Remember this from The Hill back on August 16th?
A group of Senate Democrats is growing increasingly angry about Sen. Joe Lieberman’s (D-Conn.) campaign tactics since he lost the Democratic primary last week.
If he continues to alienate his colleagues, Lieberman could be stripped of his seniority within the Democratic caucus should he defeat Democrat Ned Lamont in the general election this November, according to some senior Democratic aides.
A week ago there were rumblings that Lieberman “could be” stripped of his seniority if he beats Lamont and returns to the Senate in January. That sounded like a bit of an empty threat, as the GOP could quickly offer Lieberman his seniority back and possibly flip the Senate back in their favor.
But, if Lieberman was annoying some of his fellow Democrats last week, how much more is he annoying them today?
Because nobody could have predicted it
— Joe Lieberman will be campaigning with GOP candidates Jodi Rell and
Rob Simmons today at the Groton sub base (the one that Holy Joe claims to have singlehandedly saved).
Simmons, you’ll remember, is the GOP candidate running against Democrat
Joe Courtney for one of those hotly contested Connecticut House seats.
You know, the ones where the Democrat is supposed to be helped by
Lieberman’s indy bid, right?
I wonder if Rahm Emanuel is still feeling sanguine (Times Select)?
Republicans said a general election matchup in which Mr. Lieberman ran as an independent against Ned Lamont, the winner of the primary, could hinder Democrats in their efforts to unseat three incumbent representatives who are top Democratic targets.
Democrats disputed that and said the high-intensity Senate fight could help the Democratic challengers for the House seats by drawing Democratic voters to the polls…
…”All signs are pointing to an anti-status-quo election,” said Amy Walter, an analyst of House races for the nonpartisan Cook Political report. ”Can Democrats win the House is no longer the valid question. The question is whether Republicans can do anything about it.”
Nearly any scenario for Democrats to gain the 15 seats necessary to take control of the House foresees them capturing at least one and perhaps two of three Connecticut seats now held by Republicans, Nancy L. Johnson, Christopher Shays and Rob Simmons.
Republican officials and Ms. Walter said Wednesday that the Lieberman-Lamont contest could muddle the Democratic message in the state, distract from the House races and draw out more centrist Democrats who could support Mr. Lieberman and a House Republican.
”Anyone who is going to vote for Lieberman, my guys can get,” said Carl Forti, a spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee. ”The Republicans have continued to be re-elected because they are seen in Connecticut as independent and working for their districts.”
Representative Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, took the opposite view, saying the turnout in the primary showed that Democrats were highly motivated and intended to punish politicians seen as too closely allied with President Bush.
Here is how Chris Bowers puts it:
Joe Lieberman is now actively supporting Republicans for important
seats in Congress. He is now actively opposing the Democratic nominee
for U.S. Senate in Connecticut, Governor in Connecticut, and the second
congressional district of Connecticut. Joe Lieberman wants Republicans
to hold Congress. Joe Lieberman is actively trying to make sure that
Republicans maintain Congress. It does not matter what he says
anymore–he is clearly working with Republican candidates. This serves
as grounds for removing his seniority, and as grounds for stripping him of his party affiliation.
Chris’s point should go without saying, and I am not talking about stripping his seniority in January. He needs to be stripped of his seniority right now. What would that mean?
Well, for starters it would mean that the new heirarchy in the Homeland Security Committee would be Carl Levin, Daniel Akaka, followed by Tom Carper of Delaware. Since Levin and Akaka already serve as ranking members on, respectively, Armed Services and Veteran’s Affairs, Carper would probably take over the Homeland Security Committee. Good for him. Although it would be ironic since Carper has endorsed Lieberman. Stripping Joe of his seniority would also move Hillary up from the lowest member on the Armed Services Committee, and bump Barbara Boxer to the second spot on the Environment and Public Works Committee. Works for me.
There is no longer any excuse for allowing Joe Lieberman to be a leader within the Democratic Caucus. By campaiging with the Republican Governor and with a Republican representative, he has forfeited any good will he may have earned over eigtheen years in the Senate. Call your Senator and tell them to tell Harry Reid to strip Lieberman of his seniority now!!
What a lowlife.
Make that narcissistic, unethical, scumbag lowlife.
With emphasis on narcissistic. His base is now with Republican voters, he’s only doing whatever it takes to keep his power. What pisses me off is that narcissists like Lieberman are able to successfully convey moral authority when beneath the surface they don’t have any sense of right and wrong at all.
I still don’t understand how he can file and then run as an Independent and still remain a Democrat. Does filing to run on the Independent ticket change his official party affiliation?
This is absurd. “Loyal dem” my ass Joe you MoFo!
a message directly to Reid’s office as I doubt McCain or Kyl will forward the message to him.
I sent one last week……heard nada back,
maybe I’ll get snail mail.ain’t holdin my breath
joe must go
He should be stripped of all benefits of seniority and party affiliation NOW — since he has deliberately and intentionally ignored the will of the Democratic party votors in his home state, AND is now actively seeking election under another “party” AND supporting candidates from the other party.
To allow him to go on like this is to say that NO primary election has any meaning anywhere. It has the potential of weakening the standing of the Democratic Party as a whole, and the whole concept of democracy.
If Joe ignores the rules, then he should not receive any benefit of them either. Either the primary election results MEAN something to the Senate leadership, the party central leadership… or why do we bother having them?
Already called ’em. I diaried it over at My Left Nutmeg.
they won’t do it, because they aren’t a real political party. “Democrat” is merely a franchise that they purchase, a brand to slap onto their corporatist hack selves to better sell in areas where people vaguely remember the old party, the one that actually did things for short periods of time. What they are now is what they have been in the past, throughout most of their history.
They won’t move against him because their owners in the Corptocracy won’t let them. They won’t move against him because they’re afraid he’ll retaliate if he wins. They won’t do anything, because they are mere careerists who stand for next to nothing, and what they do stand for is just fine with most of what Holy Joe does.
Take a hard look at what soulless creatures most of them are, ESPECIALLY the leadership. If Carper moved up we would gain nothing. More shameless aisle-crossing. That’s it.
They’ll do nothing, because they made their tent so big, and sold the concessions to the same criminals, that it is no longer a functioning political party, not that it has been one for a very long time.
God, I wish I didn’t agree with everything you wrote.
Dem Emanuel says bloggers are important, particularly for contributions, but are not the future of the party because they are “firing squads” and links bloggers to sharpton.Wonder why…
Rahm =ARRRgh. He’s made it perfectly clear that he don’t want no stinkin grass roots influence in “his” party. (Think Cegelis.)
I hope he’s not feeling sanguine. I hope he’s feeling indigestion.
The idea of joe standing there – stripped! OMG!
Visually- I couldn’t take it!
Today I contacted the offices of Reid, Durbin, Clinton and Schumer, none of whom had a position on Lieberman’s seniority. I told them all that I think they need to develop a position on this — and soon — or their respective constituents will force them to develop one.
Call and let your feelings be known.
I just got off the phone with schumer’s office,and me being a Pa. Dem. ,i got the feeling it’s not my concern,only his constituents count.
what a great party,,,,im ready to resign my committeeman postion…..NOW
51 votes. If a Lieberman win assures them 51 seats Schumer, Reid, Clinton and Obama would all blow the S.O.B. on alternating days for a month after the election. Don’t believe any crap about Joe getting put on some sort of shit list or being booted from the party. 51 votes. That’s ALL that matters. Today’s Dems are a cesspool of cowardly invertebrates. LBJ would’ve taken Lieberman aside and informed him defying the party meant he was soon to be the most miserable bastard roaming the halls of Congress. He’d have to swim a stream of shit just to get to his desk. No chance for that type of enforcement with this crew.
he is running as an independent and should automatically lose all seniority. He is also a douche bag and should accept the will of the party in his state but we know he is too arrogant for that.
Booman – diary over at dKos that largely debunks this claim. FDL got it wrong in the first place.
oh, and we all know that dkos is a fountain of accurate information. >>snicker<<
Exactly where I go when I want the truth, a business run by hack consultants working for the party.
diary over at dKos that largely debunks this claim.
It really does not, at least not successfully. What fleet admiral did was narrow and redefine the meaning of ‘campaign event’ and then proceed to trash FDL and Jane.
It was kind of like claiming that Jefferson/Jackson dinners aren’t campaign events because they aren’t held outdoors with balloons and people have to buy tickets. As FA would have it it was only a quirk of fate that Lieberman was the sole ‘non republican’ pol there.
ctkeith says the TV news reported it as a campaign event.
Boo, your two last links are broken
thank you, fixed.
Lieberman’s run looks more and more like a kamikaze mission in which he tries to take a lot of people down with him. Maybe he is totally unhinged by his defeat; maybe he is no longer well.