Well, thank you very much, Marshall Wittmann, for that slap in the face to a very good Democrat named Ned Lamont. And for a big slap in the face to CT Democrats who voted for him and supported him.  

I must assume since Bullmoose is one of the official DLC bloggers that this is not a position that group objects to Wittmann having and presenting so loudly on his blog today.  

Welcome Back

The Moose argues that there is only one real Democrat in the Connecticut Senate race.

Yesterday, Joe Lieberman was welcomed with open arms by his fellow Democratic Senators.

….”Indeed, it is appropriate that his fellow Democrats warmly embrace Joe – he is the only genuine Democrat in the race who represents the great tradition of that party in the Senate – that of Truman, JFK, LBJ, HHH and Scoop. And what is striking is that many, many Democrats in Connecticut are sticking with Joe even though he did not receive the blessing of a segment of the party’s left.

One of the great moments of the Moose’s summer was when he and his family attended the Hartford Lieberman rally on the night of the primary. Although Joe did not prevail that night, it was clear that he had a message that would win in November.

Joe’s theme is one of progress rather than polarization. He dares to sail against the polluted partisan polarizing wind to advance a politics that puts the country’s interest first. And Joe’s message is resonating in Connecticut among the general electorate.

It will be a great, hopeful development for the Democratic Party if Joe prevails in November. A Lieberman victory will tell those Americans who have been estranged from their party in recent years that there remains a place for them. Progressive hawks will continue to have a champion in the party.

Not bad enough?  He then says this and links to an ad by some vet group supporting Lieberman:

Lieberman, the real Democrat.

The Moose urges all Mooseketeers to check out this marvelous ad by Vets for Freedom – here.

I did not link to the ad itself.

This angers me. Marshall Wittmann, aka Bullmoose, claims to not even be a Democrat.  I call upon the real Democrats in the DLC to stand up for our Democratic process….that they tell Bullmoose that Ned Lamont is the Democrat in the CT race.