As with every event that occurs with the Neo Cons and this Administration, there is always more beneath the surface than what first appears. This excellent diary by Brenda Stewart, got me to researching what had happened to the venerable, 85 year old Scholastic Educational Materials and in what manner they were tied to this phony Documentary film to be shown by ABC on September 10th and 11th next week. The Scholastic Materials had always been the premier educational resource company for reading and literacy teaching materials in my entire 61 years.
Like peeling a very rotten onion, the more I looked the worse it got. My outrage and anger built to the point where I am writing my first diary and I honestly don’t know if I am even rational enough to be fully coherent.
First I checked out the link to Scholastic on line and found they were supplying course materials for teachers and educators to use. What became clear as I searched was that Scholastic had provided these “lesson plans and materials” either for FREE, or at a reduced cost, as History or Current Events classes, for cash strapped local schools at the Junior and High school levels.
Now as a former teacher, it is my universal view, that teaching is THE highest sacred trust adults have toward our children. Apparently education has now become conflated with Propaganda and real learning is a thing of the past.
If you scroll down on the Scholastic Site, you will see PDF files for Resource Sheets. Resource sheets are tools teachers use to provide information and give an overview of a specific topic. Part One describes Middle Eastern Country’s using Republican Talking Points to describe the Muslim Culture, the players, events and terrorists. Not at all historically accurate! Part II provides descriptions of Governmental Departments with a strong deference that clearly favors George and the President as King.
Just under that are the Discussion/Debating PDFs. Normally these are suggestions. In this particular lesson plan they are mandatory. Part One contains a question clearly designed to instill hatred and prejudice toward Muslims:
Do you think the event described above is a case of racial profiling or a search based on evidence? Provide examples from the miniseries to support your answer. (emphasis is mine)
No independent thinking or life experiences allowed as part of the discussion/debate in this lesson plan. Part II of the activities tells the student to read articles in MSM and listen to news on talk radio. It then instructs students to list which are the most or least truthful compared to the documentary.
Next my research took me to see who the current corporate owners of Scholastic Education Materials are. Imagine my dismay when I discovered this venerated educational firm was now partnered with The American Petroleum Institute. In the May/June 2005 edition of Mother Jones there is an excellent of list of 40 other organizations affiliated with, or funded by Exxon/Mobile, but American Petroleum Institute is not mentioned. Not happy with insidiously invading grades K-12 in the school system, this oil company is now using their partnering with Educational firms to target our toddlers.
With Neo Cons and this Administration, the first question I always ask is “Cui Bono?” For the Administration the obvious slant of this “FAUX DOCUMENTARY” just before an election is obvious. What about the oil companies? Heaven knows they have received gazillions in tax breaks, price gauging and other legislative gimmicks during the last 5 ½ years! Then I remembered I had merely glanced at a diary at Kos this morning. Normally I stay away from conspiracy theories. However an investigation by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) on the collapse of World Trade Center 7 is pretty mainstream and scientific. Of course the next logical question became why and for what reason would the oil companies even care about that? I leave conclusions, if any, to you.
Hopefully every parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, and adult brother and sister is as sickened and disgusted by this heinous infiltration of our kids educational system as I am. Now I was raised and believe in the adage that you are “known by the company you keep”. Instead of just ranting and screaming (as I did for a couple of hours), I invite each of you to take the following actions:
1. First thing tomorrow morning contact your Superintendent of Schools office and your child’s school. Find out if they purchased the materials from Scholastic or if they were provided gratis. Let them know in no uncertain terms you will not tolerate the dissemination of propaganda in lieu of facts – PERIOD.
2. Contact each of your local School Board members, and insist on having a special meeting called, if one is not scheduled in the near future. Attend that meeting and adamantly insist that there be a resolution, bylaw, amendment (or whatever mechanism used by your Local School Board) that there be a moratorium on ALL purchases and receipt of Scholastic Materials in your school system, until Scholastic understands that they will be penalized by the “company they keep” and until they find more acceptable associates.
3. Inform ALL Democratic candidates from your area of what has been done to our precious school systems and your child’s heritage and opportunity for getting a decent education.
4. If you have the time, inclination or energy, LTE’s are a great way to inform other parents as to how your local school systems have been hijacked.
It is my fervent hope that by using the power of the “Netroots”, we can put an end to these infiltrations of our chidren’s education.
I do not have an account at Daily Kos and would very much like to make sure that this information becomes widely known. Booman, Steven D or any of our excellent posters, if you would be so kind as to put this information over at Kos, I would be deeply grateful. Not having the stellar writing skills many of you have, please feel free to edit or do whatever you feel necessary to get this information to Kos and ultimately to parents across this country.
Thank you.
It really seems as if they want to destroy everything. The minds of our ppl and the history of our future to be taught. What is this group of ppl up to is not good for sure! Thanks for writing this up. It needs to be shouted from the roof tops.
Excellent Grandma M.. Many thanks…
BTW, the onion that we are peeling, starts to really burn the eyes, once we get to the inner layers…
Yup eyes burning. Even worse is the unbearable stench!
THANK YOU for your support – I am still livid and my abdomen, whats left of it, is still in knots. So yes, I hope every damn person connected to children in this sad deteriorating democracy learns about this.
Brenda, it was your wonderful picture diary this morning that started this search – just hope the info gets passed around.
Your support really helps – Gratias!
You are sincerely welcome. It must take us all to get this information out to us all. Things are done in such a manner that we do not see it happening…gradually it is there and seemingly nothing we can do to change it is before us then. We have to start to nip things like this in the bud and do it boldly and broadly for them to get the clear definite idea we do mean business.
Thank you so very much for your searching and placing it before our eyes to read. You deserve all the credit…hugs. Great job, well done…..
If I gave out “Real History Awards”, this is the type of things for which I would give them. That’s amazing work, and pretty shocking, even to me. How DARE they propagandize our children like that? I guess we’ve always been propagandized, but when I see it so clearly, it enrages me!!
I agree with you Lisa….
Your kind words are very encouraging. I certainly empathize with you being enraged! Yes, how DARE they poison the minds of our innocents! Isn’t it enough that they egregiously pollute our air and water, and devastate, with toxins, the land on which their facilities sit, for hundreds of years? What need do they have to harm our children?
Please let your friends and family know. Also, if any of them have a Nielsen TV Rating box, tell them not to watch, nor even TIVO or use another type of DVR-as it will still help ABC’s ratings.
During an election year it is understandable they would pour money to Republicans through their multitudinous PAC’s and “Think Tanks” through which they “launder” their money. It will not be surprising to see TV ADs through their 527’s and other strawman groups.
What REALLY, REALLY bothers me is the WHY of them going to the extra trouble and large cost of developing an expensive “Lesson Plan” for schools and ensuring that teachers had them at the ready? Why the timing of their assault on the schools? What are they hiding or covering up? What’s in this for them?
follow the money to get to the power.
You should check out The Council for National Policy (CNP). In January/February of 2005, some diarists wrote some great diaries on this topic. I have not been reading or researching very much in the last year but you should really look at this now.
Off topic but also important is that DeVos (son of Amway founder and high member of CNP) is running for governor of Michigan. I am surprised I haven’t seen a lot of diaries on this topic. We should be paying special attention to this race. It is a close race and if DeVos wins, it will mean even more power to these scary people.
That is one scary group of people. Hopefully, with Americans waking up, these people will be driven back underground where they belong.
Good luck to whomever is opposing DeVos. The college I used to worked at agreed to let Amway hold their annual North East regional meeting several years ago. The speeches and constant ideological and religious pronouncements, at what we had been informed was a “business” meeting, were over the top. Never again did the college let them rent space.
I think that last question is key – why go to all the trouble? Surely there must be something they feel the need to counter. Maybe they are worried that all these conspiracy theories about 9/11 are taking hold and settling in, and they’re trying to get to the upcoming generations early. But it’s sooooo interesting that there’s oil money behind the effort. Very interesting indeed.
How is this 9/11 Bush propaganda film related to Scholastic Educational Materials? I don’t get the connection. When I heard that ABC was airing this film, the first word that jumped out at me was Sinclair. I remember Sinclair broadcasting an anti-Kerry film right before the 2004 general election. I really want to get down to the bottom of this because I am related to some right wing nut jobs and I need to get all my ducks in order before I start arguing with them about this. I need a clear money line on this story.
You are right in thinking about Sinclair. ABC is owned by Disney – who put together this propganda film for TV.
The connection with Scholastic Educational Materials is that they supplied materials and lesson plans to public schools to be used with showing of the 9/11 propganda film in the classrooms. Scholastic Educational Materials in now owned by The American Petrolium Institute, which is part of Exxon oil.
Thank you Grandma M. I have been overworked and my brain is only half functioning at the moment. That is worrying. You are also right in that this must be cross-posted at DKos. Will anybody here do that? Please comment.
With all due respect, I hope that parents would have sufficient knowledge of and trust in the impartiality of teachers to not use such study aids in an uncritical manner and rather more than somebody who claims to be an ex-teacher but is having a “Dan Quayle” moment spelling the plural of “country”.
It might also be more productive to encourage parents to watch the program critically with their high school aged children and discuss it with them so that they are armed with arguments to use in class discussions.
In an ideal world your observations are right on Londonbear. Sorry if my plural spelling of “country” offended your sensibilities.
Reality in this country is that many Middle Class families have both parents working full time. The disconnect between Parents and school teachers is unfortunately very real. Friends tell me they are lucky to get 20-30% of parents to come to the twice annual parents night offered by most public schools. This is when parents meet the teachers and discuss their child’s progress. Most public schools have stopped trying to contact parents unless there is an actual serious illness, or, criminal offense involving law enforcement officials.
If parents watch the show with their kids GREAT! But the lesson plan, if you read it, is structured so that the “right” answers can ONLY be based on the “so called facts” presented in the movie. The whole idea of this plan is that the Movie is the only 100% correct source. So if a kid presents a different answer, or rebuts with different “facts” based on other information or life experience, they are marked “failed” for these classes.
The saddest thing of all, is that education has been so “dumbed down” in the last 20 years. Parents are working all kinds of hours just to make ends meet, so that there is not the parental involvement you seem to be envisioning.
If teachers are using these study guides in the way you suggest you have every right to complain and certainly appear against that grading. I agree a pre-emptive caution to the Principal about their use is appropriate but as I said I would hope that teachers are rather more sensible than to use them as printed.
I am aware of the problems of engaging parents in their children’s education. I am a local school Governor here (like school boards in the USA but with only one school to deal with). Some of the same materialistic atitudes towards parenting, ie that they should work to give them things pervades thinking here as well. I always point out that a hour of their time a day is worth far more than being able to buy them the latest video game or pair of sneakers. (Even worse are those who drag their 6 year old children to an evangelical church in the evening so they are too tired to get up for school the following morning but that’s a personal bugbear of mine!)
It depends on the state. For instance in Virginia, the last few years saw efforts to standardize the education system. The name of the program now escapes me. This resulted in individual lesson plans thrown out and state educational plans implemented. Complaining to the principle there will do no good. The original intent made sense as many districts in rural and urban Virginia had incompetent teachers. Nevertheless, the result became studying for the test rather than learning material as any teacher who has a percentage of students fail state standardized tests is in danger of losing their jobs.
The state now determines what is taught and what is not. Additionally, as with any state funded program, budgetary politcs are involved. That also means lobbyists. I’m glad grandma M brought this up but it isn’t new. These lobby groups influence what is written in textbooks (and the one of the largest textbook suppliers in deep in Bush Texas, btw). A few years ago California had a problem with evolution in textbooks, and that isn’t an isolated case. That is happening all over the US.
The bottom line is that political/cultural special interest groups are influencing the politicians who control the state educational budget and therefore educational content in accordance with their own political agenda. To call this propaganda doesn’t describe the problem accurately enough, this is indoctrination.
Thank you Jeffersonian Dem.
Indoctrination…what a nice diplomatic way to say “brain washing”. Having taught mostly at college level, with public school stints only during the summers, I did not get to see the long term ramifications that you so clearly spelled out. Also, I was extremely fortunate that “Doc” Kalisky was my mentor in the educational field. I don’t know if you are aware of him. He consistently won national “Educator of the Year” award several years in a row.
He is marvelous-and truly dedicated to the well being of students. Although very supportive, he was the one who demanded that his “fledglings” like me volunteer time for the public schools, and put in summers “on the ground” so to speak.
Yes, it seems in the South there is a great deal of “control” by the State or County school boards as to what is taught and more crucially HOW content is taught. Here in the northeast, schools are still controlled by the city or town school boards, giving us better direct control. Though state funding indeed influences the purchases of textbooks and other materials.
As Jeffersonian Democrat spells out so well, teachers in many places are not given the flexibility to decide the manner in which to present material. That is a major issue here. Teachers not only are told WHAT they will teach, but in far too many places, HOW they will teach the mandated content.
Grandma M,
I thought I’d let you know that there’s a diary on this subject now posted at dKos. I recommended it.
Thank you Supersoling
It was a great read and even provides an 800 telephone number to contact Scholastic in the comments.
While over at the BIG Orange Place, I saw this diarywhich also has an interesting slant.
Even Representative Slaughter has chimed in over at Orange. That’s what I wanted – so parents in this country can and will force change.
Excellent diary. I have many comments but little time right now. I’ll be back after work. In the meantime, I found another interesting example of influential partnerships in education, if it hasn’t already been mentioned.
Normally I stay away from conspiracy theories.
That’s how this has been happening throughout our generation’s education. These misinformation campaigns in education are nothing new but we have to overcome our own indoctrinations as well.
WOW! Thank you for this – Jeez they are like cockroaches in summer, crawling out from every nook and cranny around.
I look forward to hearing from you tonight, and thanks again for the excellent information.
I find it most ugly that ABC is doing this movie to play politics with the even of 9/11. PPl died and that alone is disgusting that makes this political ploy most disgusting. As far as I am concerned, we can drop the whole thing and start to look intelligently upon 9/11 with what it truly is about. It happened on bush’s watch and for that he can not get away from. He is to be held responsible for this occurrence and that is just how it is to be…sorry for the republican thoughts on how to blame someone else for their shortcomings. The hand-tied clinton while he was in office and now they want to blame him when all long it was they who did this bad thing to the whole nation and keep doing to this very day. Each and every day we see the smirk on tv and watch his small brain try to make us believe differently…we sorry clyde, it is your fault…simple and plain…until we can get that message out, then all is lost for everyone as a whole…I am so sick of this type of rhetoric from the republican party.
George W Bush’s negotiators said to the Taliban
“Either accept our carpet of Gold or get our carpet full of bombs”
The Taliban did not wait for the invasion and struck us first.
If it hasn’t already been said, Think Progress has a link up to ABC Television. You can send a letter to them urging them to take the show off the air, or correct the inaccuracies before air time.