Doing OK, just getting ready for another hot (for Seattle) day tomorrow. I’m thinking it will probably be a good day to take the Queen of the Universe swimming if she’s interested, since she starts school on Wednesday.
Pretty much. I’d consider the zoo but I think when it’s over 80 swimming will be more fun, plus our zoo pass expires today. I need to get it renewed but I have to shoehorn in the money for it in and among keeping canis lupus at bay.
Sometime today, between squalls, I’m going to have to bring the laundry in.
The dog’s lightly snoring on the couch, Alberts stretched out under the kitchen table, and my project for today is cancelled because I left most of the tools at Imogen’s brother’s house (where I’m installing his plumbing).
That philosophy ocassional results in a pissed-off partner. Since it’s her birthday tomorrow, I thought I’d do something different and try to make her happy. 😉
Olivia, I put up an Albert photo, especially for you.
The above photo is actual size. This one is a bit larger-than-life.
I’m having a hard time getting the bib color to show up. The top of his head and his nape are the same shade blue, but the cheeks are a bit lighter. The bib is a fantastic deep blue purple.
Thanks Knucklehead. I’m not big on the infinate depth of field that so many people seem to prefer when taking photo. I like the subject to be framed by the background.
If you could, would you do me a favor and italicize your Bolton joke. That way I’ll know it’s your signature and not have to read it every single time. 😀
my Virgo-ness is having a visceral reaction to abrupt changes of plans for the long weekend, but as always, my cynical/laid-back side will prevail and I’ll just chug along. Hope your day has improved, I noticed the ‘shitty’ description above.
For the past week my local NPR station has been advertising a special program examining, as only a classical, jazz, and news station can, the best rock album ever – Revolver.
I like the album. It has some very good/great songs but it isn’t my idea of the greatest rock album.
Hey dada,
Seeing your comment just made me remember I have a bug in my bug carrier. I`ve got to go & retrieve it pronto. I guess I subliminally connected your beautiful dragonfly with the redbug I had posted. The bug in the bug carrier is similar to the redbug.
If I can`t get a shot of the bug, I will at least post a shot of my custom bug carrier.
Here`s my old school ex bike, stolen in the late 70`s. Note the pot leaves in the paint on the tank. A homemade springer, front spool hub [no front brake] a 6volt VW BUG headlight taped to the HD headlight case.
A Joe Hunt mag for spark & a shitty mechanical brake in the rear.
Now that was a ride. The bulb horn made it street legal.
New clean lounge. Pull up a chair.
Were did everybody go?
I’m here, FM!
That’s funny. FMom just called and I just got back. 🙂
just dishing out dinner … 🙂
Wow, you guys eat late.
I agree with SN, you guys eat late.
do you have your hard shell choc sauce?
Yep, sure did. Chocolate/fudge. 🙂
Did you have a throw together or a big dinner?
grilled chicken breast and potatoes on bbq and corn on the cob … the first meal I’ve had in a couple days … 🙂
Yep you haven’t been eating right. You need to get back into your routine.
Having a good routine promotes the path to slackdom. 🙂
LOL … you’re funny 🙂
You should do up one of those 365 day calendars, with a new slackerly bit of wisdom each day …
Sounds like it would be work. Can’t do it. 🙂
is save your cafe comments and voila!
I have spouted some gems, haven’t I. 🙂
I still have about a half hour to go. Mrs Omir is working late tonight and when she comes home I plan to have some burgers on the grill.
Yeah, but my late is still early to you. 🙂
tonight’s a little later than usual … but I wasn’t hungry when I got home – had to destress first 😉
so the big question is — did you have ice cream?
I still don’t have any urge to eat any and that does concern me … lol
Are you sick?
then I’m still going worry that you aren’t feeling good or worse that the strange pod in the garden is getting bigger.
Well, I was remembering a few times when I felt too tired and sick to eat for awhile….
Four to be precise.
I did notice some strange plants out there tonight … 🙂
Can I pull up a hammock?
Sure can Omir. How’re ya doing?
Doing OK, just getting ready for another hot (for Seattle) day tomorrow. I’m thinking it will probably be a good day to take the Queen of the Universe swimming if she’s interested, since she starts school on Wednesday.
Sounds like that would be fun. She has to squeeze in everything before school starts.
Pretty much. I’d consider the zoo but I think when it’s over 80 swimming will be more fun, plus our zoo pass expires today. I need to get it renewed but I have to shoehorn in the money for it in and among keeping canis lupus at bay.
Very wise on the swimming pool. Know what you mean by the shoehorning the money.
Sometime today, between squalls, I’m going to have to bring the laundry in.
The dog’s lightly snoring on the couch, Alberts stretched out under the kitchen table, and my project for today is cancelled because I left most of the tools at Imogen’s brother’s house (where I’m installing his plumbing).
I guess I should clean, or somethin’.
keres haven’t I rubbed off even a little on you. SLACK!
Enjoy to joy of doing absolutely nothing. 🙂
Repeat after me: Blogging forever! Housework, whenever.
That philosophy ocassional results in a pissed-off partner. Since it’s her birthday tomorrow, I thought I’d do something different and try to make her happy. 😉
Olivia, I put up an Albert photo, especially for you.
woo hoo … 🙂
Hi Indy. keres is probably to busy cleaning to see this. 🙂
But she does look hot bending over the tub like that. And that apron…!
I like that she’s cleaning dressed as though she could whip the apron off and entertain company at the drop of a sponge. It’s so patriarchy-riffic.
Not to mention that she’s down on her knees and smiling.
As if – on oh so many levels.
Besides, a Fairy Wren just popped by, so now I have to go edit some photos and post them.
Superb is not just a look, it’s an attitude.
The above photo is actual size. This one is a bit larger-than-life.
I’m having a hard time getting the bib color to show up. The top of his head and his nape are the same shade blue, but the cheeks are a bit lighter. The bib is a fantastic deep blue purple.
Last one. So I don’t crash all the dial-uppers.
Super excellent. Great shot & what a great background.
It`s almost like it was taken with a “Guicionne” filter.
Thanks Knucklehead. I’m not big on the infinate depth of field that so many people seem to prefer when taking photo. I like the subject to be framed by the background.
If you could, would you do me a favor and italicize your Bolton joke. That way I’ll know it’s your signature and not have to read it every single time. 😀
I’m about to fall asleep at the desk, so I’m headed to bed.
Everyone have a good night in the pond.
sleep tight … 🙂
I think I’ll go read for a bit and then go see if Sniff wants to open negotiations over the pillow.
Night all.
And order is restored to the universe … Andi goes to bed before me … 🙂
I had to click on it. Why? It even had a warning…
I’m off to mumble to myself and tranform today’s Whine to Wine. Hi everyone.
Couldn’t help yourself, could you?
in conditioning. I was trying to work through it, really, but olivia’s version of Shelob warranted the screaming banshee pic.
It’s good to see you — sorry to hear you’re going through a rough patch right now … {{{{{{{Manny}}}}}}}
(And I’m amazed that you clicked on that link too!)
my Virgo-ness is having a visceral reaction to abrupt changes of plans for the long weekend, but as always, my cynical/laid-back side will prevail and I’ll just chug along. Hope your day has improved, I noticed the ‘shitty’ description above.
For the past week my local NPR station has been advertising a special program examining, as only a classical, jazz, and news station can, the best rock album ever – Revolver.
I like the album. It has some very good/great songs but it isn’t my idea of the greatest rock album.
I vote for Who’s Next.
What’s your vote?
Allman Bros Band…Live at the Fillmore East….say no more…
© jim marshall clik image to enlarge
Hey dada,
Seeing your comment just made me remember I have a bug in my bug carrier. I`ve got to go & retrieve it pronto. I guess I subliminally connected your beautiful dragonfly with the redbug I had posted. The bug in the bug carrier is similar to the redbug.
If I can`t get a shot of the bug, I will at least post a shot of my custom bug carrier.
thought you used your lunch box?….Ha!
Thanks Head……..later…:{)
This is my “custom” carrier. It`s going to be up in a min.
Here`s the bug from the carrier. It`s a Harley bug.
And the carrier.
looks like a fencing helmet…..
cool bug…ol skool…

clik image for ol skool knuckle
Here`s my old school ex bike, stolen in the late 70`s. Note the pot leaves in the paint on the tank. A homemade springer, front spool hub [no front brake] a 6volt VW BUG headlight taped to the HD headlight case.
A Joe Hunt mag for spark & a shitty mechanical brake in the rear.
Now that was a ride. The bulb horn made it street legal.
I don’t think I’ve heard the album, but if “Jessica ” is on it, I might agree with you.
but probably the best allman bros alb ever recorded….beg, borrow, steal or buy a copy…it is absolutely killer!