Hi everyone, finally my timing is good for posting a cafe.

Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
I can’t believe I posted this before Andi this morning, surprise, I am up late and finanlly was on Booman at just the right time, yay….
Morning folks, is anyone awake….I had a nap tonight and am up late for me and saw the need for a cafe so here I found myself….How ya’ll doing.
and good morning (or evening to the southern hemisphere) to the rest of you.
Good morning/night Dianne and good morning Andi.
I’m changing my keep-your-back healthy advice and tell you to not only not do the lawn for 4 weeks but also that you shouldn’t have any guests either.
Thanks Andi. I think you’re a very wise person, whose advice I should take. π
How’re you today?
I have not yet reached the level of consciousness that would allow me to assess my well-being.
The dogs say I’m okey doke, though.
I think I’m in that level of unconsciousness most of the day. What’s scary is when you type a paragraph and can’t remember doing it.
How’s school going for Jim so far.
He’s cranky and he doesn’t want to talk about it — so being the astute and sensitive wife that I am, I interpret that to mean “not so good”.
I think you’ve hit the bullseye with that one. Poor Jim. Tell him summer is only a school year away. It’ll be here and gone before he knows it.
Of course I wouldn’t want to be around for the reply. π
I’m not going to be either — giddy says it’s time to go.
See ya Andi. Have a good walk.
Hi FM,
I saw you were hosting today so I decided I’d drop by. Haven’t been here in a while. I loved your movie on your blog. So serene and peaceful. I’m at my away job instead of working at the Gooserock factory so I have a little time to write. LOL
Hi Puget. I’m glad I dropped back in for a minute. So how’s the day going for you?
BOR-ING!!!! That’s why I’m taking time to stop by and write a bit.
I have a bit of news to share but it requires a photo and since I’m at my away-job I don’t have access. I’ll try to put it on by blog tonight.
I’ll be looking forward to it.
Gee, this is fun. Now I remember why I used to like to participate. Great to see you all again.
Not as great as it is for us to see you. Hah. I’ll raise you a great. π
Nice to see you! π
Thanks Second Nature. Good to be here. I’m such a bad girl taking the time, though. π
Mental health break.
Definitely!!! I’ll be a better worker-bee for it. Right?
I love rationalization some times. π
It’s what “gets us through” the day sometimes. It’s just that I have so many things to do at home now that I don’t want to be at the Away-Job.
I know about the home jobs, although I’m sure ours are different. It just seems it never ends though.
But I must be a good girl too and get back to “WORK”. Insert as spoken by Maynard Crebs. (Now I’m really dating myself. LOL)
I used to love Dobbie Gillis! Who ever knew Maynard would turn into Gilligan.
I just missed you … Hope you’re doing well. What a nice surprise to see you in the cafe today … π
How’s it going today Olivia?
alternating between hairy and boring … crises to extremely boring stuff … π
how are you holding up?
Not too much longer until quitting time.
I’m doing fair. I just came out of zoning and will probably be going back in a little while. This really is the pitts.
that’s too bad … that means your naps are all fuzzed up too right. π
are you pain-free? hopefully you’re pain-free if you have to put up w/ the fuzziness and zoning out.
Yep it’s really screwing up my naps. Hopefully in the next day or two everything will clear up.
Yep also on the pain free. I still can’t bend to pick up stuff and I’ve got to watch my movement, but other than that, it’s OK.
An hour and a half left. You can do that standing on you head. π
now hopefully we’ll have boring for the rest of the day … LOL
you should be bending at the knee not the waist … better yet … call your relatives over if you drop something … they owe ya right?
Yep they owe me many time over, but they just like to keep building up the bill.
I see it as you have two choices. Day dream about a Calgon Moment or big tubs of ice cream. π
I agree with Andi!!!! Let the guest take care of themselves if they show up and also make them do the yard work as a way of paying you and FamilyMom back for all the hospitality!!!!
I agree with both of you, but it’s more of this is their house as much as mine. So I’ll just keep plugging along and only jump to beckon and call half as much. π
LOL Okay
I’m sorry you’re back is still hurting you. I hope you do get to the doctor soon and gets some lovely drugs for it.
Morning Miss Andi!!! Thank you. I have vicadon and something else I am taking but I need the doctor’s note so I can miss work. LOL
Tried to sleep but here I am again, and you folks are already up…oh dear, what to do…lol…
FM what are you doing up so early, Andi I think is always up early but it’s what 3 am your time, FB it must be about 5am…
Hi Dianne. It’s a little after 5:00 am here.
How have you been doing?
I’m on eastern time so it’s after 6:00 here.
Morning Folks!!!!! I am excited that my letter to the editor not only was published on line but in teh weekly Austin Chronicle. Granted it is the liberal weekly but hey we got to start somewhere. LOL
My back is still killing me but I hae to go to work. I will try and get approved to leave early and sched. time off tomoorow again if I can. I guess I will set an appointment with the doctor at work and try and get sent home. LOL
Good morning Refinish. I see you’re becomming world famous with your letters.
I do hope your back gets better soon. Mine is improving day by day.
LOL Thanks FamilyMan!!!! I am glad your back is better. Mine would be if I could stay home several days in a row instead of this hodgepodge messs I am doing.
I look at it as it’s ultimately you health, and no one will take as good of care, as you can.
I hope you’re both feeling better soon. π
Congrats refinish on your published LTE!
Good morning everyone.
Good morning Olivia.
Have you got a big day planned at work?
Hence my late response to you … LOL
Hope you’re having more of a slacker day than I am … not even any good views out the window b/c it’s rainy and overcast today. At least there’s no black fires today tho … π
Send some of your rain down this way. But, I want the type of rain that doesn’t make the grass grow. π
The leaves on our trees here are turning fall colours already … π … not that I don’t love fall — it’s my favourite season — but that I’m not ready for winter yet.
Time for work? It is for me. Hope you have a good non-hairy day.
See ya.
Although I think mine’s going to be a hairy one … LOL
Thank you Olivia!!!!
Hi all. The dog blog is up, and dog and all, we’re going to bed. See you when we wake up.
I am dogless for the day because she is getting spayed. They charge extra for pain medication. WTF? Does anyone NOT pay the extra fee? I can’t imagine someone saying, ‘no, I’d like it to be as painful as possible for my dog.’
Maybe I can get something done today without Hopeful, Jr. following me around and sitting on my feet every time I stand in the same spot for more than 2 seconds.
Good morning SN. So poor Hopeful Jr. is getting clipped today. I’d have the same look of her in the favorite chair if that was happening to me too. :0
Luckily she doesn’t know. π
Nah, you’ll be spending all day singing the old donny hathaway song ‘where is the love’.
please! for the love of….gah, it’s in my head now…GET IT OUT!!
Haven’t seen you around in a while. Glad you’re back.
with another one — ‘it’s a hard knock life’ always works for me. Unfortunately, I haven’t found any way to get rid of it.
“Toooooooooo-morrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow, you’re only a daaaaaaaaaaay aaaaaaaa-waaaaaaaay!”
nope, doesn’t work — not even tomorrow can dislodge hard knock.
I just came out of the bathroom and instinctively looked around to fend off a love attack.
LOL I don’t see how everybody can’t want a puppy with all that love they have to give.
I really can’t imagine that being a set aside charge. you’d think that that would be part of the service. I guess there have to be some people that don’t get it, but again those people probably shouldn’t have animals either. Hell, novacaine is included for us when we get a tooth pulled, why should it be any different for an animal?
Good morning CBS. I haven’t seen you for awhile. How have you been doing?
It could be worse. you could have Muskrat Love playing in your head all day. ROTFLMAO!!!
Look at your next dental bill. You are charged for the pain killer also but I have never been asked if I wanted to not have it. LOL
Just woke up, and haven’t had my tea yet, but I wanted to give a heads up. A buddy of mine from RL has his first Booman diary up, Link and it looks like pretty good stuff.
Gotta run now, today’s hella busy with house guests, a book signing and a trip in the big city for writers group tonight.
Hello/goodbye Kelly. Thanks for the heads up on the diary.
Don’t get to overwhelmed by todays schedule.
The family is up and stirring around. Gotta go and get breakfast.
Everyone have a good day in the pond.
Spawn, damn you!
Coming down with a cold, and I have to go to campus soon to handle financial aid paperwork so they’ll cut me a check on time, and I’m supposed to go to the state fair tomorrow with friends (the Village People are playing! Rock on!) but I’m not sure I’ll feel up to it now.
Sunday night, we found a little brown dog. I still haven’t found her people. She’s an escape artist, so I have to tie her in the yard — which I hate doing, but every time I’ve found and patched the hole she got through to get out, she finds another one.
Plus, Sunday night, she bit my roommate — which was more my roommate’s fault (who agrees) than the dog’s, mind you, and it’s not a bad bite — but now I’m a bit afraid of what the pound is going to do with her if I can’t find her people. We had to go to the ER for the roomie to get a tetanus shot, so the county now has a dogbite report I’m sure they’ll be contacting us about.
Too much to do, and I feel gross. Bleh.
Froggy Bottom Early Happy Hour here