Well, if you want I can blather on about the tribulations of being CBtE’s mother. Or about the ungodly cost of ice hockey participation for CBtY (we’re not doing it). Or about the danged grass growing again and needing to be cut because it rained.
She’s always calm and quiet during the day and then gets amped up in the evening. All in all I think it’s getting better now that I put her in jail every time she gets rambunctious.
2 4-week full-time clinic/hospital rotations (I’d like to do one at an HIV/AIDS clinic in the city), and then I have a year-long conitinuity of care thing where I have to follow half a dozen patients (I’ll probably arrange to do that with a friend who does nursing home consulting), and then I have to write up 75 real patients with various specific diseases (5 batches of 15 at a time). And I have to give a presentation on something, probably Plan B.
Been running around all day looking for the game I want; finally decided to go “Screw this” and just order online, biting the bullet and paying for express delivery. Should be here on Friday, which means I’ll have tomorrow to do the stuff I should’ve done today (financial crap).
Going to settle in and watch Keith O. live tonight (instead of on the DVR) then head out for some grocery shopping; I’ve got a new recipe for the slow cooker I’m dying to try out. 🙂
She does. I think it’s something about the combination of really nice and really cool, and how earnest and funny she is even in the face of life’s hardships.
I thought maybe it was the combination of really snotty and the son bonking his girlfriend in the bedroom. 🙂
Things are fine here. Celebrated our 35th anniversary yesterday and as always I’m amazed we keep going year after without one of us killing the other one.
That little guy playing the younger boy is just a doll. I love how weird & sincere he is about everything, like when the bitchy PTA mom was loaded on what she called “the last pharmaceutical quaalude in existence”, and she was telling him that he was weird and she had cancer and that made people uncomfortable, but that she was done giving a fuck what anybody thought about her and that he didn’t have to care he if he didn’t want to either. And then he thanked her for telling him the truth. That was so cute.
Yes. We don’t get the pay channels, we just wind up renting what we want to see later on and watching it all straight through. I watched 6 episodes of it last night while I was waiting around for my insomnia to take a hike.
I’ve been to Costa Brava (sp) on the Mediterranean before. I was there for 5 days and sick for 4. I did have a great time on the one well day though. 🙂
I’m using the time to try get a jump on the next wave of disasters if there should be one, by getting ahead on everything else. But once I’m ahead, if things really do calm down for the long haul I’m going to do nothing but sleep, game, and pleasure read for a week.
Playing anything interesting? I haven’t stumbled across a good new game in a while, I keep replaying old favorites. (ie the Civilization series, and other PC-based city/civ-building sims, which I tend to like a lot, and some goofy animated adventure stuff for the platforms.)
Tried and true platform RPGs plus the Ratchett and Clank, and Sly Cooper adventure franchise and some Burnout (the one race game that I really like-mostly because it’s a crash game first and race second). I used to do a lot more computer gaming, but between tendonitis and distraction factor I eventually had to make my laptop a game free zone.
So there’s no need to prepare your 4oz of lube. 😉
Yeah, I’ve been messing with this recipe for a while and I think I finally got it right. I would highly recommend Bob’s Red Mill 13 Bean Soup Mix, that’s some good eatin’.
One of the things I’m hoping to do a little more of if things really do calm down is cook, and soups and chilis are my specialty. I’m okay with lasagnas and hiot dish. Filling, homey and feeds an army seem to be the things I do well.
but I’m really not the person to try to make that judgement. I’m too damn midwestern to deal well with compliments, for one thing. I like it, and I had fun writing it, but…
I think I’m gonna geezer on outta here, too, I’m exhausted from getting no sleep last night and cooking all day. See y’all tomorrow prolly. G’night. {{lounge}}
Hey everyone! Thanks to whoever put the cafes up for me. I’m so sorry — with the holiday Monday, I somehow forgot today was Wednesday!! Plus, I had a couple of appointments and my son is on his first road trip today — I’m on tenterhooks!
maryb told me to tell you she was working on her Italian for ‘pardon me, may I photograph your shoes’ but I told her we’d all be happier if she went for cute tushes instead so she’s practicing a new phrase.
was looking pretty abandoned. Then again, maybe this one is too?
I believe the answer to “what’s hopping?” is “Nothing”
Well, if you want I can blather on about the tribulations of being CBtE’s mother. Or about the ungodly cost of ice hockey participation for CBtY (we’re not doing it). Or about the danged grass growing again and needing to be cut because it rained.
How was your day?
Or we could sort of pick up where we left off — did you get to for your morning walk ?
I did. 4 miles this AM, and then I went for another mile and a half walk about an hour ago. How about you?
I’m not allowed to not walk so, yep, I went. It was only in the low 50s; very nice.
When do you start your clinicals?
Low 50s sounds wonderful. Still got a migraine – big one. Ouch.
to hear that. I’d share my low temps if I could.
Was HJ any better today?
She’s always calm and quiet during the day and then gets amped up in the evening. All in all I think it’s getting better now that I put her in jail every time she gets rambunctious.
Gee, maybe she just needs another dog to play with. 😉
I hear when you have 4 dogs they just lay down and sleep and never bother you.
I’m sorry about the migraine. Yuck.
As soon as I get off my bottom and start setting them up. Probably later this month after I get everyone settled into the new school routine.
Did I miss why you’re not allowed to walk?
The cooler weather has been delightful.
How many different rotations will you do?
2 4-week full-time clinic/hospital rotations (I’d like to do one at an HIV/AIDS clinic in the city), and then I have a year-long conitinuity of care thing where I have to follow half a dozen patients (I’ll probably arrange to do that with a friend who does nursing home consulting), and then I have to write up 75 real patients with various specific diseases (5 batches of 15 at a time). And I have to give a presentation on something, probably Plan B.
For some strange reason, I feel an overwhleming need to take a nap.
It does seem a little overwhelming now that I read all of it there…
Do you have to complete the year-long study in order to complete the doctorate?
Well, you could always move to the ‘burbs and open a “bakery”.
Heh, I’ve been watching Weeds and the lead character being played by Mary-Louise Parker sort-of reminds me of you. 🙂
Oops. It would help if I had read ALL the words in your comment before replying. 🙂
and any lurking gentlemen…
Been running around all day looking for the game I want; finally decided to go “Screw this” and just order online, biting the bullet and paying for express delivery. Should be here on Friday, which means I’ll have tomorrow to do the stuff I should’ve done today (financial crap).
Going to settle in and watch Keith O. live tonight (instead of on the DVR) then head out for some grocery shopping; I’ve got a new recipe for the slow cooker I’m dying to try out. 🙂
Back in a while…
I’ll take 27 of what’s on tap.
How’s everyone doing?
Did you get your phone?
Sure did and spent the afternoon learning how to use it. I finally also got a haircut.
I’ve got to drop George and Cat off in the morning and then we’re outta here.
Okay so you phoned and shorn (don’t tell Olivia).
All packed?
Still packing. I’ll get up real early and get everything in the car.
I hope you have a good and safe trip, Family Man.
How are things with you and yours?
Calm for a change, which is nice.
That’s good to hear.
Mary Louise Parker’s character reminds you of CG?
She does. I think it’s something about the combination of really nice and really cool, and how earnest and funny she is even in the face of life’s hardships.
How are things over in your woods?
I thought maybe it was the combination of really snotty and the son bonking his girlfriend in the bedroom. 🙂
Things are fine here. Celebrated our 35th anniversary yesterday and as always I’m amazed we keep going year after without one of us killing the other one.
Aww, Happy Belated Non-Murderous Anniversary to you both! 🙂
(Yeah, the boys factor into the likeness, too.)
The b-i-l helping the younger son with jacking off and being jacked off are two of the funniest scenes I’ve seen on TV in a long time.
I haven’t seen that yet.
That little guy playing the younger boy is just a doll. I love how weird & sincere he is about everything, like when the bitchy PTA mom was loaded on what she called “the last pharmaceutical quaalude in existence”, and she was telling him that he was weird and she had cancer and that made people uncomfortable, but that she was done giving a fuck what anybody thought about her and that he didn’t have to care he if he didn’t want to either. And then he thanked her for telling him the truth. That was so cute.
psst … check your e/m 🙂
Done and returned. 🙂
on dvd
Yes. We don’t get the pay channels, we just wind up renting what we want to see later on and watching it all straight through. I watched 6 episodes of it last night while I was waiting around for my insomnia to take a hike.
We’re tivo-ing the second season — if you come over here, you can watch way in advance of the dvd. (How’s that for a future enticement?)
At the risk of being un-hip, I shall ask, what are we talking about here? Quick guess: It isn’t “Leave It To Beaver.”
That goodness you asked Omir. I have no idea either.
The Showtime series “Weeds”
{{{{{{{Andi and Jim}}}}}}}
What’s the flavor du jour?
I’m still kinda off it … I’ve got chocolate in the freezer tho, just in case LOL
Hi Olivia. How’s it going tonight?
I feel like I haven’t talked w/ you in ages! LOL
How’s it going … all packed?
Did you teach FMom how to turn on the cell phone?
Same here.
I’ll finish packing in the morning. Just got some clothes out of the dryer.
I showed FMom, but don’t know if it took. I’m beginning to think on the trip it might get some non-emergency use, so she’ll learn.
do you know how to turn it on? 😛
So when do you leave? Did you take George to the vet yet?
It’s the button that has the little red marking on it. 😛
No I drop George and Cat off in the morning. We’ll probably be out of here by 9:30 am.
You haven’t gotten you taste for ice cream back yet?
just in case … 😛
In case I miss ya later, have a safe drive! {{{FM}}}
Not yet … I forced some down last night and that just felt wrong … LOL
I love hearing them roll up into the big numbers like that.
Collectively I’ve been married for 24 years – does that count?
Marriage is marriage.
It would count more if you had killed the first one instead of divorcing him — sort give me something to shoot for.
I think you’re doing it the right way Andi. If you kill him it’s over to soon. Make it last. 🙂
Is that when you have multiple, concurrent husbands – as opposed to the cumulative effect of serial marriages?
Hi ask. How’s it going?
Hi, FM.
Tired. Mostly lurking.
And you? Are you on your big excursion already (I was lurking in the morning cafe the other day)?
You need another vacation.
Nope I leave tomorrow. Kinda of cool really. I’ve haven’t been farther than 2 hours away from here in about a year and a half.
I’m going on another vacation!
curly and I are headed for Spain in less than 2 weeks.
In that case, why aren’t you still at work! 🙂
I’ve been to Costa Brava (sp) on the Mediterranean before. I was there for 5 days and sick for 4. I did have a great time on the one well day though. 🙂
ai ai,
sorry to hear of your state while there.
We’ll actually spend a couple of days in that area.
Concurrent husbands – what a nightmare! =:-o
But at least you wouldn’t need a bigger dirty clothes hamper — just twice as much room on the floor.
Um, what show are we talking about?
Things seem to be trending calm on my end too, but I’m so shell-shocked on family stuff at this point I have trouble buying it.
I know the feeling. Sometimes you just have to rest while the resting’s good, though. 🙂
I’m using the time to try get a jump on the next wave of disasters if there should be one, by getting ahead on everything else. But once I’m ahead, if things really do calm down for the long haul I’m going to do nothing but sleep, game, and pleasure read for a week.
Playing anything interesting? I haven’t stumbled across a good new game in a while, I keep replaying old favorites. (ie the Civilization series, and other PC-based city/civ-building sims, which I tend to like a lot, and some goofy animated adventure stuff for the platforms.)
Tried and true platform RPGs plus the Ratchett and Clank, and Sly Cooper adventure franchise and some Burnout (the one race game that I really like-mostly because it’s a crash game first and race second). I used to do a lot more computer gaming, but between tendonitis and distraction factor I eventually had to make my laptop a game free zone.
Hi Indy and thanks.
How’re you doing tonight?
I’m full of pork rib & 13 bean soup. Yummy. How long are you going to be on the road?
PS. Hey dada, if you’re around, dude, thanks for the heads up on using cumin in pork, it was awesome! 🙂
Sounds like you ate good! 🙂
It’s only about 6-7 hours away and we’ll be gone for a couple of days. Nothing big.
So there’s no need to prepare your 4oz of lube. 😉
Yeah, I’ve been messing with this recipe for a while and I think I finally got it right. I would highly recommend Bob’s Red Mill 13 Bean Soup Mix, that’s some good eatin’.
One of the things I’m hoping to do a little more of if things really do calm down is cook, and soups and chilis are my specialty. I’m okay with lasagnas and hiot dish. Filling, homey and feeds an army seem to be the things I do well.
Good hearty foods that you can eat for a week straight. Yeah, I can see you both liking and excelling at that. 🙂
Count me in on that. I love a good stew.
Not sure why. Urgh, typing just got more complex with the littlest cat’s help.
Have a good trip.
Hi Kelly and thanks. I read about the second print – Woo Hoo! Congrats.
It’s all a little surreal. I’m tickled with all the attention the book’s getting but not sure why. A lot of good books sink without a trace.
Probably because a lot of good book don’t have what it takes to be a great book. I haven’t read it yet, but from what I hear, it’s great.
but I’m really not the person to try to make that judgement. I’m too damn midwestern to deal well with compliments, for one thing. I like it, and I had fun writing it, but…
Heck, just sit back and enoy the ride. Let the adoring fans spread the love around and bask in your glory. 🙂
Well, that and writing like crazy on the theory that this might be my one big break and I’d better make best use of it.
A very wise man. 🙂
Dr.Mc is giving me the time for bed look. the bleary-eyed version not the waggling eyebrows version unfortuntately. See y’all later.
Night Kelly.
I think I’m gonna geezer on outta here, too, I’m exhausted from getting no sleep last night and cooking all day. See y’all tomorrow prolly. G’night. {{lounge}}
Night Indy. Hope you sleep well tonight.
Hey everyone! Thanks to whoever put the cafes up for me. I’m so sorry — with the holiday Monday, I somehow forgot today was Wednesday!! Plus, I had a couple of appointments and my son is on his first road trip today — I’m on tenterhooks!
Hi Izzy. Tenterhooks? So you’ve felt stretched like wollen cloth?
Don’t ya love it went you can google a word. 🙂
Yup, that’s exactly what I feel like. Except, well… wool is a lot sturdier than I feel right now! Teenager, beater car, mountains… <shudder>
maryb told me to tell you she was working on her Italian for ‘pardon me, may I photograph your shoes’ but I told her we’d all be happier if she went for cute tushes instead so she’s practicing a new phrase.
Why do I have the feeling we’re going to get her in trouble??
I’m not worried — I don’t think anybody can get mary in trouble.
I’ve got to get to bed so I can get up early.
Everyone have a good night.
Sweet dreams, FM!
I hope the trip goes well.
24/6 Cafe is open!
Of course, I meant 24/7 — yikes!