Okay, I Got The Message.

We are at war with a threat equal to, if not greater than the Nazis during WWII, and the Soviet Union in the Cold War era. Another fascist threat, this time from some amorphous but widespread cabal of Muslim fundamentalists who seek to take over the world and (no doubt) kill all the Jews and forcibly convert the rest of us to Islam under threat of death. They want us Dead! And our families DEAD! And then they want to PISS ON OUR GRAVES!

In other words, they’re a lot like these guys:

With maybe a little bit of this guy thrown in for good measure (Capone, not DeNiro):

So, now that I’m quaking in fear under my bed, typing erratically with trembling fingers by the light of my miniature book light, I just have a few simple questions to ask of our brave and fearless Republican Leaders.


If we truly are facing the Battle of the Century against the evil forces of Islamofascism (in all its 57 varieties), then:

1. Why haven’t we reinstated the draft?

Even before the attack on Pearl Harbor, and declaring war as requested by President Roosevelt, Congress had reinstated the draft in anticipation of the threats posed by Nazi Germany and the militarists who controlled Japan’s government. Indeed, that draft began a full 14 months prior to Pearl Harbor. I’m not saying that all of your beautiful minds should have anticipated the threat posed by Islamofascism (after all who could have foreseen planes being flown into buildings?), but it does seem strange that you haven’t demanded of America’s youth that they enlist in the military in a TIME OF WAR. Based on what I’ve seen of our performance to date in Iraq and Afghanistan it sure looks like you could use them.

I mean, recruiting goals are not being met, and some military units are facing their 4th deployments to Iraq or Afghanistan. Five years after 9/11, maybe its time to reinstate the draft. Assuming the threat is as serious as you claim it to be, I’m sure the American public would support you.

2. Why haven’t you asked the American taxpayer to contribute a little bit more of their income to the Federal Treasury in order to pay the costs of this vast global conflict against Islamofascism?

That is, why haven’t you raised taxes? After all this is WAR! A fight for our right to exist! A fight to preserve our freedoms which are so hated by the Isamofascists in their hidey holes and caves. You’d think the American people would support a tax increase to pay for the protection that fighting them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here provides them.

Especially the wealthiest of our great society who obviously have the most — well — wealth to lose should the Islamofascists ever get the upper hand in this conflict. That’s what Franklin Roosevelt did during WWII: he raised the estate tax on the wealthiest Americans to help fund the war. Yet you have decided we must eliminate the Estate Tax, a measure that will reduce the federal government’s tax receipts by by billions of dollars each year in A TIME OF WAR!

I don’t understand? If the threat to our existence is so monstrous as you claim, then why haven’t we raised the estate tax like Roosevelt did when he faced the threat of the Nazis and Japanese militarists overrunning the globe? Maybe you can explain to me how increasing our federal debt level is good for our national security.

Which brings me to my last little question (I don’t want to overburden you so I only have three today):

3. Why aren’t we doing more to protect the homeland from attack by Islamofascists?

After all, as you say, they started this war, on our soil, attacking the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Yet, while we have spent billions on armaments and weapons systems, and billions more on our operations in Iraq and Afghanistan (and, oh how I wish I’d invested in Halliburton’s shares back in the Summer of 2001) we haven’t done much to protect our cities, ports and likely terrorist targets from attack here at home. Targets like chemical plants, nuclear facilities, electrical power stations, and mass transit systems.

Nor have we done much to protect our harbors and ports. Indeed our port security is so little thought of by your administration that you were willing to turn over management of our largest ports to a foreign company based in a country in the Middle East with ties to the very terrorists that attacked us on 9/11. It seems to me you could have done more to protect these critical areas. A little WMD snuck into the country onboard one of those millions of containers that go through our ports every day can go a long way toward killing thousands or even millions of us.

You know, us — we the people of the United States of America. Our safety and security is the reason you use to justify your massive and judicially unsupervised electronic eavesdropping and data mining programs, your use of torture, and the detention of thousands of “terrorists” in prisons around the world. If our civil liberties have to be dumped in the toilet in order to protect us from harm, I’d like to think spending a little money on securing our ports and high value targets (those pesky chemical plants and nuclear power plants) would also be something important for you to do in A TIME OF WAR. Especially against such dangerous, clever and devious adversaries.

Anyway, I hope that you can provide me with some answers soon. You see, I got the FEAR part down. (Islamofascists want to take over the world! Be afraid! Be very afraid!) I’m just not clear on the “Winning the War” part yet. And frankly, I’m beginning to suspect you aren’t either.