Anyone reading anything other than The Kite Runner?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Just finished The Stranger by Camus.
Also finishing up a book by string theorist Leonard Susskind: The Cosmic Landscape: String Theory and the Illusion of Intelligent Design
impersonating the President again I see. By the way, I hear he just read Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina. That should keep you busy.
Yep, my readin habits are ek-u-lec-tick.
I’m reading Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami. It’s good. Go buy it. Go buy lots of it. Fill up your pool with it.
All his stuff is good. Have you read The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle? That’s my personal favorite of his, though Kafka is good too.
The Wind-Up Bird Chrinicle is my favorite as well. I’ve been meaning to go back to it again. I’ll probably get around to it after I’ve finished up the 60 or 70 other things I never seem to get around to. Great author. I don’t think I’ve ever been disapointed by any of his work.
Yes, I’ve gone and bought everthing of his that has been translated and is out in paperback. Wonderful writer.
Did y’all read his non-fiction account of the Aum Shinrikyo subway gas attack? I think it was called “Underground”. It’s what got me interested in him.
Banana Yoshimoto is a good modern Japanese writer and her blog is great (and in English)!
Yes I did read Underground. I wrote a little blurb about it last year. Do you have the link to Yoshimoto’s blog?
Reading Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. Will let you know how it was when I am done. Loved the DiVinci Code.
No stealing our open threads! We worked hard for that idea: wore our fingers to the bone we did.
Uh, nevermind.
I’m reading:
The Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco
The Arabic Alphabet, How to Read & Write It, Awde & Samano – not taking this one through an airport!
Preventing the Future, Tom Garvin – an analysis of why the Irish economy did so badly for most of the 20th C.
Just finished “The Whole Wide World” by Julia Glass (“3 Junes”), loved both of them.
Starting “Overthrow” by Stephen Kinzer.
“Jacques Pepin The Apprentice”,and “Heat” by Bill Buford.
I needed to defrag………
Right now I am trying to finish:
Baudolino, Umberto Eco – however as it is in Italien it takes much longer.
I just finished
Here comes the Sun, Joshua M. Greene – a biography of George Harrison. I never was a great Beatle fan, but this book somehow touched me. Part of it was about his musical journey with Ravi Shankar and into yoga.
and am still working through
The Kingdom of God is Within You, Leo Tolstoy. I started reading it, because it seems to be one of the books that have influenced Gandhi strongly.
i just finished A Walk In The Woods and I’m going thru Beyond Ritalin again to find coping strategies for dealing with people in my life who are nuts.
My sister and b-in-l gave me “Stalin – The Court of the Red Tsar” by Simon Sebag-Montefiore this summer.
A brick of a book;
Absolutely fascinating reading.