A week from tomorrow…I’m sure they’ll be sick of it by next Thursday, but I’ll be happy to have some uninterrupted time during the day for work again. At the same time, I’m looking forward to their 3-day weekend in late September. Go figure.
She’s settling in nicely, but still having accidents once a day or so. It’s more like she’s marking than she really has to go. And whenever I come home she gets so excited she pees in her glee. It’s kind of a pain to have to clean it up, but it’s nice that someone is that happy to see me.
You know you’re right. I think when I used to live up North that during Aug. dog poop always smelled like perfume. How could I had forgotten something like that? 🙂
Smart ass. Up north it smells like dog poop in August – the rest of the year it freezes. Has it been especially hot this year down in ‘Bama? It’s beastly here.
This time of year the average is around 85F….but it’s been in the mid 90s for weeks and weeks and weeks. And almost no rain. We’re hoping Ernesto helps out, while not totalling the beach cottage.
From the predictions it looks like Ernesto is going to miss us completely. We could use the rain, but not the wind. I hope ya’ll get some rain, but nothing drastic.
I’m praying (in my agnostic way) for a little Ernesto, if you know what I mean. He sounds so romantic, so hot. I’m just glad Debby fizzled out because that’s the ex-wife’s name in my house and it would have been too ironic to have Debby wreacking havoc with our lives.
My cockroach-hunting cat has been too busy hiding from the dog and she missed a palmetto bug (cockroach up north!) the size of a hamster in the kitchen last night. Usually she catches them and systematically de-legs them and bats them around like a toy until she gets bored and leaves them lying there, legless.
Ended up not getting the bloodwork done today — we were both too damn hungry. 🙂 Went out to brunch instead; home for a bit before heading out to dinner.
Got the yarn for my upcoming projects; hope to get a start on one before we head out, which means I need to get off the computer soon (ha ha)…
I sure need an iced drink. And a nap.
I could go for an iced drink.
And school to start. 🙂
When do they start? Ben went back last Friday and is already tired of it. :/
A week from tomorrow…I’m sure they’ll be sick of it by next Thursday, but I’ll be happy to have some uninterrupted time during the day for work again. At the same time, I’m looking forward to their 3-day weekend in late September. Go figure.
How’s Hopeful Jr doing?
She’s settling in nicely, but still having accidents once a day or so. It’s more like she’s marking than she really has to go. And whenever I come home she gets so excited she pees in her glee. It’s kind of a pain to have to clean it up, but it’s nice that someone is that happy to see me.
Well, if he’s annoyed, at least you know he’s going to class. 🙂
post poop-patrol nap?
Yes, but one nap is hardly enough these days. I swear it’s like my arms and legs are made out of lead and I’m constantly wanting to lie down.
Welcome to my world. 🙂
I’m sure FM will cheerlead for the multi-nap day; me, I’m too jealous.
I had to take a break from working because I wanted to go join Sniff on the couch so bad that I couldn’t concentrate.
I’ll always take an iced drink and a nap. Not at the same time of course.
If I could do both at the same time I would.
Feeling better?
Yep sure am. Thanks.
You should be getting plenty of exercise from the pooper scooping, I guess.
Thanks for reminding me of another thing I hate about the South™, the poop outside really stinks to high heaven if you don’t pick it up right away.
When is this fucking hot weather going to stop? Make it go away!
You know you’re right. I think when I used to live up North that during Aug. dog poop always smelled like perfume. How could I had forgotten something like that? 🙂
It stops in Jan., but only for a little while.
Smart ass. Up north it smells like dog poop in August – the rest of the year it freezes. Has it been especially hot this year down in ‘Bama? It’s beastly here.
It has been unusually hot. The pond is down about 4 feet and I don’t remember seeing that before.
With the heat index, we’ve been in the 100’s for a long time. I’m ready for Nov.
This time of year the average is around 85F….but it’s been in the mid 90s for weeks and weeks and weeks. And almost no rain. We’re hoping Ernesto helps out, while not totalling the beach cottage.
From the predictions it looks like Ernesto is going to miss us completely. We could use the rain, but not the wind. I hope ya’ll get some rain, but nothing drastic.
I’m praying (in my agnostic way) for a little Ernesto, if you know what I mean. He sounds so romantic, so hot. I’m just glad Debby fizzled out because that’s the ex-wife’s name in my house and it would have been too ironic to have Debby wreacking havoc with our lives.
LOL I don’t blame you.
a romance book cover — a big hunk that’s going to just sweep you off your feet?
Exactly – he’s my stand in for Manny.
I thought it was going to be fabio
if it gets any lower, the snakes will probably leave to go find some place more accommodating. Snakes on a lawn!
They can have the lawn and the pond. Just leave the house alone! 🙂
Better leave Tom and Cat inside or you’ll have Snakes on a Cat.
I keep hearing that cats keep snakes away. I don’t know if that’s an old wifes tale or what, but I haven’t seen any around the house. Yet.
My cockroach-hunting cat has been too busy hiding from the dog and she missed a palmetto bug (cockroach up north!) the size of a hamster in the kitchen last night. Usually she catches them and systematically de-legs them and bats them around like a toy until she gets bored and leaves them lying there, legless.
…newcomers only?…hmmmmm….I just got here! – that count?
perfect day in the foothills….73º and this…
of course, it could be snowing in 3 weeks.
Oooooh, that looks beautiful! I loved living in the Rockies back when I was a hippie. Working as a maid at a ski resort?…..not so much.
ahhh, the good ol days, eh…hopefully, you were a ski bum and rewarded in other ways…:{)
No, I didn’t ski, but I had two years of lovely promiscuity with skiers and construction workers before I got married. Ah, the days. 😉
and sunny days…rewarding in many ways…:{)
You had two days to regale me with those stories and you didn’t tell me even one. 🙁
I try not to remember them because it makes me sad. Why did I think I had to get married in such a hurry? Oh, yeah…because I was homeless. :/
now I feel bad that I brought it up. Never mind, pretend I didn’t ask, you really don’t have to tell me any of the juicy, skeezy details.
Hi dada. 73 you say? I’d forgotten the thermometer could go down that low.
In Nov. I’ll still be wearing shorts, but it won’t be so hot.
Please…tan the legs.
SN I wear shorts just about year round and they’re not tan yet. It’s hopeless. I’m cursed with pasty legs and knobby knees. 😛
Maybe you should shave them and let a little daylight touch the skin.
What, and loose my sun protection factor.
So, your leg hair is SPF 45?
Maybe higher. It’s hard to see the pasty through the hair. 🙂
I hope you’re talking about your legs and not an exotic dancer.
I’ll leave ya guessing. 🙂
tan in a tube.
Nah, I’ll just go the way I am. Pasty looks good on me. 🙂
Unfortunately around here, they frown on walking around outside in those. 🙂
You’re not a member of one of those clubs where the members go out during mid winter and jump in ice cold water?
I never did quite get that one. 🙂
the “Polar Bear Club” does that at the res every new year’s day…the only water I’ll jump into that time of year is a hot springs…or a hot tub…
or one of the new “naked scanners “skeletor’s” TSA wants to use in airports…
this is a prime opportunity for doing a photographic self-portrait — or teaching Bu to use the camera.
I’m still trying to wean her from the computer…she ain’t gettin’ near a camera
Speaking of photography lessons, how do you do the thumbnail image thing, where you click on it for the larger version?
use “link” brackets…..auto format…
[ < img width=X src=pic url >repeat full size pic url here ]
close brkts
Thanks (see reply to AndiF)!
like this
<a href=”big_image”><img src=”thumbnail_image”/><br>Click Image for larger version</a>
Click Image for larger version
Click image for larger version
Gotta go. I’ll check back in awhile.
Ended up not getting the bloodwork done today — we were both too damn hungry. 🙂 Went out to brunch instead; home for a bit before heading out to dinner.
Got the yarn for my upcoming projects; hope to get a start on one before we head out, which means I need to get off the computer soon (ha ha)…
Hi Folks!!!! If you haven’t checked out Psi’s latest dairy, you need to.
I am so impressed with this young man and his grasp on politics.
Hope everyone is doing fine!!!!