So I’m assuming clearing your browser cache didn’t work. You’re on wireless high-speed, right? I’m hardlined into our modem but my housemate gets connected off a wireless router and fwiw sometimes she has to re-boot the modem to get it to work all the way right. I have no idea why, as I don’t really know anything about the wireless stuff yet.
I have to get out and buy a little breakfast table for the dining room first, because right now I have nowhere to build the thing. Probably in a few weeks. It’s not going to be high-powered really; it’s going to be a living room dealie that’s all about being the all-in-one entertainment center I’ve been dreaming of since I was about 8 and started hoping they’d make computers that could do this sort of thing sometime in my lifetime. I’m glad I only had to wait 30 years. 🙂
Right now though, my housemate’s mom is dying, so it’s all just very sad and intense around here. And unfortunately, since I was sick all summer, I didn’t get the chance to buy a car before this happened, so I’m kinda stuck in the house 24/7 while she’s over at her mom’s.
Yeah, once I get the computer built, I’m kinda hoping my housemate will be moved to buy a big-screen with hi-def and a really nice set of Bose speakers. 🙂
Heh…yes, that’s on my list of things to do. I’ll be getting around to that soon enough. Probably stop by the bookstore to get some textbooks. Otherwise, not too much.
That’s the neat thing about the woods — they are always changing — different light, different things growing, different things dying. I’m always seeing something I haven’t noticed before or seeing something I have noticed in a new way.
I hope that’s not part of the secret because that will either take a very long time (me to grow my hair long) or can’t happen (well maybe if Jim gets an industrial supply of Miracle Gro).
So this must mean you are approaching the state of mind where, even if you aren’t feeling quite up to it, you will let me come over and visit you for the sheer novelty value.
I understand that. (Of course, I could come over and take you out to a coffee shop for an hour or so — because I understand it but you are just so irresistible.)
A big part of the thing is that I am really acting as her therapist right now (along with doing all the cooking and cleaning, which is very taxing for me). And since my disability, when it flares, is more profound than I tend to communicate, I really can’t go out and do other things right now because that will crash me and then leave her in a ditch without any sane support.
Sooner or later either it will let up a bit or she will start to go into the healing part of the process and then things will change, but for right now, they just suck, so we buck up and move along. 🙂
It’s just that I’m immature, self-centered, and stink at deferred gratification.
These are some of the reasons why I love you, and why you’re my role model. 🙂 I’ve got a terminal case of Too Damn Responsible, particularly when it comes to other people. I mean this literally — I fully expect that that will be what eventually kills me. Just put on my tombstone: I DID IT ALL FOR YOU. hehe.
Well, they don’t have to be a complete computer geek but I need someone to help me with a mailing list. I have the names and addresses in an excel finle and have no idea how to create a mailing label list.
Gooooood morning froggies! Looks like the right amount of slacking is happening! I like that coffee guy-just my type!
Met a number of interesting people yesterday-one was a man who began working when he was 12 and moved out on his own when he was 14, even finished school. One of his jobs was stoking the furnaces at his local newspaper office and, after the town drunk fell in a snowbank and died, the whorehouses in town. Then my housemate had some folks over to help him can pickles, a woman and her daughter who have pretty much been living outside of what many would consider “normal” society (and sometimes literally outside). They were healthy, well-adjusted, happy people, a joy to be around. As they say “not all who wander are lost”.
Am hoping to go to the local collective cafe and read my poetry at the open mic tonight, something run by a group called the Irradiated Poets (they first got together at a picnic on the site of our now-abandoned nuke palnt). This will be the first time I’ve read my stuff in public.
Happy (Un)Labor day all!
Hi all, hope you’re having a good day. I’m trying to see how much I can fit into the smallest suitcase — always fun. So I thought I’d take a break and eat lunch. Then I’m going out shopping for a bit.
LOL HI Mary!!!!! I am here inbetween getting things done. I just finished up a letter inviting people to come to a meeting and doing the mailing labels with some help from the great folks in the pond. I will soon be stuffing envelopes and then making a run to the post office. LOL
How many invites are you stuffing and sealing. I hope you have self sealing envelopes and stamps (or a postage machine). Not only for convenience. Remember what happened to George’s fiance on Seinfeld …
LOL Well, we have 10 members so far and I am trying to build the group. I will make others get more involved once we get going. Most of the other members are officers in other clubs or campaign managers for candidates. We are all over extended but that is how we live.
I hope the doctor gives you good drugs (and some exercises for it).
I think so. I put out everything I wanted to take. And then I put away 1/2 of it. So it all should fit in what used to be allowed as a carryon suitcase.
I’m a light packer by nature, but the cars in europe are little bitty (as you probably remember) so we all agreed to limit our luggage.
Are you going to have special Labor Day ice cream today? 🙂
Hey, pull up a blanket and some food and let’s have a picnic. The weather is always partly cloudy and 72 here.
Always partly cloudy and 72 my hind end!
Your hind end is much hotter than 72, FM.
Thank you. 🙂
Time for breakfast. I’ll be back in a little while.
See ya later.
So I’m assuming clearing your browser cache didn’t work. You’re on wireless high-speed, right? I’m hardlined into our modem but my housemate gets connected off a wireless router and fwiw sometimes she has to re-boot the modem to get it to work all the way right. I have no idea why, as I don’t really know anything about the wireless stuff yet.
I think clearing the cache worked. On the wireless I have to hit repair and it sort of starts it again. That works too.
So when are you going to start building on your hi powered computer?
I have to get out and buy a little breakfast table for the dining room first, because right now I have nowhere to build the thing. Probably in a few weeks. It’s not going to be high-powered really; it’s going to be a living room dealie that’s all about being the all-in-one entertainment center I’ve been dreaming of since I was about 8 and started hoping they’d make computers that could do this sort of thing sometime in my lifetime. I’m glad I only had to wait 30 years. 🙂
Right now though, my housemate’s mom is dying, so it’s all just very sad and intense around here. And unfortunately, since I was sick all summer, I didn’t get the chance to buy a car before this happened, so I’m kinda stuck in the house 24/7 while she’s over at her mom’s.
I’ve always wanted on of the full entertainment center type things. Of course I want a screen that covers a whole wall.
Yeah, once I get the computer built, I’m kinda hoping my housemate will be moved to buy a big-screen with hi-def and a really nice set of Bose speakers. 🙂
Indy your home entertainment dream is mine too. 🙂
Good morning folks! Hope all is well. Everyone enjoying their day off? (or in FM’s case, just another day of slacking?) 😛
Good morning Psi. Did you get enought rest last night?
Terrible when the young people don’t rest enough and have to go to bed early. 😛
Heh, this must be a crowning accomplishment for you…how long will you be boasting about staying up longer than I did? 😛
Oh not long. At least for the next year. 🙂
Well, for a geezer like you, that’s an insignificant period of time. But for me, that’s quite a bit! :/
Don’t worry it’ll fly by before you know it.
What have you got planned for the day. I hope getting some groceries up to that sky port you live in is one of them.
Heh…yes, that’s on my list of things to do. I’ll be getting around to that soon enough. Probably stop by the bookstore to get some textbooks. Otherwise, not too much.
Well please do get some food. We want to keep up you energy so you can stay up with the grown ups. 😛
The great nephew is up and he’s hungry.
See ya’ll later.
is there anybody left to care?
Today’s walk

That might be the reason the dogs keep their distance during the walks. 🙂
I love your woods photos. They’re always changing and you see all the different aspects.
That’s the neat thing about the woods — they are always changing — different light, different things growing, different things dying. I’m always seeing something I haven’t noticed before or seeing something I have noticed in a new way.
How’s the great nephew?
He’s fed and chasing Cat right now. I expect Cat to come and hide under my bed pretty soon. It’s a good thing she’s so docile.
The dogs keep their distance because they can’t keep up with Andi, even though collectively they have 12 legs and she only has 2.
So when you were there, did Andi keep getting impatient wait for you?
She was almost able to mask her frustration, but the toe tapping and looking at her watch gave her away.
I still think the only way to see the woods is through a nature film, or a nature film on the search for bigfoot.
Yep – popcorn and no biting insects.
The only way to do a nature walk. Works for mountain climbing too.
you fib! We were stopping every three feet and taking pictures. And waiting for Hopeful.
Hopeful and I had a silent agreement. When I started to wheeze he would drop behind and act like he was too tired to follow you.
ahhhhhhh…Joe’s here
clik “Joe” for a shameless promo
Morning all…
What’ll you have?
Morning dada. How’s it going today?
It’s a slack day. If you’re moving faster than a turtle, it’s too fast.
gotta conserve my strength for a strenuous BBQ and Bier Fest this afternoon. Got another perfect day for it…not a cloud in sight, proj hi 73º…
and bicycle gloves make for better coffee? I’ve got the gloves; I’ll guess I’ll have to give some consideration to getting tattooed.
Maybe have to think about the dreadlocks too.
I hope that’s not part of the secret because that will either take a very long time (me to grow my hair long) or can’t happen (well maybe if Jim gets an industrial supply of Miracle Gro).
My problem now is I’ve got to much. I really need a haircut.
How funny you should say that. I was just googling around for ideas about my next inking process.
needs improvement?
No, because I dig the tattoo process as well as the result. And because I am bored out of my effing mind, lol.
Here you go, and just in time.
That link traumatized me just a little bit.
I like to do that to people. Just enough trauma to get your attention without causing lasting damage.
So this must mean you are approaching the state of mind where, even if you aren’t feeling quite up to it, you will let me come over and visit you for the sheer novelty value.
Wish I could, but can’t. It’s way too intense here for company; E really needs the house to remain a sanctuary and I have to respect that.
I understand that. (Of course, I could come over and take you out to a coffee shop for an hour or so — because I understand it but you are just so irresistible.)
A big part of the thing is that I am really acting as her therapist right now (along with doing all the cooking and cleaning, which is very taxing for me). And since my disability, when it flares, is more profound than I tend to communicate, I really can’t go out and do other things right now because that will crash me and then leave her in a ditch without any sane support.
Sooner or later either it will let up a bit or she will start to go into the healing part of the process and then things will change, but for right now, they just suck, so we buck up and move along. 🙂
I know. I really do know. And I admire the hell of you for what you are doing — it’s got to be very, very difficult.
It’s just that I’m immature, self-centered, and stink at deferred gratification.
It’s just that I’m immature, self-centered, and stink at deferred gratification.
These are some of the reasons why I love you, and why you’re my role model. 🙂 I’ve got a terminal case of Too Damn Responsible, particularly when it comes to other people. I mean this literally — I fully expect that that will be what eventually kills me. Just put on my tombstone: I DID IT ALL FOR YOU. hehe.
Mine might say: I did it all for me. Not quite as endearing as yours.
I think it’s a lot more likely it will say “I did it all for the kids”.
I gotta go get Jim; his hub broke on his bike when he was 20 miles away from where he parked the car and 25 miles from me.
Ben’s one of the more colorful local barristas…and a helluva blues player too…
but he really does have killer coffee…:{)
Too bad I don’t drink coffee anymore. Then again, I don’t think he would deliver to Bama.
Well, they don’t have to be a complete computer geek but I need someone to help me with a mailing list. I have the names and addresses in an excel finle and have no idea how to create a mailing label list.
Have you gone to one of the places where you can download free programs that can do that stuff?
Will this help?
Thank you!!!!! I now have them done.
I’ve never done this in Excel but the Excel help has explicit directions. Go into help and search for “mail merge.”
Gotta go. Nephew wants me to watch cartoons with him.
Gooooood morning froggies! Looks like the right amount of slacking is happening! I like that coffee guy-just my type!
Met a number of interesting people yesterday-one was a man who began working when he was 12 and moved out on his own when he was 14, even finished school. One of his jobs was stoking the furnaces at his local newspaper office and, after the town drunk fell in a snowbank and died, the whorehouses in town. Then my housemate had some folks over to help him can pickles, a woman and her daughter who have pretty much been living outside of what many would consider “normal” society (and sometimes literally outside). They were healthy, well-adjusted, happy people, a joy to be around. As they say “not all who wander are lost”.
Am hoping to go to the local collective cafe and read my poetry at the open mic tonight, something run by a group called the Irradiated Poets (they first got together at a picnic on the site of our now-abandoned nuke palnt). This will be the first time I’ve read my stuff in public.
Happy (Un)Labor day all!
Wow – good luck with the poetry reading! That takes so much self-confidence.
Good Luck with the reading!!!!
Hi all, hope you’re having a good day. I’m trying to see how much I can fit into the smallest suitcase — always fun. So I thought I’d take a break and eat lunch. Then I’m going out shopping for a bit.
Anybody around?
LOL HI Mary!!!!! I am here inbetween getting things done. I just finished up a letter inviting people to come to a meeting and doing the mailing labels with some help from the great folks in the pond. I will soon be stuffing envelopes and then making a run to the post office. LOL
How many invites are you stuffing and sealing. I hope you have self sealing envelopes and stamps (or a postage machine). Not only for convenience. Remember what happened to George’s fiance on Seinfeld …
LOL It is 131 invites and no the envelopes are not self sealing but the postage is the new stick on kind.
Refinish didn’t you say there were other members and you were the president. Be presidential and delegate.
Plus that’s the most slackerly way to do it. 🙂
LOL Well, we have 10 members so far and I am trying to build the group. I will make others get more involved once we get going. Most of the other members are officers in other clubs or campaign managers for candidates. We are all over extended but that is how we live.
Well just don’t over extend yourself too much.
I see Mary did a hit and run. 🙂
How’s your back today?
Hey there you are. I just said you did a hit and run. Sorry.
About the same. I’m sitting up, so it not to bad right now. The doctor’s office tomorrow.
So have you narrowed down you packing yet?
I hope the doctor gives you good drugs (and some exercises for it).
I think so. I put out everything I wanted to take. And then I put away 1/2 of it. So it all should fit in what used to be allowed as a carryon suitcase.
I’m a light packer by nature, but the cars in europe are little bitty (as you probably remember) so we all agreed to limit our luggage.
Are you going to have special Labor Day ice cream today? 🙂
The drugs have been muscle relaxers and Alieve and the exercise has been running (walking) after my nephew.
I was always an over packer and wanted to be ready for anything, but I had my own car while I was over there.
Nope, no ice cream today. The nephew is hyper today and I’m just trying to keep him from driving George and Cat crazy, and me in the process too. 🙂
Good luck! I’m leaving to go shopping. See you later.
See ya and enjoy. Don’t forget your 4oz tube. 🙂
LOL I am sure she can buy lube in europe.
Probably a good idea. Never know what kind of wild times will be had in Europe. 🙂
Kentucky fried chicken and ice cream sound good for dinner. LOL
RF going to KFC huh. You’ll probably get one of those bowls filled with mashed potatoes, with fried chicken tenders and gravy.
I mean after a breakfast at Mickey D’s that’s the next logical progression. 🙂
LOL well it is either that or order pizza. LOL
Well I can’t say anything. If we had those around here, I would probably be getting take out also. 🙂
Well, I am going to be very busy this evening doing laundry, dishes, and also stuffing envelopes and attaching labels and stamps. LOL
Yep, you deserve a break today. 🙂