Everyone who has thoroughly studied this man’s track record and published writings (particularly his book “Waging Modern War”) and speeches understands how obvious this is. Everyone else needs to start accepting what a huge hole we’re in and how only a man like Clark has a chance of turning the situation around. He is someone who not only understands the situation better than anyone can, but also has a stellar reputation on the international stage and is also the least polarizing guy the Democrats have. We’re taking a thrashing from the Right because of what they have that we don’t: unity. We need to become unfractured if we truly want to have a chance at a future worth living in, let alone dying for. So please check out the story, “The Switch” to become a complete authority on General Clark, because the only thing more intolerable than Bush in the White House is Clark out of it.


Here is an excerpt:

     “Clark has never been a legislator, so he wouldn’t know what to do. Only a bureaucrat can get anything done in a bureaucracy.”
     The teacher told that student to go stand in the other corner because “It’s pretty darn myopic to think someone who’s that motivated and that accomplished wouldn’t be able to get the job done. But don’t just take my word for it; ask the 55 ambassadors who endorsed him. They probably had confidence in the guy because he’s a West Point valedictorian economics Rhodes Scholar with 3 Master’s Degrees from Oxford University (and in the perfect subjects: economics, political science and philosophy) who speaks 4 languages. He even taught economics and political philosophy at West Point. He also worked at the White House Office of Budget and Accounting and has an investment banker’s license and was on the board of directors of a business and even started one of his own. He was also the military equivalent of mayor of a 10,000-man base. And as the Supreme Allied Commander of NATO nobody can beat his track record for being able to walk the tightrope between logistics, politics and diplomacy when leading a military intervention by many nations in concert, which you would know if you read his book, Waging Modern War.
     “Besides, experienced and brilliant or not, a president doesn’t need to have legislative experience to be able to negotiate and orchestrate. He merely needs to understand the potential of the bully pulpit. President Clark would simply stand in front of Congress on live TV and say, for instance: `From now on we’ll have instant run-off voting and Election Day will be a day off; plan B contraceptive pill will be over-the-counter for any age group; hemp and recreational drugs will no longer be outlawed; and we’d appreciate it if folks started using the words “shrew” and “grouse” instead of “bitch.” And this month’s reading assignment is: Jeff Faux’s The Global Class War, David Sirota’s Hostile Takeover, Congressman John Conyers’ Preserving Democracy: What Went Wrong in Ohio, Sen. Byron Dorgan’s Take This Job and Ship It, Ravi Batra’s Greenspan’s Fraud, David Cay Johnston’s Perfectly Legal: The Covert Campaign to Rig Our Tax System to Benefit the Super Rich–and Cheat Everybody Else, and John Perkins’ Confessions of an Economic Hitman. So next month, Congress, when I say, “This has got to stop,” you’ll all know what I’m talking about. If anyone has a problem with any of that then stand up and say why.’ (While he’s at it, he ought to ask those 5 criminal Supreme Court judges to resign or defend their justification in saying that it was wise and just to put Paula Jones’ rights ahead of the safety of the entire country. (Where’s Howard Dean when you need him?))”
      “Nonetheless, teacher, according to many in the military Clark `sold his soul’ in order to move up in the ranks sooner than he deserved. And Wes’ superior, General Hugh Shelton, showed contempt for him when he said, `I wouldn’t vote for him.'”
      “I can’t believe that suckers like you fell for that smear campaign! I would have thought that anyone following the campaigns that closely would have had enough political savvy to not needed it pointed out that, sadly, it’s Shelton and many of his buddies in the Pentagon who, no doubt, must have been shaking in their combat boots at the prospect of an honorable military man with accounting skills coming in to clean house. However, since there’s also a slew of his former colleagues who feel that his due praise cannot be overstated, I’m gonna give Wes the benefit of the `doubt.’ After all, just because I think his character is lacking because he likes to hunt, it doesn’t mean he lacks character. Because, frankly, I have serious trouble doubting the character and integrity of a man who volunteered to go to Vietnam and then opted to commit his life to serving in the military instead of resting on his exemplary academic laurels in order to make a million dollars a year.”
     “Teacher,” General Barry McCaffrey concurred, “we could fight Kosovo a thousand times, and we would lose a thousand times. Wes Clark is a national treasure. [And you know who else would concur? The former heads of West Point and Annapolis, as well as the woman who headed up Kosovo’s resistance and human rights movement.]”
      “You ain’t kidding, Barry,” said Madonna. “When he was a 41-year-old commander his car broke down but he didn’t have the $2000 to get it fixed. So he spent a month in a junkyard rebuilding it from spare parts. That’s what you call A Man’s Man. Isn’t this what we’ve been dying for in a president!?  A self-reliant guy who knows what it’s like to have to pinch pennies.”