Click on that icon to subscribe to the Booman Tribune feedburner and you can get notified whenever there is a new post on the front-page. I can’t tell you what a hassle I’ve been having dealing with this feedburner stuff and the Blogads roll-over. I’m clueless about all this technical stuff.
What’s on your mind? Cookies? Spam? Guinea Pigs?
I wasn’t thinking about guinea pigs until you mentioned it, but I was pondering possums.
oh sweet jesus.
No, you’ve got it all wrong. She doesn’t even look like Jesus.
Good God that’s some kind of Fugly!
The possum’s kinda gnarly too :o)
Yeah. That photo made me wonder for a second if there really is no such thing as evolution. But then I realized I was being unfair to the possum.
Hahahaha!! :o)
who won today…her or the possum…
yer one sick puppy…:{)
Great pic dada
Paul Krugman had a good article about how the Healthcare system should be modeled and why it is not so now! A true progressive government, or really any government that gave a crap about its citizens, would follow some efficient system model. Comprehensive,
efficient, powerful systems of care with easy egalitarian access are the way to go for everyone! God how the last few years have shown that, as in 47 million uninsured now!
From October 4th – 11th, join 1000’s as we gather across America in churches, universities, community centers, town halls, coffee houses and living rooms to screen THE GROUND TRUTH, engage in conversation, and listen to Iraq veterans.
THE GROUND TRUTH depicts with ferocious honesty the terrible conflict in Iraq, a prelude to the even more challenging battles fought by soldiers when they return home to personal demons, an uncomprehending public, and an indifferent government.
Theatrical opening Friday, September 15, 2006 at Landmark Theaters in the following cities:
Los Angeles, New York, Boston, Chicago, Seattle, Austin,
Washington, D.C., San Francisco
*Additional screening nationwide – For details, go to: The Ground Truth
Purchase a DVD through this link and VFP recieves a portion of the proceeds. Price is $14.98
Purchase DVD now!
Veterans Working Together for Peace & Justice Through Non-violence. Wage Peace!
Click here to donate.
Take a visit over to this Analysis of today’s speach which I heard while driving home from work, it’s Short but To The Real Point of what the clown bush is doing, and the Danger he has put the Troops In, and what he wants to Create for this Country {Actually AlReady Has}!
Hamdan Lawyer Reacts to Bush Tribunal Proposal
There’s abit more at the site, besides listening to the report, including the below links:
Related NPR Stories
Sep. 6, 2006 New Army Manual Bans Torture, Including Hooding
Sep. 6, 2006 Bush Concedes CIA Held Suspects in Secret Prisons
you got the Feedburner thing figured out.
You should do a similar one for the non-front-page diaries. I almost said “do one for the comments” but that would be a bit much.
thanks for your offer of help.
The mind boggles to figure out how to feedburn the diaries separately.
I hope what I sent you actually helped (or at least didn’t make things worse).
It seems like it ought to be possible to set up a diaries feed, but not being a Scoop maven, I don’t know what it would entail. I’ve got the one I set up and use in netvibes ( but that has the disadvantage that it isn’t generated at your site.