Peace Vigil 8/16/06
Peace Vigil 8/9/06
Peace Vigil 8/2/06
I share these photographs of the faces of those opposed to war and the Bush Administration because you will not see or hear of them on the news. They are your neighbors, your co-workers, your teachers, your students, your bus drivers. I want to share that they are you and I.
I hope to capture the energy of these peace vigils and more importantly the passion of the people. I hope to empower others to find their local vigils or create their own. To at least know that they are not alone.
Washington County Peace Vigil 53rd Week.
Beaverton, Oregon, 6:30 to 7:30
Look at the faces of these intellegent, moral, loving, dedicated people. Do they look like the smirking, punative, arrogant explitive deleteds who set our country’s foreign and domestic policy ?
These are faces of the America I love, the America that tightens my throat with pride and gratitude, the America that makes me cry because I want with all my soul to believe we can make the dream come true.
Thank you, Dear Janet.
Will there be any big marches this year like last? Thanks for all you do Janet!
There’s some huge stuff going on in DC this September. Camp Democracy and the Declaration of Peace. Portland will be gathering on all the bridges for a vigil and various other events. In fact, there is SO much about to happen it’s overwhelming at times.
but all it takes is one person standing near the street with a sign… and others follow π
((((DJ)))) You are the sunshine in my life.
You are incredible in so many ways….:)
Momagainstthedraft is my dearest friend… she is family to us. She is the one who has to listen to me before a march, sometimes DURING a march… and after a march. π She puts up with me… and sometimes she has to put a stop to some of the crazy stuff I “think” I want to do but shouldn’t do π
As always thank you Janet..beautiful people, beautiful pictures..the pictures of the children just break my heart—the kids should be out playing and enjoying their childhood instead of having to be aware of war…which makes me think of children in other countries like Iraq, Dafur, Lebanon and all the countries where children are killed in wars or worse we have children who are actually fighting in many of these places….when is the human race going to grow up and learn to live in peace? We haven’t progressed much beyond the cave-man stage in this area have we….
Yeah, I think that’s why I had tears when I photographed those precious kids. They melted my heart… and I guess your words are why I did.
It’s just not right. Any of it.
But I think my only real hope is in our children. Because up to this point, the adults have let things get so bad. There are so many kids and teens at these events. But we need more. It sucks that my own daughter knows more about what is going on around her than most in this country who seem to care about tv shows and diet fads. So the kids are picking up the slack.
We need to stop the killing of ALL children. ALL children should be out playing in the clean, fresh air. Safe and cared for.
Thank you so much (((((Choc. Ink)))))))) My heart breaks as well as soars with hope all at the same time. And when I place my camera up to take a photograph, I think of so many of you. I want to breathe life into this movement for you all.
You have definitely given me hope with your diaries..what with my extremely limited involvement due to my health…and living in the redneck part of Ca. here and hearing pretty much only that bush is god/war is great crap I feel smothered here by that attitude so your diaries really do lift my spirits in many ways.
My sister did tell me that just recently in Bakersfield she is beginning to see people standing on a few corners with protest signs against bush/war..a first for this area. To give you an idea of what I mean as far as red part of state goes here in Taft where I live the voter registration is something like several thousand rethugs to about 700 democrats…ugh.
War-what is it good for—absolutely nothing…especially when you start thinking of just who does get killed in war-civilians..and damned if I can remember who sang that right now. I’m thinking a lot about all the protest songs from the late 60’s and 70’s.
Hugs to you too Janet and your family.
I’m glad they inspire you and keep you hopeful π That is why I photograph them.
Yup, I lived in Red State Part of Northern California. Had a “I heart Gitmo” bastard throw a lit smoke at me because I was posting a bring them home now postcard to the post office bulletin board.
I was doing one woman pink protests on my own up there. I am sooooooooooooooooooo glad to be in Portland and have so many sisters to go out with.
Cause I “done paid my dues” LOL
that this vigil is across from our beautiful library and right next to a water fountain park. Many have been coming or going to each and have stopped… to check us out and then have joined us.