Corporate America IS only concerned about money in the long run, but that surely does not explain why the hell General Electric wishes to own NBC!  Why have large, multi-national corporations bought up all media outlets??  Is that the best way for them to make big money directly from the feeble TV shows that pass for entertainment.  I think not.  The multinationals are buying media outlets to enrich themselves indirectly through propaganda dissemination that opens the door to these corporation to the real money, namely global control of resources through control of people and governments.
I am convinced that Hillary’s vast right wing conspiracy does exist, and it maintains itself to a great extent by propaganda disseminated through media control.  The right wing bosses will not allow a free press with journalists doing their jobs, but will only give us Katie Courics, and shark attacks, and children all of a sudden being molested and kidnapped at epidemic proportions, and of course the threat of attacks from shady forces that just hate our freedoms.  Their desired motto is Be afraid, be very afraid, and trust your right wing government to protect you.  However, an interesting concept would be what would the right wing propaganda machine do if they sensed their BS was not working anymore??  Would they try to mind-alter the common man even harder, and/OR would they first try to throw some crumbs in the direction of the dissent to look more responsive??  Noticed the way I phrased this because even if they threw some crumbs, you got to know that their original mind-control agenda was still intact because their complete control of power is still dependent on their ability to keeps people’s attention occupied by the presentation of false, fear-inducing bogeymen and to blind people via extreme nationalism!!

Okay now for the point of this writing.  The American public may be starting to figure some of this out, and may be developing a certain paranoia fear and anger that their government and the current main-stream media are not telling them relevant true facts for them to base good decisions upon. If this is true, then some slight twist to the old dance with the intent to regain control must be coming, but what is it?  What could they do to both defuse the developing paranoia, anger, and mistrust while still being able to feed propaganda nonsense to the masses to keep control for their agenda?

I think most would agree with some of the general premise of this diary (see poll), and in light of that, what do you think will be the next step this right-wing government and this corporate controlled media will take to try and keep their advantage and control in light of possible changing public perceptions in this area.  You got to know IT’S coming and soon, but what will the IT be??