Connecticut senatorial candidate Ned Lamont has ONE great advantage over his opponent Joe Lieberman, and that is the fact that Lieberman is a SORE LOSER. Even though this fact is common knowledge, the Lamont campaign has not effectively tied this negative to Joe Lieberman’s public image in the mind of the Connecticut voter. The current situation is this, if Lamont makes this the cornerstone of his campaign (via radio and TV ads) he will win. If he doesn’t he will lose. The single message from the Lamont campaign should declare that Joe Lieberman is a “SORE LOSER” and then ask the simple question, “Why would you vote for a LOSER?”
The Republicans have dumped their candidate and the RNC is putting huge amounts of money into the Lieberman campaign. They are also telling all local registered Republican voters to cross over and vote for the independent/democrat? Lieberman. These tactics are creating a formidable opposition to the Lamont campaign.

The majority of voters in America are either democratic or personally subscribe to the principles that the Democratic party espouse, and in spite of this, the Republicans keep winning elections. The primary reason for this phenomenon is that the Republicans have learned how to craft their campaign messages in a simple, uncomplicated way that the least intelligent voter can understand. Their messages are so void of content as to be completely meaningless and at times they even border on the nonsensical, however short and simple works. For some reason Democratic candidates exhibit no desire to incorporate these techniques in their campaigns and so they continue to lose critical elections.

There is one thing that Americans don’t like, and that is a “SORE LOSER”. Lieberman already has this label hung on him by the national media after he lost the Democratic primary and declared that he would keep running as an independent. The Lamont campaign must keep this drumbeat up simply because there are a lot of Republicans who don’t like a SORE LOSER either!