This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Sun screen and sunglasses on every table.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Morning everyone.
Remind me of why I got a puppy?
I think I saw some pictures.
What did she do?
She gets up at 5:30 and let’s just say I’m not a morning person.
Sorry about the rain, ask, but I hope you two have a good time anyway.
Now you know why I’m always available to put up early morning cafes.
If Jim gets up, he just gets on the couch and snuggles with Sniff for another hour or two.
Sorry to hear.
Diverging body-clocks are a drag. But she is adorable anyway, no?
I was up before just before 5.30, I believe. For no good reason.
Good morning, Andi and SN.
curly and I are in the Berkshires for the weekend, but it’s raining outside.
If it’s not raining too hard, I love walking in the woods in the rain — everything seems soft and muted.
But just a little and then it should stop and the sun should come out so you can have a lovely weekend.
Yes, if it’s not raining too hard we’ll surely go for a walk.
Primarily, we’re here to clean out the basement storage :/
So the good news is that rain can’t ruin your weekend — it’s too late. 😉
Right, and we’re comfortable inside. Here comes curly, better get breakfast going (just realizing we forgot to bring coffee, arrg).
Morning AndiF, ask, and SN.
Raining here too, I’m afraid, but looks like it will clear up and just be cloudy later.
It’s overcast here but the chance of rain here is only supposed to be 20%. Either way, the dogs and I will head out to the woods in a bit.
How did the birthday cake turn out?
It’s looking good. The big day isn’t till tomorrow, but I knew I’d probably be too busy today to bake it. It still needs the cream cheese frosting (it’s a carrot cake).
I still need to wrap the presents. I’m hoping CBtY will do that part…
Sounds good — I like cakes like carrot cake and banana cake. No frosting, though.
Hope the birthday is great time for all.
Not even cream cheese frosting?
Carrot cake is CBtE’s favorite birthday cake…I think he picked something diferent one year, and then decided it didn’t feel like a birthday without the usual cake.
Maybe if it is put on very lightly.
My mother made banana cake — no frosting — for all my birthdays. It was the only cake I liked.
You’re weird. With carrot or banana cake I like it half cake, half cream cheese frosting. All the normal people do.
Good morning everyone.
Hi FM,
you’re late this morning. Got some good sleep?
Breakfast done here, if you read my comments above you’ll know that i’m now headed for the basement.
Hi ask. Cleaning out the basement storage sounds like a wonderful weekend activity. Yeah sure. 🙂
Plus no coffee! Don’t see how you can do it.
Tough life!
But we found some coffee in a cabinet, not my favorite blend, but surviving.
Just as long as it’s not de-caf. 🙂
Morning Courtney – feeling better?
Morning SN. Yeah feeling somewhat better. Thanks.
So how is puppy town?
things are busy in Puppytown and the house looks like we have a newborn baby – toys everywhere. I can’t wait until she’s as laid back as Bud.
I’m glad you’re feeling better – things just aren’t the same without you.
Yes I know what you mean with the toys. Thankfully George is almost laid back now.
Heck when I’m not around, all ya need is another head to pound on. I’ll even leave my helmet in the cafe. 😛
Unfortunately no one else steps up to the plate to fill your shoes, bless your heart.
It just shows there are a lot smarter people here than I am. 🙂
I like to call them wimpy.
I won’t go there, but……
Have the cats started getting used to the puppy yet?
It’s a slow process. They’ll venture out when she’s napping, and at night she sleeps in a crate in my bedroom so they have the run of the house. They sniff each other and then the cats run up into they’re enormous cat treehouse thingy.
It’ll just take time. I’m still trying to get Tom used to George. Tom lets him approach every now and then and does nothing, but sometimes he’ll swipe at him.
Isn’t this a little past your usual wake-up time? Did you forget to set the alarm? 😛
Moving slow today. Not yet caffeinated and too much to do. Book stuff plus a grandmother in the hospital (looks like she’ll be fine, but we very worried for a while). Early in the summer it was to hot and dry to do much work outside. Now, the outdoor carpeting in my screen office is growing green stuff, it smells not great, and it’s actually almost too chilly to work in the morning thanks to the torrential rain of the last few days. Sigh. Oh well, we did have a run of nearly perfect weather for work during the first two weeks of August.
Morning Kelly. Sorry to hear about the grandmother, but happy it sounds like she’ll be fine.
Don’t know what to tell you about the green stuff.
Hope your grandma recovers nicely – it’s always worrisome with elderly folks.
I’m waiting for cooler weather; it’s been icky hot and humid since June. Since moving down south my stuck-in-the-house season is summer instead of winter.
Best wishes to your grandmother, Kelly!
Sending Warm Thoughts of Love & Healing to the family!!!
Thursday was an absolutely awful day. The day started with my grandmother going into the hospital, went on through a signing at our local bookstore where almost nobody showed up because there was a tornado watch and golfball sized hail, and ended with a long drive through the storm to drop my aunt Lee (housesguest) off home in the cities and go to writers group. Oh, and Dr.Mc came down with a cold on that same day. Bleah.
I’m gone to lay down for awhile again. Just a pic of the newest visitor to the carport.
Everyone have a good day.
Possums are so ugly!!!!
how cute he looked.
No, I did not sleep in late. LOL I have been busy working on some new designs and also doing a podcast this am.
I Don’t Need Your Approval
Don’t Need Your Approval
Not Gay Rights But Equal Rights
Thank You!!!!
Good Morning All…
Nice to see you…and yes, it’s still morning here in the PacNW.
Here’s what floats my boat…literally. Sailing is great fun. The tricky bit is to synchronize sailing time with the moon….tidal waters, you know. 😉
It’s been forever since we’ve both been in at the same time. Hope life is treating you well.
Good to be back. I’ll be stopping by as time permits. Good to see you, too
And here’s what floats my ground boat today. (Read the Big Announcement and note the photo)
What a gorgeous view! I’m so glad you guys figured out a way to buy the house. I grew up on the shores of lake Erie and I miss the water terribly. 🙁 But not the winters.
Congrats Puget and lovely garden btw, good work and good pics….sounds as if you are very excited and happy and good to see you around these parts.
I remember lots of pictures of that wonderful view. I’m so glad you were able to work something out.
That is wonderful! Congratulatons.
Congrats on the house!!!!!
On the kitchen whiteboard are the words:”The search for love continues in spite of great odds…”, from a photo of graffitti accompanying a bell hooks article long ago. It’s been up there for six months and I keep learning more about the subject and myself but don’t know that I’ve got very much figured out other than my loner days are over and the subject is far more complex than I originally expected. Spent entirely too much time lying in bed late last night worrying about if it’s too late for me to find a love I can understand, where it might be, why even the everyday, ordinary love of housemates, neighbors, comrades at work is enough to bring me to tears.
A number of beloveds checked out of my space/time continuum recently: Scott, a single father whose son we all helped care for while he was going to school, now off for a grand adventure in China. When they return it will be to Vancouver, BC, as political immigrants, meaning we won’t see Ezra graduate from school, enter adolescence, etc., in our town anyway and maybe not at all. Daniel, my housemate for the last year and jolly companion at many nights of eating and jawing around the kitchen table, off to Switzerland to marry his Swiss girlfriend who I immediately adored; I described her in my journal as “solid sunshine”. Dick H., our longtime art instructor at the college, who unexpectedly died of a heart attack despite being a runner, always smiling and willing to talk art even with the gardeners. Sure, I sent them off with blessings, prayers and best wishes and will in best Buddhist tradition let go and let the new loves in the door, into my heart, but right now I’m hovering in that in between space of longing.
Sorry I’m such a little dark cloud, I do hope everyone has a lovely weekend full of naps,yummy summer food and doggy kisses.
Do you have a pet…something to love on and snuggle with? I worry about signs of depression if your dark cloud hangs on too long.
Having people disappear from your everyday life is hard and can make you feel really lonely.
Fwiw, soup, I can empathize with the fears you express but I think it’s never too late for love. As long as we’re alive, there’s hope.
Hope the dark cloud lightens up soon and lets out some healing rain. Love is where you find it, and always there if you keep looking.
I think we’ve all been in that place before. Keep yourself busy with your other friends and the things you love to do, and the rest will take care of itself.
may your dark cloud hold the beginnings of hope.
love, peace and blessings to you ‘soup.
You heart is so large and right now it is aching from the Loves gone but will soon swell with the new loves that enter to grow along side the old ones.
here on the Left Coast…just straggled out of bed. Had a great time at the midnight movies last night (great turnout too), but we ended up not getting to bed till about 3am so we’re draggin’ a bit.
Not sure what’s on tap for today; need to wake up a bit more.
Have a great day, folks…
Hope life it treating you well today.