Does this sound familiar?
Iran remained defiant Thursday as a U.N. deadline arrived for it to halt uranium enrichment, and the U.S. ambassador to the
United Nations [the mustache] said unanimity among the Security Council was not needed to take action against Tehran.
Sounds familiar to me. The difference? We don’t have the option of invading Iran and deposing their government. That’s leaves us flailing about.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said an Iranian refusal to freeze uranium enrichment by the deadline would be “very regrettable,” and the international community would be unable to ignore it.
“We have made Iran a very, very good offer,” she during a visit to the Baltic Sea port of Warnemuende, alluding to a package of incentives aimed at persuading Tehran to curb its nuclear activities.
If Iran does not accept, “we will not slam the door shut, but we cannot act as if nothing had happened,” Merkel said, adding that the next step would have to be discussed, but gave no details.
Iran does not appear to be too scared.
Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi shrugged off the possibility of sanctions, telling state-run television that Iran “will find a way to avoid pressure eventually.”
Only the Bush administration could combine a reputation for bloodthirsty warmongering with a reality of total impotence. It looks like they are going to ask a few countries to join a new coalition of the willing. Those being the countries willing to refrain from selling nuclear technology to Iran and to refuse visas to their nuclear scientists. That will have zero effect on anything. Bush has made us look like fools.
The next step is to blame the Democrats for his impotence.
…and see how long before we hear “we tried diplomacy and it didn’t work.”
Has anyone seen any of the details on the EU offer made to Iran? All that I’ve been able to find when I search for detailed information is blather about the offer and how it such a good deal for the Iranians. It’s no wonder that the Iranians have rejected the offer – it’s all a mirage. Why say yes to nothing?
Some of the elements of the “offer” to Iran have been disclosed and discussed on this site:
However, note that this offer appears to be an “a lot of gift wrapping around a pretty empty box” like that last offer to Iran:
Bush is only making himself (and minions) into a fool. All the democrats really have to do is point that out. Interesting that George Will said the biggest mistake the democrats could make this cycle is to “go positive”. Take it even he’s not happy with the administration these days.
why should Iran be scared, they are within their legal rights under current international agreements, and they also know that China and Russia are on their side … and they will have even more cover when Venezuela gets a seat on the Security Council.
I’m truly puzzled. Why are you helping bang these war drums? Can’t you see that if Bush gets his little war in Iran our army in Iraq will be crushed?
I don’t get it. I know that you’re a little younger than me, and I’m sure that the hostage drama in the 70s had a huge impact on a lot of peoples’ political viewpoints, but the hostage taking didn’t take place in a vacuum, it was an understandable reaction to years of hegemony and intervention.
I don’t get it. Why are you buying into the fear, buying into the warmongering, buying into the next war crime, why can’t this wonderful community for discussion and debate be a place where we can take a step back from the Hillary/Reid/Schumer-led appeasment of the NEXT Bush war crime?
Take a step back, look to independent news sources, and quit worshipping at the alter of CIA and Republican blindness.
Actually, it’s the MSM which has failed in this build-up to Dubya’s next war. I don’t think I’ve seen once in the general media the comment that Iran is permitted to conduct nuclear enrichment research under the NPT, which they voluntarily joined and to which they seem to be adhering. Dubya and the posse keep making assertions that Iran is seeking nuclear weapons by conflating Iran’s nuclear enrichment research with only nuclear weapons without offering one shred of evidence that the assertion is grounded in fact. Never does the MSM point out that the research does indeed have dual uses and that Iran is entitled, by treaty, to one of them.
The fault lies with those who choose to remain uninformed and ignorant. That appears to be the vast majority of Americans. Saying that the fault lies with the MSM is just another excuse for Americans to remain blind. Why do they need to be taken by their little soft hands and led to information that’s widely available?
I find it profoundly depressing that on multiple “liberal” blogs I see repeated slavish repetitions of the right’s propaganda. 5, 6 years ago it was so wonderful to find a vital series of forums where you could read other perspectives, where you could find links to the information that the MSM ignored or suppressed in favor of happy warmongering, all the better to sell boner pills. Now, especially in places dedicated to electing Democrats, I’m reading more and more of the center-right BS spewed by the Clintons, by Reid and Schumer and Biden.
Shame on them.
Strange, Angela Merkel’s party, the CDU here is Germany is the “business” party, Germany’s answer for the Republicans. AND THEY’RE STILL LEFT OF THE DEMOCRATS.
drives home how badly off track we are. There’s a new Thomas Frank piece up behind the Times pay wall. A friend sent me the text:
Of course, this isn’t going to happen, especially if liberals keep falling for the fearmongering “If you don’t vote for our worthless asses the REPUBLICANS will keep doing what we’re gonna end up doing anyway, only in a more nice way”. If people vote for Hillary et al, they’re helping the right. PERIOD.
The current membership of the Democratic Party is largely beyond hope, beyond reason, beyond decency.
note: I snipped out a couple of good paragraphs so the copyright nazis wouldn’t go after BMT.