This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Saturday’s here. Do what you want.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Good morning Andi. How are you today?
Not bad. You?
You missed a rare Friday night appearance by maryb last night
I’m Ok. Yeah I read last nights cafe. Sorry I missed her.
Have you heard from SN. I was wondering with that hurricane if she got any bad weather.
The bad weather passed her by. Last I talked to her yesterday afternoon she hadn’t even gotten much rain from it.
I know she could have used the rain, but I’m glad no bad weather came near.
Have you got a slackerly day planned?
My computer keeps freezing up. I’m shutting down for awhile. Check back later.
Not really. Going to go for in a bit and then this afternoon we’re going to a family get together — which involves about four hours of drviving round trip — for my baby sister’s 50th birthday. So I won’t be around much today.
Tell baby siste we all said “Happy 29th Birthday!!!!”
All three of us are now in the same decade and she can damn well enjoy finally joining her older sisters. π
In that case practice your neener neener neeners.
Her actual birthday was Tuesday so I already did them. But in the interests of never missing a chance to be snotty, I’ll probably go for another round of them today.
But remember you will always be the older sister. LOL
LOL Well My Mom still claims 29 and I am 47. LOL
So you’re a year older than me. I thought you were much much, much much much older.
LOL!!!! Sometimes I feel much older.
I thought you were PsiFighter’s age… lol
We’re the same age…turned 47 back in March. You?
If things had been oh so different, I could have a child Psi’s age. LOL I will be 48 in November.
Hey Andi, have a fun & safe trip!
Beautiful photo. Morning everyone. It’s clear and bright with low humidity – a very rare southern suumer day.
Glad you’re having a nice day.
Was HJ nice about letting sleep in for the weekend?
(I’m inordinately proud of that photo — I can’t believe I get all the right stuff in focus.)
You should be proud!!!
It’s a beautiful pic – I love his eyes for some reason even though they look lifeless. I just like to think of bees having eyes.
HJ and I tried our first night in separate rooms. I snuck away to bed while she was sleeping on the couch. Early this morning she found me so I took her out and then we fell asleep together on Ryan’s bed. It was all very romantic.
I had a decent night’s sleep…but the spouse was the one up all night. π So looks like no going out to play today. π π Ah, well, the best laid plans, yadda yadda yadda…
Trying to figure out what I can try and tackle that won’t make too much noise since it’s just past 6am here…check back with you fine folks later…
Happy tip-toeing. After a summer of doing that with Jim, I have to say it does make me appreciate school starting up again.
I’m having trouble picturing you tip-toeing.
all summer long I get up around 5 and he stays asleep until 8 or so. I am a very good girl. Too bad I’m not your puppy.
sorry the spouse had a rough night. I guess you could vacum this morning. LOL
That’s what I’d do – but I’m on my SECOND marriage. Gee, I wonder why.
but I’ve got a pretty decent crop of neighbors (yeah, even the ones who smoke on the patio and the cigarette smoke drifts through our open windows), so don’t want to wake up them…
Good Morning everyone!!!! Love the photo even if I am allergic to bees. LOL Hope everyone has a restful labor day weekend planned. I will be catching up on house work between running errands. LOL
I will be catching up on house work between running errands.
Message from Hopeful, Giddy, and Sniff: don’t forget that the Diva Dogs want a long walk and lots of petting.
I lurve the name Hopeful, but I probably should have stolen Sniff’s name. Maybe I’ll name her Hopeful Sniff. Being a hound she walks with her nose touching the ground.
the Diva Dogs always get lots of loving and either a long walk or time playing in the backyard with Dad.
Good Morning all. I am having a good day so far. Do not have to go in to work today, so far. YEA!!!
I got up like normal and did the usual routine and the cats were very happy for that! They have been put through the most unusual routine in their lives. They are now back to napping and doing that what cats seemingly like to do. BTW, do cats dream? I watched one sleep and it seems as if he were dreaming, flinching his paws and eyelids. I guess that makes him dreaming. He was even snoring!
It sure has cooled down a lot around these parts in the past week.
I have lots of housework to do today to try to catch up on days lost at work. So just a short stay here.
I hope that you all have a great day too. hugs to all.
Glad to see you in the cafe, even if it was just a drop-in.
Have a good day. Hope you get lots done.
Hi Brenda!!!! I have to go see if I can rent a mail box for the Stonewall group. Check back later.
Good morning folks! How goes it? Gotta get dressed, feed myself, and head out to Bucks County for a BBQ with Patrick Murphy.
today — shopping for the Food Closet.
I get a weekly email from our church’s Outreach coordinator that lists the needs for the food closet and homeless drop-in center (two of the local ministries we participate in — when we built our new parish hall, we constructed a dedicated space for the food closet).
According to the email, they served 102 clients on a recent Friday, so the need is quite high. π Booming economy, my ass…
Anyway, one of the items on the list (chili with beans) is on sale this week at a local market so I’ll drag the spouse over there to stock up; we can just leave the bag in the trunk and take it to church tomorrow…
Good for you!!!! People who care about others are special people!!!!!
I went to get a pedicure this morning and after the lovely color was put on my toes I asked what the name of it was.
It’s called My Chihuahua Bites.
Holy Chihuahua!
Now I’ll think of Manny every time I look at my toes . π
Have a great day everyone.
Hi Mary. So you’re going around with Manny toes?
Good to see/read everyone this morning! Well, still morning here for a few minutes anyway. Hope y’all are going to have an enjoyable Labor Day weekend with much slacking or other enjoyable activities.I’m a bit conflicted about the holiday, seems like a whitewashed May Day. Can’t say as I know the whole history though and am certainly happy for the time off.
Still bummed out from my near-romance disaster of earlier this week so am trying another personal ad on craigslist and am steeling myself for the inevitable rude and weird responses. Have met some interesting gentlemen through this route but nothing lasting more than a few meetings. Bah-this is so difficult…
Hi Soup. I hope you have an enjoyable holiday.
Don’t give up, sooner or later something has got to click.
Froggy Bottom Happy Hour here