Operation Condor was designed to kidnap, torture and murder left wing supporters, activists, union members, and members of armed organizations armed organizations, Who had left their countries and sought refuge elsewhere. It was formed by Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia. Until recently the US was thought of not being directly involved. At worst, it had only
facilitated communications among South American intelligence chiefs who were working together to eliminate left-wing opposition groups in their countries as part of a covert program known as Operation Condor.
After the Embassy Row bombing, until then, the worst terrorist attack on US soil, George H.W.Bush’s CIA tried to cover up
Under George Bush, the CIA leaked a false report that not only cleared Chile’s military dictatorship – it pointed the FBI in the wrong direction. The bogus CIA assessment, was spread through Newsweek magazine and other American media outlets, was planted despite CIA’s now admitted awareness at the time that Chile was participating in Operation Condor, a cross-border campaign targeting political dissidents, and the CIA’s own suspicions that the Chilean junta was behind the terrorist bombing in Washington,
Later reports, however, indicate that they knew before hand of the terrorist plot
the discovery of secret-police documents in Paraguay and other recently declassified documents in the United States is pulling back the veil from Operation Condor. The new information paints a picture of up-to-the-minute knowledge of Condor operations by US officials, including detailed intelligence just before Chile sent a team to Washington, DC, where they killed a prominent opposition leader with a car bomb on Embassy Row.
So far there hasn’t been any direct link. However recent investigations of the “Automotores Orletti” which was a clandestine disappearance centre in Argentina reveal a direct involvement of the US with Operation Condor (In Spanish): It seems there was an embassy of terror where torturers would invite colleagues of the American intelligence services to participate. Cuban groups from Miami, who worked for the CIA passed through Orletti and tortured and disappeared two Cuban diplomats : Cresencio Galaguena Hernandez (26) and Jesus Cejas Arias(22)
American Journalist John Dinges in the Miami Herald ( I could not find it) tells about the close relation between the Argentine intelligence forces and the CIA and FBI. A month after the interrogation and torture sessions, the FBI wrote a memo regarding the interrogations.
Paraguayan dictator, Alfredo Sroesner who participated in Operation condor died on August 16th.
Guess he went to hell.
That should have been Stroesner, not Sroesner.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
If you can find it, check out Donald Freed’s book “Death in Washington” about the Letelier assassination. He fingers Michael Townley, a former CIA agent who worked for DINA, Pinochet’s secret police. Townley partipated in Operator Condor, which pretty much completes the circle. I think the direct links from the CIA to Condor are known, if not widely acknowledged.
That is the thing. They say that Townsley was a “former” CIA. Yet he stil is under federal protection. The US has been so far a silent partner. Never participated. But these recent revelation Make the US the seventh country in Plan Condor. It is my belief that Charlie Horman (from the movie Missing) was the first sacrificial lamb of Condor (although it did not form until 76). Also, it shares a similarity with recent reports that CIA tortured him, or witnessed it, and the torturers in Automotores Orletti. The most important proof to me was Cotreras, head of DINA accusing him three times (before, during and after serving his seven years in prison). Only sometime after his release he changed his accustions. And then there was the chilean chemist, Berrios (produced sarin gas and an undetectable coke for Pinochet) who was going to declare on the Embassy Bow bombing but was found with a bullet in his head in Uruguay before he could do so.
Yeah, CIA’s paws are all over this.
And I don’t believe anyone is “former” CIA unless they’re dead.
Interesting Horman. Loved that movie and always wondered what the REAL story there was.
Yeah – it sickens me to see all that has been done in the name of “national security” both at home and abroad, that has not made the majority of us more secure at all.
I had to check something up. Townsley and his wife, Mariana Callejas Honores, were both responsible of the killing of General Prats in Buenos Aires in 1974. That means that Townsley was probably in Chile during the coup. I would not be surprised if he was one of those who was present while they “interrogated” him. Actually it makes sense. He was also mentioned as being present in the Automotores Orletti when they tortured and dissappeared the two cuban diplomats.
I know Horman’s wife is still trying to find out who was responsible. It is sad to see that the US government nor the American people give a dam about them. And, after Horman’s and Terrugi’s murders, Americans became fair game all over Latinamerica.
Yeah – most Americans don’t see or care about these things because they’re not forced in front of them. They get American Idol instead.
I’ve pent the last eight years messing with them, and letting them know that not all of us have forgoten them. I might do something for the 30th aniversary of embassy row ( the 21st of september). Thought of writing an open letter and try to get it to the newspapers. At minimum I will send it to Congress. It just breaks my heart to know that their families ar basically all alone in this, while the rest of the world has the backing of thier governments and their people.
You know something is up when every single country tries to bring some justice, except this one.
I hope you share your letter here too!
Only if you let me use the American Idol part. π
Interesting post. I just returned from 2 weeks in Paraguay.
Here is an interesting recent article on the country. Martin Almada is a real hero for uncovering the “Archivos del Terror” in the basement of the Paraguayan police building. It linked Stroessner to all the other leaders and the cross-country persecution that was going on.
Our own military is now involved in Paraguay in a distinctly nefarious way. I would be interested in any further comments anyone has after reading this:
That was a very good article. I knew that Paraguay was considering allowing the US to go there, but was unaware that they had already done so. Evidently Paraguay has a lot to win from such a deal, but it also has a lot to loose. First, it has no sea ports, and it depends on most of its improts-exports on the good will of Brazil and Argentina to allow them to use the Parana river. That could end, and prices would sky rocket. Second, the Petro Sur is planing to build a pipeline to Paraguay. That could end also. Bolivia with Evo Morales could deny them cheap gas. In other words they could effectivley starngle tha Paraguayan economy.
Why would they do this? They defenitely don’t like the US setting camp down in South America. They have done everything possible to stay away from the US.They no longer want to even have military excersices with them.
However I think there is a big chance for anti terrorism cooperation: Send us Poppa Bush and Kissinger and Michael Townsley! We can sure use some help on that! π
By the way, I have been in Paraguya a couple of times. Also I was on the airport the day that Stroessner went to his exlie. Our plane was delayed because of him. I had to pupopys inh the plane and since it was going to take about 5 hours for us to leave I asked if they could be taken out of their comparment. I was in the runway about 300 meters from his plane. It was one delay I enjoyed every single second.