It’s one year after Hurricane Katrina and President B*%# is still in the White House. Am I the only one so fucking stupid to have believed that in the wake of his gross criminal negligence (at best) he and his whole gang would have to resign due to his approval ratings bottoming out? Or, barring that, to have believed the the sane who have at least one eye and half a brain would not tolerate such an offense and hazard to continue. During those first five days Mike Malloy, rightfully, reached new levels of apoplectically screaming about the urgency of removing W, and Michael Savage proclaimed on that first Thursday that “this man and this government have abdicated their authority.” So I don’t think I was alone in my naiveté to believe it was inconceivable that, one year later, evil would still be triumphing at full throttle while us good men (and women) had, ostensibly, did nothing.
Robin Williams once joked that in Great Britain the police don’t have guns, so if you commit a crime they’ll shout: “Stop!…or I’ll say `stop’ again.” What is it going to take for us to actually stop them? There are a lot of smart, experienced and politically savvy people who are opposed to Bush, yet somehow all of our goodness combined amounts to squat in the battle to reverse the tide of evil that is handing our asses to us on a platter day after day. How is it possible that we can’t do better than this? And how come we can’t come to an agreement as to WHO should replace Jr. when the time comes to fill the leadership vacuum? Because I think the main reason that all of our eloquent diatribes and collective outrage has amounted to nothing is because we have no follow through plan. Until we all come to a meeting of the minds on which man we want to replace W, then  groups like Drive Out The Bush Regime will be toothless and inconsequential empty gestures that merely underscore how feckless we are.

I’d like to start the bidding by nominating Pastor Jim Wallis, author of God’s Politics, to be our temporary choice for filling the leadership vacuum that will be created when we finally manage to bring hope and justice to fruition. I dare anyone who has read that book and seen just how much experience, knowledge and moral authority he brings to the table to say that he wouldn’t be the perfect choice to act as our battering ram to get into the Oval Office and move on already.

Until we can show a unified front with one relentless collective talking point that we demand Wallis take Bush’s place, we might as well stop wasting our breaths, especially since we’ve barely done anything to rectify the fact that they’re going to rig the elections again.

Please UndoBush: