Saturday Painting Palooza Vol. 56

Welcome back.

This week I’ll be taking a one installment break from our painting of the 1950 Hudson Hornet scene.  I’ll continue with that next week.

As I’ve just gotten back from a trip out west to Arizona and Utah, I have a small painting that I completed while there.  It was inspired by the scene seen from my hotel window in Sedona.  The photo is seen directly below.  (Please excuse my photos, my camera is modest as are my photography skills.)

I was limited by the colors I had (only red, blue, yellow and white), a few poor brushes and a very small canvas.

Boiling things down to the minimum for my 4 inch by 5 inch canvas produced the painting seen directly below.  I was able to mix some useful grays to provide a suitable backdrop for the brightly colored cars and a break for the buttes above.

  I rather like it, especially after my plein air debacle in Sedona last year that was the subject of an earlier installment.   And painting from my small balcony was far easier than using the hood of a Hyundai.

See you next week.

Author: boran2

Lifelong Democrat and all around nice person.