Tokyo’s subway has refused permission for an advertising poster featuring a nude and heavily pregnant Britney Spears, branding it “too stimulating” for young people.
The picture of the pop singer — nude but covering her breasts with her arms and crossing her legs at the knee — appeared in the August issue of Harper’s Bazaar and will be on the cover of the magazine’s Japanese edition in October.
Got any weird news?
Illegal flags hung up in a Denver area classroom. In a World Geography classroom! story
like this: Newza da Weird…if it ain’t one thing it’s another…
I have a vague memory of someone quoting GW Bush prior to the Iraq war (or perhaps prior to the 2000 election) where he said something to the effect: “war makes great presidents”, refering to his becoming great through military engagements. Unfortunately, I can’t find a link or source after extensive google and lexux/nexus searches.
Is my memory faulty? Does anyone else remember this, and if so can you provide a cite?
I think he said something like that several times. Here is one example from 2004, from The Hindu (Indian newspaper):
Thank you very much. That was *extremely* helpful. 4 for you.
Yesterday, Grapefruit-sized hail and heavy rain fall as storms sock N.D. [free reg, but link needs email and password]
Thank god! Can anyone imagine the furor if this kind of photo was permitted to be published in our great and pure country? I think that we have much to learn from the japs! I wonder if the ginnies, given the fact that they are the home of the pope, permit copies of the disgrace to be shown in any form in Italy? Oh, and just think of the impact that the posting of this picture would have on our posture in the Muslim world! can you imagine!
Dude…calling Japanese people ‘Japs’ is offensive. Would you care to stop? Thank you.
there just really is no adequate response to something other then to just say:
Here. Lots of disturbing stuff.
but Superman is a dick has been cracking me up all week.
They have ENOUGH trouble with groping as it is.
They even have a word for this culture-wide phenomenon.
There are groups of chikan who coordinate their efforts and even engage in “competitions”. Chikan rely on the tendency of their victims not to draw attention to the violation for reasons of embarrassment.
Japanese sexuality NEEDS no more stimulus.
A Japanese tourist type ran this game on the wife of a musician in the Chico O’Farrill Band at Birdland last fall. Paid his bill at the bar, put on his coat, walked up behind her and grabbed a handful, then ran out the door.
Sad shit.
Choose your allies carefully.
Well – here’s a great movie recommendation. See “The Illusionist” and see it before you hear anything that gives away any of the cool little bits of info that appear throughout the film. It’s a film a progressive would love, btw, but that’s beside the point.
It’s lush, romantic, mysterious, and has interlocking puzzle pieces that fit together oooh so well. And Edward Norton is just, well, brilliant in this. Makes me think he’s at least that smart in person. And Paul Giamatti plays a real character part here. Fun, interesting, gorgeous – well worth the bucks. But do go soon before anyone spoils it for you by giving away a trick or several…!
Which wars should be prosecuted?
In researching a story about Saddam Hussein’s second trial, OneWorld journalist Aaron Glantz came across a very interesting perspective about what has become known recently as “pre-emptive war.” Former Nuremberg prosecutor Benjamin Ferencz calls it “aggressive war” and believes it’s the most heinous crime that can be committed because it opens the door to all war crimes. More on that in today’s news section,
Bush and Saddam Should Both Stand Trial, Says Nuremberg Prosecutor
OneWorld US
ABC News just had an exclusive report on as a primer for 20/20.
Exclusive: Whistleblowers Say State Farm Cheated Katrina Victims
August 25, 2006 11:53 AM
Didn’t check to see if the Video was up, probably is, if you visit the report link.
No really.
I get the picture. Pretty ghastly. Goose droppings are bad enough without adding the diarrhea factor.
From an email from Planned Parenthood:
Actual quote, with video.
Um, what about the other two branches of the Federal government? And the separation of powers? And the Constitution?
This is “frivolous” only because it’s such a jaw-dropper for Bush to reveal his ignorance so profoundly. Not.
Remember how it was reported that Iran had “refused IAEA inspectors to access Natanz nuclear site” and how this supposedly made Iran’s nuclear program “more suspicious” ? (See )
Well, the rest of the story is in: reportedly, Iran filed a request with the IAEA to remove two of the inspectors, as Iran was legally entitled to do, but the rest of the inspectors are in Iran and doing their job. (And of course, to get the full story, you can’t rely on AP!)