True unless he found another loving person to take him in. I saw two beautiful dogs lose yesterday while running errands and spent 45 minutes waiting for the owner to show up after I called the number on their tags.
Thank you. I would want people to do the same if the Diva’s escaped and ran away. Everyone should get tags for their dogs with their address and phone number on them.
George barks and everything and everybody. Trust me, no one would pick him up. Knowing George, the first big dog he saw, he would go after like he was going to tear him up and that would be the end of George.
I’ve noticed when I take him to the vet, he’s just as docile as can be. I wonder if I didn’t give him a treat in puppyhood and he’s paying me back now.
My MIL came back with us and Jim’s brother and his family are coming over to visit today. I’m having a Family-Man moment (except my relatives are sweethearts).
I discovered the secret to sleeping a wee bit past dawn – let her sleep in the bed with us. Of course that puts a damper on me stretching out on 3/4 of the bed the way I usually do.
Of course she was in the middle. And when I came back from the bathroom she was lying there with her head on my pillow having a rather intimate looking encounter with Mr. Nature.
It’s lovely until about 10:00 – but at least it’s not hellishly hot and humid. I had to close the windows and turn the AC back on yesterday. It’s been on constantly except for one day since late May.
I was just teasing you. I love Sunday mornings because the roads and breakfasty places are empty except for us heathens. Then at noon they all fill up with people who smell like perfume and don’t tip.
Or these types of books. My MIL loves these Miss Julia books and they remind me alot of how you talk about your family and hometown. I’ll bet your mom would like them.
I didn’t know what kind of cake you liked, so I got you some tres leches cake, sopapillas and flan — you’ll eat something in there, right? Then we spank, then we drink. 🙂
Maybe a dirty marmotini later on would lure him out of hiding… 😉
Enjoying some peace and quiet — packed the spouse off to church on his own, food closet goodies in tow…felt I’d get more spiritual benefit if I stayed home. Once he’s back to work, I’ll have the weekdays to meditate/whatever, but for now, the 24/7 togetherness bit is getting to me…
but wanted to drop a note to say thank you to everyone for their comments here and my site. I was away from the computer dealing with some family stuff and then a smallish barbeque at my parents’ house. All in all it was a great day, even brighter Monday evening after seeing all the pics and well-wishing. Paz a todos mis amigos aqui.
Happy Birthday Manny!!!!!! May the year be filled with joy and love!!!!
Hope you have the best birthday ever.
Who Are The Cowards? podcast
I wanted to do this seperate from the birthday wishes for Manny. LOL
Morning refinish.
Morning Miss Andi!!! I hope you had a great day yesterday with your baby sister and family.
Good morning Refinish and Andi.
Howdy FamilyMan!!!!
How are you this morning Refinish?
I am doing great!!! and hope you are. I am going to spend today working on some designs and doing house work.
Sounds like an exciting day ahead. How are the Divas doing?
LOL They had their breakfast and are fast asleep. It must be great to lead a dog’s life.
It’s great if you have a loving owner. I know with George if he got lost, I don’t think he would make it for a day.
True unless he found another loving person to take him in. I saw two beautiful dogs lose yesterday while running errands and spent 45 minutes waiting for the owner to show up after I called the number on their tags.
Very nice of you. Of course they were bummed because you ruined Pete and Joe’s Excellent Adventure.
Thank you. I would want people to do the same if the Diva’s escaped and ran away. Everyone should get tags for their dogs with their address and phone number on them.
George barks and everything and everybody. Trust me, no one would pick him up. Knowing George, the first big dog he saw, he would go after like he was going to tear him up and that would be the end of George.
They usually aren’t as brave when their protector isn’t with them. LOL
I’ve noticed when I take him to the vet, he’s just as docile as can be. I wonder if I didn’t give him a treat in puppyhood and he’s paying me back now.
They always act more protective at home. The Diva Dogs will try and kill a cat if it gets in the yard but love the two at the vets.
And let me say once again, your posters were brilliant.
I think you should post the third one, too.
I’ll wait around and see if Manny shows up. You know he doesn’t blog to much on the weekends.
And thanks. 🙂
My MIL came back with us and Jim’s brother and his family are coming over to visit today. I’m having a Family-Man moment (except my relatives are sweethearts).
I’ll trade.
I am actually thrilled that ll my family lives back east and never comes to visit. LOL
I see you’ve been busy, FM. The posters are awesome.
Happy birthday, Manny! I’ll deliver your spankings at the appropriate time.
Good morning SN and thanks. Did you get the burn smell out of the house?
I really need to wear my reading glasses – I thought you said bum shell.
Yes, I’m sort of a candle freak so the house smells like cinnamon and mango now.
I’m just glad you found it before anything serious happened.
Morning Second Nature!!!! I see you are up early for p&p patrol. LOL
I discovered the secret to sleeping a wee bit past dawn – let her sleep in the bed with us. Of course that puts a damper on me stretching out on 3/4 of the bed the way I usually do.
ROTFLMAO!!!! and once you left them sleep with you they sleep with you forever. I hope you did not put her in the middle. LOL
Of course the dog has to sleep in the middle — otherwise only one person gets all the extra warmth.
Extra warmth is not a problem these days.
Morning, Andi. How did MIL enjoy my futon?
just like you and Sniff. And she wears hearing aids so I don’t even have to worry about Hopeful’s snoring waking her up.
Of course she was in the middle. And when I came back from the bathroom she was lying there with her head on my pillow having a rather intimate looking encounter with Mr. Nature.
LOL!!!!! You should have taken a picture.
I wanted to but didn’t want to venture all over the house in my underwear searching for the camera.
LOL cause that would have woken up the puppy. LOL
Good morning.
Has your lovely weather stayed around? It’s actually chilly here.
It’s lovely until about 10:00 – but at least it’s not hellishly hot and humid. I had to close the windows and turn the AC back on yesterday. It’s been on constantly except for one day since late May.
Late May? My God you live up north. We’ve had ours on since April.
You win the “who wins souther” contest hands down, FM. Why aren’t you at church this morning?
I meant who “lives” souther. Sheesh.
That’s a contest I’m only too happy to lose.
Okay, I grew up in the south and have never heard the term “souther”. Next you’ll be saying Y’all and dang like it comes natural. LOL
Didn’t mean to make it a contest. Just pointing out how easy you have it up north there. 🙂
I haven’t been to church since I was a teenager. Couldn’t handle the hypocrisy.
I was just teasing you. I love Sunday mornings because the roads and breakfasty places are empty except for us heathens. Then at noon they all fill up with people who smell like perfume and don’t tip.
I know. 🙂
It’s pretty much the same around here, with the exception we don’t have breakfasty places.
Your place is the breakfasty place, FM. What are we having this morning? I made the coffee, the rest is up to you.
We broke 100 degrees in April this year, but according to the dumb ass in DC there is no Global warming.
In April our A/C was out and they said it was the hottest April around here in something like 50 years.
I wrote a little bit about it over at my place, but this is the newest gift one of my relatives bestowed upon me.
I thought ya’ll might like it.
I’ll have to go visit and read your b entry. You’re getting better and better, FM. You should write a Garrison Keillor-type book.
Yeah I could see that. 🙂
Or these types of books. My MIL loves these Miss Julia books and they remind me alot of how you talk about your family and hometown. I’ll bet your mom would like them.
She just might. I’ll have to see if our library has them.
Hopeful Jr’s happy face.
Who couldn’t love that face?
right into my heart.
Speaking of eyes, there are three pairs sending laser beams at me. Time to go walk.
See ya later.
I hear the rels up and moving around. I’ve got to hobble into the kitchen.
Everyone have a good day in the pond.
Happy B’day again Manny!
Happy Birthday Manny!
I didn’t know what kind of cake you liked, so I got you some tres leches cake, sopapillas and flan — you’ll eat something in there, right? Then we spank, then we drink. 🙂
Happy Birthday Manny! I took some advice from The Family Man Slacker’s Guide To A Fulfilling Lifestyle and slept in this morning.
Good morning all you froggies.
From me and the screaming banshee … 🙂
Hope you’re having a wonderful w/e … We’re thinking of you!
Happy birthday, Manny! (that’s Man Egee, right?)
Like Indy, I couldn’t decide on only one cake — but I think one of these may be chocolate CHEESECAKE.
Maybe a dirty marmotini later on would lure him out of hiding… 😉
Enjoying some peace and quiet — packed the spouse off to church on his own, food closet goodies in tow…felt I’d get more spiritual benefit if I stayed home. Once he’s back to work, I’ll have the weekdays to meditate/whatever, but for now, the 24/7 togetherness bit is getting to me…
Got some research to do…back later…
but wanted to drop a note to say thank you to everyone for their comments here and my site. I was away from the computer dealing with some family stuff and then a smallish barbeque at my parents’ house. All in all it was a great day, even brighter Monday evening after seeing all the pics and well-wishing. Paz a todos mis amigos aqui.