I saw most of Donald Rumsfeld’s speech the other day at the American Legion, and while it may have gone over well with them, it went over like a lead balloon in the real world.
First off, Rumsfeld called over 60% of Americans “appeasers”. These are people against the war, and are very upset at the fact that George Bush has killed over 2600 Americans without just cause. This is a grave insult to not only them, but to all people who have the right to protest what they think are absurd policies.
According to Rumsfeld, if you don’t like what we’re doing, tough **. You can’t be against us, so sit there, shut the hell up, and bow down to the king, and make sure to kiss his ring finger when he passes your way.
This is the height of arrogance. Did the neo-cons sit there, and shut up over the Balkins, Somalia?? Hell no. Some wanted Bill Clinton impeached over his military plans. I remember people like Bob Dornan, Jack Kingston, Duncan Hunter, and others, roasting Clinton for leading our soldiers into a “death trap”.
Donald Rumsfeld has so screwed up Iraq, their is no other recourse for him but to resign. His 17th century thinking has cost us dearly. He is too inflexable to admit his mistakes, and come up with a new gameplan. Iraq is in a civil war, and the carnage will continue dispite our soldiers efforts to save the country. Rumsfeld has served his president, and the country very badly. For the good of the country, and this inept administration, Rumsfeld must step aside, and Bush must put someone who knows what the hell he’s doing. Then after Rumsfeld goes, Bush should follow him out the door. But that’s for another day, and another blog.
welcome to the frog pond.
Perhaps no cabinet member has ever more deserved to be fired than Donald Rumsfeld.
Thank you.