This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Already thinking about the weekend?
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
How are you today?
Slow waking up.
Are you ready for you trip?
Me too.
Nope, I didn’t do a thing yesterday, so I’ve got to get it all done today. That includes going out and buying my first cell phone. A trip into the city to get ready for another trip. Oh Boy!
Your first cell phone! OMG, you’re a virgin!
Yep and I hoping the first time will be gentle.
I’m just wanting something incase of emergency or break down, so I’ll trying to find the cheapest thing I can.
My brother said something about a go phone, so I’ll check that out this morning.
Where are you going?
Boys ready for the bus?
Out to Little Rock. It’s about 7 hours from here.
I’ve driven it many times before, so no worry about getting lost, but I’m one of those people who like to plan and be prepared for everything.
I didn’t hear about your trip. Guess I’m not one of the kewl kids. 🙁
Why are you going to Little Rock?
You’re the kewlest of kids. 🙂
A relative is going into the hospital to have tests and FMom wants to be there. So we’ll go out and stay for a couple of days and then back here.
How are you feeling today?
Stankass as Indy would say. What are we going to do without you?
Just try to get along. 🙂
I’ll be checking in. The hotel has DSL so I’ll be jumping in from time to time.
Hope you feel better soon. Has HJ started to calm down any?
Maybe a tad. She’s okay at night as long as we give her 80% of the bed. She’s niiiice and quiet then.
Well, have a safe trip. When are you leaving?
At least she’s not keeping you up all night.
We’ll leave out tomorrow morning. George is going to be one unhappy puppy. I have to leave him at the vets for a couple of day. One thing I can always count on with George. When I go to pick him up and they bring him out, as soon as he see me, he’ll pee all over the floor.
Some things you can always count on. 🙂
I have that effect on Hopeful, as well. It’s nice to be loved so much. 🙂
I almost peed on the floor when I met Andi. I liked her that much.
Yes but you’re house trained. Aren’t ya? 🙂
When I come to stay with you and FMom you’ll find out.
No worry on that. Between George and Cat, we used to an accident every now and then. 🙂
I don’t know what a “go” phone is but you can get phones with prepaid minutes.
I think that what a go phone is. My brother told me you buy the phone and so many minutes. No plan or anything like that.
Once we get it, I don’t really see us using it that much, other than on trips.
Day 2 of the return to school…stil having a rush of endorphins as they get out the door. 🙂
So, the girls are calling CBtE after school this year…yikes. CBtY is just worreid about getting his locker open. I love sixth grade.
And it looks dry enough to try to head out for a walk this am. Yay!
You’re loving every minute of it and you know it. 🙂
Those are happy endorphins, ya know. 🙂
When do you leave for Little Rock?
I would hope they’re happy ones.
Tomorrow morning.
It’s been nice and cool here. I’ve been enjoying my morning stumbles in the semi-dark.
So I guess I’ll head off and talk mine. Hope you enjoy yours.
I’m heading out too, now that the News Bucket is up.
See ya.
Okay, I’m really leaving now. Really.
OMG, girls! And my guess is they look like they’re 25. The size/maturity discrepancy is huge at 14.
He’s 14, but in eightt grade, so I think the difference is a little less. A ninth grader has a HUGE crush on him though.