Mitch McConnell really is a blockhead:

“I think Secretary Rumsfeld has done an excellent job. He’ll be remembered as one of the great secretaries of defense,” Senate Majority Whip Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, told CBS’s “Face the Nation.”

Meanwhile, SusanHu tells me that she was most unimpressed with Bob Casey’s performance on Meet the Press. I didn’t see it, so I have no idea how well he did. I trust Susan’s judgment though, and she didn’t get a good first impression. I have such a visceral reaction to Little Ricky Santorum’s puss that I doubt I’d notice any defects in anyone that debated him. If you saw MTP, give us your impressions.

Meanwhile, let’s go into the time machine for a speech Dick Cheney gave in August of 2002.

“Regime change in Iraq would bring about a number of benefits to the region,” Cheney had contended. “When the gravest of threats are eliminated, the freedom-loving peoples of the region will have a chance to promote the values that can bring lasting peace.”

In the same speech, the vice president had also predicted that Iraqis would “erupt in joy” after Saddam’s regime was overthrown.

“As for the reaction of the Arab ‘street,’ the Middle East expert Professor Fouad Ajami predicts that after liberation, the streets in Basra and Baghdad are ‘sure to erupt in joy in the same way the throngs in Kabul greeted the Americans,” Cheney had said.

“Extremists in the region would have to rethink their strategy of Jihad,” added Cheney. “Moderates throughout the region would take heart.”

Could he possibly have been more wrong?

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