The traditional, elegant pearls graced her soft white skin. They hung comfortably around her neck. Her simmering silver-gray hair was perfectly coiffed. She spoke with the dignity and the wisdom of a grandmother. Her words were harsh, though understandably so. She and the rest of this country were overwhelmed as they reflected on hurricane Katrina and the community it devastated. This was perhaps, the nations largest natural disaster. Everyone was tense; however, few were given the opportunity to talk publicly. Yet, she was. The former First Lady Barbara Bush had the ear of Nation Public Radio, Marketplace listeners.
Mrs. Bush stated, “What I’m hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway so this is working very well for them.” At the time she spoke, in September 2005, the nation was uncertain of how to react to her words. Was her comment a flippant slip of the tongue? Did it demonstrate the difference between the classes and the masses? What were we to make of this terse judgment? One year later, we know. Mrs. Bush was speaking for her fellow citizens; they want the Katrina evacuees to go home!
Only days after the anniversary of Katrina, on August 30, 2006
More than 1,700 residents gathered in west Houston Wednesday night to blame evacuees for violent crime rates that have increased almost 14 percent in one district and homicides that have nearly doubled in another.
The poor relations had worn out their welcome. They are unclean, unfit, and are clearly criminals. These poverty-stricken folks were well hidden in Louisiana and Mississippi, before the storm devastated their homes. However, now they are out and about; they are walking freely among the wealthy, white Texans. This will not do!
It cannot be; it cannot continue. Compassionate conservatism is nice. As a slogan, the phrase connects “us” with those of lesser means, those whose votes we need in order to stay in power. However, when destitute drifters enter our real lives, when they live among us and soil our sanctity, it is time to pull the reins in, or so say the genteel citizens of Houston.
In a town hall meeting, Mayor Bill White was empathically instructed to send the “refugees back to New Orleans.” The outraged citizens said,
In District 19, patrolled by the Houston Police Department’s Westside division; violent crimes are up 13.6 percent over the same period last year. In District 20, homicides jumped from five to 11 over the same 7 1/2 month period from a year ago.
Enough is enough. He was told definitively, “These people” have no respect for those that have given them so much. They have to leave. Cast them to the wind or send them all back to their homeland. Humm, I wonder; where that might be, or where do the white residents of Houston think it is. Do the poor whites need to return to England or Ireland and the Black Americans to Africa, even though their families have been in this country for centuries? My mind turns.
The Mayor stood stoic and remained humble before the vocal crowd. Mayor White was well aware of the numbers and the circumstances. He understood that
As many as 120,000 evacuees remain in Houston since the city welcomed at least 250,000 after Katrina swamped New Orleans last year. Katrina evacuees are suspects or victims in 59 of Houston’s 262 homicides between January 1, 2006 and August 26, 2006. Those crimes account for all of the increases in homicides over the same period in 2005.
Considering the evacuees added approximately ten percent to the population of Houston, the Mayor knew this rise in crime was not unreasonable.
Mayor Bill White and Police Chief Harold L. Hurtt are aware of what is occurring. The officials have taken measures to alleviate the problem. However, an impatient and xenophobic populace is not gratified.
Upon realizing the reality of the current circumstances, the Mayor and the Police Chief reached out and sought federal assistance.
An increase in violent crime since September 1 and a spate of homicides over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend involving Katrina evacuees have elicited urgent pleas from Mayor Bill White and Police Chief Harold L. Hurtt to the federal government to help pay the cost of providing increased security and to hire more officers. Hurtt is taking the request to Washington next week as part of a meeting of police chiefs. White is also in negotiations with the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Both officials are careful not to blame Houston’s recent rise in violent crime solely on Katrina evacuees, saying such statistics were rising last year before the hurricane. They point to what they call the majority of law-abiding Louisianans now living in the city and say the crime rate per thousand for the evacuee population is not greater than it was among Houstonians before the influx of Katrina survivors.
But the issue facing the city, officials said, is that Houston’s 2 million population grew by about 10 percent virtually overnight, straining all key city services such as schools, hospitals, emergency services and, particularly, public safety. The addition of the evacuee population has dropped the ratio of police officers per thousand Houstonians to 1.9, compared with 2.3 before Katrina and with the national average of 2.8.
Additionally, as we assess the “facts” presented by the volatile Houston public we might note that they perceive crime as crime. They offer no numbers to help us determine how many of the Katrina evacuees are victims and how many are suspects. These angry residents must know that only late this month, Two Houston Residents [were] Charged with Filing Multiple False Claims for FEMA Assistance.
Dear reader, I inquire how many more Houston inhabitants are profiting on the backs of former Louisianan residents? Will the truth be told by those focused on finding the victims of Katrina at fault. the Mayor, the Police Chief, and I wonder as we attempt to provide perspective.
After being bombarded by accusations and anecdotal accounts, the humble Mayor attempted to lessen the outrage. He spoke highly of his Houston constituents. Mayor White suggested the complaints are “a result of the fact that we have had some gangs and violent crime.” White continued, “In Houston, generally, we are not very tolerant of the small minority of people who came here from the New Orleans area who are able-bodied and haven’t found a job yet.”
The Houston administrator declared `There’s a plan in place for those who break the law, and another plan for those evacuees who want to remain in Houston as law-abiding citizens.’ White said, “If people want do so something unlawful, then we need to catch them, try them, convict them and lock them up.” The first officer knows, the law is the law and Houston is no place for those that to not honor the law.
However, after issuing this stern warning the Mayor revealed his own form of Southern hospitality. He stated, “If they’re [victims of Katrina] just trying to get on with their lives, then we ought to respect our fellow Americans, and there’s not much of a home to go to.” In truth there never was. Barbara Bush was “right.” Those left homeless by the ravages of Katrina were “underprivileged” before the storm. They lived in substandard houses. They were employed in menial service jobs, if working at all. Still, they were and are Americans.
When Barbara and her neighbors say, “go home,” they exemplify the sad fact that too often we do not want to know the reality of the poor. We do not want constant reminders in our midst. We actually prefer not to see, hear, or experience what bothers us, or reminds us of our own frailty and failings. When we perceive a “problem,” we blame everyone but ourselves! I find this fascinating and futile! How will we ever help others or ourselves if we avoid what disturbs us.
Please Ponder the World of Barbara Bush, Houston Residents, and Katrina Evacuees . . .
- Houston, we may have a problem. Marketplace. American Public Media. Monday, September 05, 2005
- Barbara Bush Calls Evacuees Better Off. New York Times. September 07, 2005
- Houston residents want Katrina evacuees sent back to N.O. Associated Press. Thursday, August 31, 2006
- Residents urge White to send evacuees home, By Anne Marie Kilday. Houston Chronicle. August 31, 2006
- Katrina’s Latest Damage, By Arian Campo-Flores. Newsweek. March 13, 2006
- PDF Katrina’s Latest Damage, By Arian Campo-Flores. Newsweek. March 13, 2006
- Two Houston Residents Charged with Filing Multiple False Claims for FEMA Assistance, U.S. Newswire. August 21, 2006
- After Welcoming Evacuees, Houston Handles Spike inCrime, Population Swell Fills Apartments and Strains Police Force. By Sylvia Moreno. Washington Post. Monday, February 6, 2006
- Influx of Katrina Evacuees Strains Houston Police. All Things Considered. December 27, 2005
- Some of the Uprooted Won’t Go Home Again, By Richard Morin and Lisa Rein. Washington Post. Friday, September 16, 2005
- Evacuees say blame for crime is not fair,By David Ellison. Houston Chronicle. September 1, 2006
- Barbara Bush: Things Working Out ‘Very Well’ for Poor Evacuees from New Orleans,By Editor and Publisher. September 05, 2005
- Houston grows weary of Katrina evacuees: poll. News. March 24, 2006
Betsy L. Angert Be-Think
dear babs, she can not have her beautiful mind bothered one little bit with these vagabonds, now can she….send her to hell for her beautiful mind, is what I say. They are all alike..every last one of them…
all alike, but Babs is at the head of her class.
Dear BooMan . . .
I recall when Bush 41 was running for President. The Los Angeles Times ran an article stating Barbara Bush makes Nancy Reagan look like milk toast. Apparently, she is the puppet master, and with such a sweet grandmotherly façade.
Dear BrendaStewart . . .
Apparently, there are those that think she is correct. I cross-posted this at Daily Kos and many Houston residents think I am the devil.
Barbara Bush is obviously a saint. Some do not think her words were similar in tone to the sentiments of “go home.” I find that fascinating. She thinks that it is “scary” that the evacuees might stay. Does that not equate to please, do not. Sigh.
When she does commit to assisting Katrina victims, the funds go to her son and her stock holdings. I guess for some that shows true care.
I think it may have something to do with the bounded way some people think. They can’t think beyond ‘their own kind of people.’
Everyone else is lazy, shiftless, and dishonest. Bab’s ‘sort of people are noble, honest, and true. That’s why they deserve to rule.
The logic goes this way; I’m rich and my family moves in all the ‘best’ circles (of power, etc). I know that I am ‘special.’ and I know my friends and family and they are special. Therefore, I and the people I know personally deserve all our wealth. If others want in on it they can earn money for themselves. It’s that simple. ‘They’ don’t and have not earned anything for themselves so they deserve what they get.
So, for ‘her people’ Babs IS a saint.
Dear Syniel . . .
It is so sad and too often true. We are what we are trained to believe, or so we think. The reverse is also evident. Many persons raised poor think that there is no reason to hope or try for more. Granted, the impoverished are given few authentic opportunities; nevertheless, so many have hope leached out of them at a very young age.
I offer this, “Income Inequity. The Real Reason the Rich Get Richer. ©” I believe it parallels your thoughts.
It seems to me that they are treating the people of NO just as they do illegal immigrants. All we need now is for them to call the minuteman to patrol Houston!
Dear cruz del sur . . .
I agree. I think this situation is not unique to Houston, throughout the United States; we create a system that preserves poverty and exploits the less powerful people.
We hide the impoverished, and then if perchance we are confronted with them, we find fault with the life we have fashioned for them.
Fifty percent of American households employ the immigrants in this country. However, we blame industry for their presence. Let us place the onus on anyone but ourselves. Lets us find ways to exterminate what we do not wish to experience. Americans love to ignore that they originate what comes.
Remember when the media was calling them “refugees”?
Like one of the witnesses said on Spike’s film, it wasn’t as if their citizenship was blown away with Hurricane Katrina. They’re American citizens.
I think that you aptly showed that there are only a few of these idiots making it hard for the rest of folks. But the media makes things worse by trumpeting it as if every Katrina evacuee is cutting up and packing a gat.
If they would only land hard on the idiots in true Texas style, there wouldn’t be any of this get rid of them stuff.
Fact is, a lot of people from Katrina are still on the move, going from place to place, having no home to which to return. Isn’t send them back against the laws of the United Nations as well? Or even the Geneva Convention?
Dear blksista . . .
So much of what you state is so sad and so true.
I do recall and still read and hear of the term “refugees.”
It is sad to me. Those that consider themselves so benevolent dehumanize many of those impacted by Katrina!
If only those from New Orleans had homes to return to. Avery close friend of mine was there a couple of times in recent months. He said it is as though the storm just occurred. There is so little clean up, so much devastation. Bodies were still being found in the rubble only months ago.
if you go down the freeway where the day laborers used to hang out, well, there is a reason I said used to, because those fuckers ran them off. They took fucking pictures of them so they could give those pics to the migra.
oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will never understand people! What happened to “Love thy neighbor?”
and was told to shut the fuck up because it was anti-Texan and anti-Houston. Well I am from Texas and my roots go way back before Texas was Texas.
Houston is more vocal because he receive a majority of them and that is why we are on the news.
Here is the situation. The problem we are having here in Houston is that a majority of the NO gangs are fighting it out with Houston gangs. When you have nothing go to back home in NO what do you think they will do in a new territory, they are going to claim it.
Houston has changed since Katrina. It just to be safe to drive through the black communities and around the homeless shelters, but now it is not. I am not saying that it is them, but the feel of Houston is gone. I think it also has to do with the economy and the lack of jobs and it going back the way it was in the 80s. I think Houston was on its way to being like the way it this right now and maybe it would have taken a year or two, but IMHO Katrina was just a catalyst because people are fighting for the crumbs out here.
Dear XicanoPwr . . .
I wrote to another on My Left Wing. I share this; I offered your thoughts as well as my response to you.
I agree, all cities are in decline; crime is on the rise. Houston is not unique. The destruction of metropolises seems accelerated in the world of Bush. I believe Baby Bush and his policies provoke a rapid decline. He seems more [self] destructive than his Daddy. However, under each there was a great rise in homelessness and unemployment. Thus, transgressions increase.
Apparently, because privatization worked well for the Bush Dynasty, they think it is best to impose it on all others. Sadly, those that were not born with silver spoons in their mouths do not fare as well when left to their own devices. The impoverished have no capital on which to accrue gains.
I think anytime the population within a given city is increased by ten percent in a single day, and police services are not increased at all, there will be problems. When people are poor and distressed crime is more likely.
A Houston resident with a consistently brilliant perspective wrote to me of the New Orleans gangs trying to claim territory from the Houston gangs. He is not surprised. In my mind, gangs are an outgrowth of many paradigms, none good, though all prospering under Bush.
This same person stated that Houston was crumbling before Katrina. He believes the Hurricane was merely a catalyst for the eventuality that was forthcoming.
For me, what is most noteworthy in Houston is the xenophobia. This too is not unique to this Texas city. Nevertheless, the meeting and media reports are so blatantly bigoted, I find it challenging to ignore. That people often blame anyone but themselves is typical.
I am saddened by the fact that Americans create poverty, hide it, and then when forced to face what they originate elect to once again conceal the evidence.
Hispanic mag named the top 10 Hispanic friendly cities and Houston was not even ranked. Each year people here go crazy as to why that is. This year, Dallas made the list. There is a big Dallas v Houston thing going on and for them to be listed, that was a big deal. When big D is able to mobilize 500,000 Hispanic for a march and we can only get 100,000 – 200,000 when Houston has far more Hispanics living here. It is obvious why big D made the list. We have a city councilwoman who is targeting the undocumented and two Hispanic council members who did shit during the marches.
Dear XicanoPwr . . .
I am so glad there is you!!!!! I thank you so much for sharing a truer perspective!!!
It is good that I did not know this. Imagine how slammed I would have been by those that are damning me for what I did write.
It is a pleasure to dialogue with those here at BooMan!!!!