This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Sssh. Don’t rustle those newspaper pages so loudly.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Morning Miss Andi!!!!
Morning Refinish and Andi.
Couldn’t resist dropping by, eh?
Sorry just got back. Yep the cafe is an addiction. Got to get a daily dose of it. π
T minus 4 hours and we’re outta here.
How’re you doing today?
I’m fine.
Are you going to be spending the whole time at the hospital or are you going to get to explore?
Mostly at the hospital. It will be mostly get there, make sure everything is all right and turn around and get back home. Once FMom is satisfied everything is good, we head back.
Morning FamilyMan!!!!
I see you have been busy. Did you get all those letters mailed off?
They go in the mail today. It is two weeks before the event so that is good timing. LOL
Perfect timing I’d say.
I still want you to get to the point of delegating some of this though. π
LOL I will someday.
How ya doing?
Doing good and I hope you are. Been a busy week so far and will only get busier. LOL
Hi Andi, refi, and FM. How are you?
Hope you have a safe trip, FM. When do you leave?
Morning CG. In about 4 hours.
How are you today? Ready to do your marathon walk again today?
Yep! I got more than 5 miles in yesterday.
After you left the cafe last night, you missed this comment to you from IndyLib (after yours on the clinicals):
Well, you could always move to the ‘burbs and open a “bakery”.
Heh, I’ve been watching Weeds and the lead character being played by Mary-Louise Parker sort-of reminds me of you. π
which she explained to me later was because of the “combination of really nice and really cool, and how earnest and funny she is even in the face of life’s hardships.”
Just thought you might like to start the day with a nice ego boost.
Oh my, I won’t even be able to get my head out the door for my walk this morning! π
I hope she stops by this morning.
I’m sure the CabinBoys will think of something to deflate it. π
Well, no problem for me to get my head outdoors so I guess I will. Have a good walk and a great day.
I better get moving too, then. Have a great day!
Yeah I read about it over at KB’s place.
I’m working up to 50 yards right now. Of course that’s on the lawnmower. π
Wait a minute. Who is in the hospital? I must have missed something.
I’ve got a relative going into the hospital for some test and FMom wants to be out there. We’ll be gone for a couple of days.
I am sending warm thoughts of Love & Healing!!!!
and on that note I have to go get ready for work. Everyone have a great day!!!
P.S. is it me or is the site loading mighty slow this am?
Have a good day RF. I think people have been having trouble with the loading.
Morning Cabingirl!!!! I am good and hope you are as well.
FamilyMan enjoy your trip. Didn’t know you were going on one. LOL
It’s not a long trip, but you know me, I’ve got to broadcast everything I do. π
It’s nice to be up early enough to catch you, refi. You keeping busy? π
Always. LOL I have just printed out the last of the letters to stuff and will get them in the mail today.
OK I’m outta here. Got to finish up with the packing and everything.
Everybody have a good day in the pond.
Just dropping by for a quick hello! Gotta read the WSJ and get caught up on my business news.
good morning all. just stopping in for a quick hello while i’m doing the work thing. i try to poke my head in every now and then π
Good morning!
Hi Psi. I’ve been meaning to ask you, what’s your FF team name?
Just want to say hi, I’ve had to go strictly cold turkey on the computer (except at work of course) due to advanced CTS, especially in my right hand, but I have it in both hands. The worst manifestation at this point is that my hands continually “go to sleep” especially at night, when I’m trying to go to sleep, fighting the lifelong mythmother vs. insomia battle. The good news is that it’s somewhat better after rest and also I am taking some homeopathic remedies that I think are working. However, it will take time. I now have a fully ergonomic work station at home, with an annoying split keyboard that I’m sure I will get used to one of these days, and am working towards getting fully ergonomic at the office, too. I feel confident that my hands will get well.
Add to this lots of discomfort with a UTI. I started on antibiotics yesterday and it finally seems to be clearing up.
Other than that, all is well!!
Take it easy and let everyone pamper you.
Thanks, good advice, AndiF!
Morning all,
School’s started for Dr.Mc again which means I found a mug of fresh hot Darjeeling waiting for me when I got up. It also means more writing time. I love the school year routine, though I miss having her around all day.
Hope y’all are having a good beginning to fall.
what’s your next project?
On the contracted side of things, the sequel to WebMage is on my editor’s desk. She’s also got two other books of mine that she’s looking at. So that’s all stuff that could go to front burner once I hear something. I’ve got three others also out at various editors that could also become front burner without warning.
In the meantime though I’m writing something for the pure pleasure of it, a historical fantasy for young adults set in an alternate World War II with magical as well as industrial warfare and some heavy environmental catastrophe overtones. It’s quite dark, unlike WebMage and Cybermancy, but I’m having a blast with it. Hopefully I can interest an editor when it’s done.
Oh, and I’m stocking away ideas for a potential third and fourth book in the WebMage world in case the sale justify more stuff set there. Thanks for asking.
Trying to get myself/the spouse stirring…a daunting prospect at best…
MM — sorry to hear about the hand/plumbing difficulties; I’ve read that a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in an 8oz. glass of water can help restore the Ph balance in the bladder area if you have a UTI, but not sure about that. Cranberry juice is also supposed to be good, but most commercial ones are either too diluted with water and/or have too much sugar.
KMc — one reason I want to get the spouse out of here and back to work is so I can have my own life back; have lots of projects I want to do, but it’s hard when he’s stopping by to read over my shoulder every 10 minutes or so…
Looks like I missed FM…hope he and FMom have a safe drive to wherever they’re heading.
Okay, breakfast then work time…
was yesterday and it went well… however I came home to find that my “dream job” had called for an interview. I called back to explain that I was on my first day of on the job training and they said that “this means they have to get me in faster and work harder to see what we can do” π I called today because I told them that I went straight to a Peace vigil afterwars and he said that looking at my answers to application questions that he didn’t expect me to be anywhere else but at a peace vigil π π π
Interview is tomorrow.
The other job… it seems they want me to work more hours and ultimately be the Manager. It’s close, convenient but… I don’t want to manage something I don’t own. Too much responsibility, stress…
Plus I’m still in training/probation… we’ll see how the interview goes.
Boran2 would be very happy when I state who it is with. It’s with part of the Solution. π Organic Industry π Whooooooooooooot!!!
I’m so freaking excited!!!
I’ll try to get the Peace Vigil photos up soon.
Woohoo!Good for you-we knew you’d be popular!
Sorry I haven’t been in touch, DJ. I was trying craigslist for my romanceless situation and was flooded with interesting replies-will write more soon.
I got my new puppy on Craigslist – maybe you can find a good guy!