South Florida hurricanes. Energy blackouts during heat waves. Levees in New Orleans and Lake Okeechobee that have and will cause more tragedy due to inattention. The looting of Amtrak. Surely the Parasite Elite have more use for our rail system than the average tax-paying American. They have private jets, limousines. They can’t conceive of a need for an alternative to commercial airlines. Or an effective means to evacuate a city in case of an impending disaster. Or simply an affordable means of intra and inter-city travel. They Don’t Care.
Until we work together to stop feeding these Parasites with our overt and covert taxes, I have a few suggestions: Stop buying crap, stop recreational shopping. Boycott big box stores. Laughter is the best medicine, so have a good belly-laugh at the ads designed to disempower you because you haven’t bought their product. Laugh uproariously at the swill served up as “The News” on MSM. Let’s begin the revolution by acknowledging it’s Us against Them, not Red State vs. Blue State, or any other foolish notion. It’s America we’re fighting for, and it’s America they’re destroying.
Remember last year’s evacuation of Houston? Bumper-to-bumper gas guzzlers, not one of them filled to capacity with human beings, running out of gas waiting for traffic to move. Here’s an idea; fill your car with human beings. Either you’ll be helping someone who doesn’t own a car to add to the traffic, or you’ll eliminate a few that would otherwise be clogging up the roads. Even if you’re racist or elitist, include blacks, poor whites, immigrants in your rescue plan. Call it noblesse oblige, call it being a good Christian, or call it having a heart.
Remember the TOTALLY EMPTY southbound lanes of the interstate leading into Houston? Am I the only one who was made crazy by that image? Remember, your government is NOT going to help you. So be the first to begin a logical caravan of vehicles across the median and drive north in the southbound lanes. O.K., leave the breakdown lanes open for the emergency vehicles that in all likelihood won’t appear anyway. They don’t care about us, why should we be so obsequious to their inane laws in the face of a crisis? What are they going to do, give out 5000 tickets? Who cares?
Oh yeah, less television wouldn’t hurt. Except Bill Maher, Stephen Colbert…
Written by Leslie Brundige [send her email], who is a contributing author on www.populistamerica.com
Copyright © 2006 PopulistAmerica.com
Well, your taxes just paid for a new evaluation for my back that I broke on a parachute training accident in the military, it also paid for a really nice CPAP machine, a medical device, that I could in no way afford. It paid for three months of in-patient therapy for PTSD. And since I can’t afford health insurance, your taxes pay for visits to the VA clinic while I’m in the US and service connected disability while I’m outside the US. It also helped me with my education in the form of student loans.
True, all of those services are being cut.
Now if you speak about fighting the PROPORTION of taxes that go to the pentagon as compared to other services, then you have me on-board. But that would take another strategy other than a total boycott, wouldn’t it?
And thank you for your taxes.
A “Jeffersonian” Democrat supporting heavy taxation? The irony is nearly absurd. He, of all people, would approve of only very minimal taxation – used primarily to pay the national debt – not for socialist redistribution.
A few choice Jefferson quotes:
“I am for a government rigorously frugal and simple, applying all the possible savings of the public revenue to the discharge of the national debt; and not for a multiplication of officers and salaries merely to make partisans, and for increasing by every device the public debt on the principle of its being a public blessing.”
“We are endeavoring… to reduce the government to the practice of a rigorous economy, to avoid burthening the people and arming the magistrate with a patronage of money, which might be used to corrupt and undermine the principles of government.”
As a doctoral candidate at University of Virginia, I am very familiar with Mr. Jefferson’s views. One of my favorites is about not entangling ourselves in foreign alliances. Nevertheless, we are also in a world which has evolved from the original ideas of the Enlightenment through several political systems (or -isms) and we need to adapt to those conditions, any simple political science course would teach you that. Additionally, if we have had the misfortune of getting involved in entangling alliances, I ask myself if TJ would really would condone letting us veterans to be left out on the streets and forgotten while some of us, like myself for instance, not only broke our backs on a parachute jump but also found ourselves spiritually scarred and diagnosed with what is commonly today known as PTSD…
Your plan would do that, and the same for victims of Katrina, long forgotten problems on reservations, etc.
Like I said, amend your strategy, and I am on board, but don’t exclude those who need the benefits from taxes. I’m really not used to pseudoflames on this site, so my response may be a little taken aback.
And since you may not have been around here when I disclosed my party affiliations, just for disclosures sake, I am an active member of The Party of Democratic Socialists (PDS), Menden, Sauerland, Germany. While still an American citizen, Germany is my new home while I am writing my dissertation.
Thank you for your reply. Your input is appreciated. If you find it possible that Jefferson would support a socialist system, which is the antithesis of his ideals of individual liberty – then so be it. But, it is absolutely clear from his writings (which you know are archived at UV) that his support was not for collectivism, but individual liberty. But, this is probably best left for another discussion as we’ve gotten a bit off-topic.
Moving forward, your concerns are valid, but your solutions are dangerous. Our position has been, and will continue to be this…
A state institution, like the American federal government, which is responsible for the deaths of millions just this century, should never be trusted to handle such important things as the health and well-being of the People. They have absolutely proven to us that they’ll do some good things – which will allow them to continue raising taxes…only to be used for endless foreign entanglements, and imperialist murder.
Thomas Paine was spot on in his assessment:
…taxes were not raised to carry on wars, but that wars were raised to carry on taxes.
Although it may be hard to fathom alternatives to state-sponsored programs, alternatives do need to be explored, or we’ll continue in this endless cycle of limitless state power. A power which continues to be abused in despotic ways. History has proven to us that this will happen again and again.
It’s not the abuse of power which we are concerned with, but rather, the power to abuse…
Thanks again for the input. We’re obviously allies against tyranny, even though we believe in different solutions.