Former Ambassador to Guatemala and Peru, John R. Hamilton, has an interesting editorial in the Washington Post. He argues that the “tolerance of other societies for being publicly judged by the United States has reached its limits.” And he details the myriad ways in which the United States acts as we act as “police officer, judge and jury of other countries’ conduct.”

Each year we issue detailed human rights reports on every country in the world, including those whose performance appears superior to our own. We judge whether other countries have provided sufficient cooperation in fighting illegal drugs. We place countries whose protection of intellectual property has been insufficient on “watch lists,” threatening trade sanctions against those that do not improve. We judge respect for labor rights abroad through a public petition process set up under the System of Generalized (trade) Preferences. We publish annual reports on other countries’ respect for religious freedom.

And more: We seek to ensure the adequacy of civil aviation oversight and the security of foreign airports through special inspections and categorizing of government performance. We ban shrimp imports from countries whose fishing fleets do not employ sea turtle extruder devices and yellowfin tuna imports where the protection of dolphins is in our view inadequate. We report on trafficking in persons and categorize the performance of every country where such trafficking is a problem, which is just about everywhere. And we withhold military education, training and materiel assistance from countries that do not enter into agreements with us to protect our nationals from the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.

Hamilton isn’t suggesting that these are unworthy goals. He merely suggests that the cumulative effect of these policies is to alienate some erstwhile allies and that we can do better working through broader international coalitions and organizations.

What he doesn’t say is that, under the Bush administration, our hypocrisy meter is off the charts and no one wants to listen to our bullshit anymore.