In a poll that is sure to drive the right-wing crazy, the majority of Canadians blame American foreign policy for 9/11. Meanwhile, French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin flatly rejected ‘war’ as the answer to Islamic radicalism. Unintentionally, the neo-conservatives have forced a debate on the nature, history, and desirability of American Exceptionalism.
A good place to start this conversation is with Stephen Kinzer’s new book Overthrow.
The book traces the themes of resources, power and ideology to fourteen countries across the globe leading from Hawaii to Iraq in a collection of adventurous, insidious and very human vignettes. Kinzer brings the reader to each situation with a critical eye on who the key players were, why they did what they did, and the usually unexpected and undesirable long-term consequences they created.
One of the most provocative analyses Kinzer carries out is a critique of the American Political Psyche. Kinzer describes the dangerous and easily abused American idea that our foreign interactions are implicitly good, that as far as politics goes, what works for us should work for them, and that we have a right to foreign markets and resources. Kinzer identifies the acts of regime change as the failures of diplomacy before the conflict, and a lack of nation building plans after. These short, violent interventions leads to chaos, violence, poverty, and an anti-Americanism that comes back to bite the US later on, when we again misinterpret nationalism as anti-Americanism.
The Iraq debacle has not yet, but has the real potential to puncture the American Political Psyche. In Donald Rumsfeld’s recent speech before the American Legion, he seemed to anticipate the coming backlash.
Can we truly afford to return to the destructive view that America — not the enemy — is the real source of the world’s troubles?
…The last question is particularly important, because this is the first war of the 21st Century — a war that, to a great extent, will be fought in the media on a global stage. We cannot allow the terrorists’ lies and myths to be repeated without question or challenge.
We also should be aware that the struggle is too important — the consequences too severe — to allow a “blame America first” mentality to overwhelm the truth that our nation, though imperfect, is a force for good in the world.
The Republicans (and most Democrats) are simply unwilling to take Usama bin Laden’s rhetoric at face value. Bin Laden laid out a case for attacking America and American civilians based on our foreign policy, not our freedoms and not our decadence. The argument, at least in the Muslim world, is not over whether or not our foreign policies are good or bad, but over whether using terrorism is a legitimate tool of resistance. And, yet, America seems unwilling to look at our foreign policy (including the historical record), lest it undermine our resolve to wage a war on terror. Look at how Rick Santorum laid it out in his recent Meet the Press debate with Bob Casey, Jr.
SEN. SANTORUM:…And as far as that being a plan to solve this problem, I think you just fundamentally misunderstand the problem. You’re saying that somehow or another the language and terminology doesn’t matter. You believe that we’re going to win or lose this war on the battlefield in Iraq and the battlefield in Afghanistan. I don’t. I think we’ll win or lose this war right here in America. I think we’ll win or lose this war because the American people…
MR. RUSSERT: Let’s, let’s have…
SEN. SANTORUM: Please let me finish—because the American people are not going to stand—are, are, are losing their resolve because of the tactics the terrorists are using. Understand, terrorists understand. What they, what they want to accomplish is every single day to kill people, and every single day make it hard for Americans to open up their papers, or turn on their television and find more death and more destruction. And it’s undermining our ability to prosecute this war.
We need to lay out for the American public what this war is, the fact that we are up against, I think, the greatest challenge of this, of this country’s history.
If we parse what Santorum is saying, he is asserting that the real war is a war to prevent the American people from analyzing the wisdom of our forward-leaning foreign policy. If we begin to see any validity in the grievances set out, not just by Islamic terrorists, but Muslims in general, then the whole edifice of our Empire may begin to crumble.
The problem for the Republicans is that this is a losing battle. We can’t continue to fool the American people indefinitely, nor can we escape the military, economic, and security consequences of our foreign policies. They are very expensive and they are alienating even our closest allies. The Brits are about to throw Tony Blair out of office, where he will join Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi and Spain’s José María Alfredo Aznar López.
Bushism is a spectacular failure, but it could not have been so all-encompassing if it had not jettisoned the aspects of U.S. foreign policy that made our hegemony palatable to the greater world community. The biggest failures have not been military, but diplomatic. The adandoment of the Kyoto process, the tearing up of the ABM treaty, and the total neglect of the peace process in Palestine are among the most glaring policy errors. Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, extraordinary rendition, torture, fishy elections, and increased police powers have all contributed to knocking out the pillars that allowed American Exceptionalism to operate with a good deal of good-will and support.
What we are left with is the dark side of American foreign policy (intervention, coups, support for tyrants and death squads, general neglect of human rights) without the light side (internationalism, collective security, support for democratization and self-determination, and support for human rights). With each passing day, the validity of traditional Marxist, non-aligned, third world, and Islamist critiques is increased.
The GOP response to this is to call such critiques anti-American, foreign propaganda, and to ratchet up the fear factor. This cannot stand.
Either America returns to its former policies that formed the basis for the legitimacy of American Exceptionalism (and does a better job), or the whole international system will re-align on us, with ugly and unpredictable consequences for our nation, our allies, and the world economy.
It’s begins with self-reflection. What have we done? Why have we done it? What do we need to continue to do, and what can we safely cease doing?
America earned the good-will we enjoyed in the post-war era. We are not earning anything but ill-will at the moment. We must reflect on our past, sanely evaluate our present, and decide whether we want to be a beacon of light or a international pariah.
Contrary to Rumsfeld and Santorum’s assertions, rhetoric will not decide this. We cannot spin our way out of the hole we have dug for ourselves. If America still has the characteristics that made it great, it will throw out the government that has failed us, call their crimes, crimes, and set right what has been torn asunder.
available in orange.
I don’t know, I think it’s time to accept that America just isn’t that exceptional anymore. We’re a nation of idiots campared to other industrialized countries. It’s hard to look at the policies that have been popular the last few years and not conclude that we have permanently abdicated our moral authority as a nation. Remember, blowjobs are worse than death and condoms are anathema to God’s word.
Over half the country still thinks Iraq was responsible for 9/11, and a sizable minority thinks France is an evil nation for sensibly opposing our disastrous Iraqi adventure. Etc., etc., it just goes on and on.
I guess I’m an isolationist now, at least staying out of world affairs will keep these nutjobs who control our society from infecting everyone else in the world with their propaganda.
but still, that’s a tragic demonstration of the power of the media.
h/t to C&L
I think that it’s been this way all along Shalimar. We’ve been skating for decades on the good things that we have done. But I think that our potential to be a more direct and overt danger to the rest of the world has always lurked just below the surface, waiting for the right, or wrong combination of personalities and events to be the catalyst for realizing our darker characteristics.
We’ve also used the threat of totalitarian communism, with their thought police, ban of the free expression of religion, and horrible human rights record, to oppose any left-leaning movements anywhere in the third world. It’s one thing to play hardball with pro-Soviet communist parties in Western Europe, it’s another to smash democracies, fledgling and imperfect or otherwise, in Iran, Guatemala, Chile, and elsewhere.
It has been the co-optation of our highest ideals by corporate hardliners that has driven this wedge into our legacy and image.
Absent the Soviet threat, and with the Far East and Eastern Europe largely on board with our way of doing things, there just isn’t any more justification for doing things the old way.
But, it is Bush’s tearing up of the the light side of American foreign policy that has really exposed this and accelerated the process.
Fortunately, I see the left wing of the Democratic Party as the likely short-term beneficiary of this. But it comes with all kinds of potential for economic dislocation that can give rise to scapegoating, xenophobia, and outright fascism.
So, strap on your seat belts…
I was thinking after I made the comment above, about what has prevented us from really taking a walk on the wild side. And it’s like you said, up until the collapse of the Soviet Union there was always an equal or nearly equal, maybe just dangerous enough, power somewhere in the world that kept us in check. Now that we no longer have any super adversarries we’re free to realize our worst potential. To take by force and threat, what we used to have to negotiate for, with our position being enhanced by projecting the potential for military use.
My views of this country are closely aligned with Manny’s. To the outside world we’ve sold this fantasy. All the while trampling upon the least and most powerless among us.
I just saw your invitation to debate, over at Mobetta, so that’s not why I’m here. Something about that word exceptionalism though, that catches my eye every time.
I just saw the, umm, ‘generous invite’ to “debate” that he posted over at MoBetta & had to laugh.
Citing Knzer’s Overthrow now? Exactly the homegrown intellectual tradition of imperialist critique that he dismissed as kgb propaganda. lol
Of course it’d be cause to celebrate had Bush actually managed to “destroy” A.E., but all signs would indicate the contrary, including the words of this post’s author.
been there – done that, even a da capo here & there.
in gestation: Constellations
Someone needs to inject potent humility into the water systems of this country if we are ever going to dig ourselves out of the hole being dug by BushCo. Eventually, a leading political leader will need to apologize for the atrocities committed since 9/11. That is going to take a lot of effort and time to create a situation where that could even happen in a way that doesn’t cause 51%+ of this nation to mock and exile the hypothetical contrite leader.
I have to say, the whole “Exceptional” bit is something that I don’t think I’ll ever understand. I grew up among people receiving the shitty end of the deal offered by The System™ and my family’s direct history was riddled with unlawful landgrabs and blatant efforts to stamp out all semblance of culture that didn’t fit into the East Coast Puritan Model.
You spent time in LA, you know that it’s like a completely different country depending on which region you reside. Here in AZ, with native american reservations just a few miles away depending on where you’re at, the whole “Beacon of Light” thing receives more mockery than embrace, imo.
Coming from your backqround and living in your region, it is understandable why you focus on the underbelly of American prosperity and promise. But that is really not where I am coming from when I talk about American Exceptionalism. I know I use the term in a somewhat novel way, but I think my use is defensible.
The lessons of World War One were that we needed to develop systems of collective security and arbitration that could prevent a conflict between two parties from spiraling out of control.
The lessons of World War Two were that that even the most advanced of European nations could stoop to the worse barbarity and that evil ideologies could be left to safely grow and fester.
But beyond that, we had a demolished Western World, safe for America, Canada, and Australia, and we had a new nuclear threat.
It is in this sense that America became indispensible. Could we come out of the Depression and the war, and faced with the threat of Stalin, rebuild a world of liberalism and respect for human rights?
If we did not do it, who would?
The exceptionalism of which I speak is in some sense an accident of history and not some god-given quality inherent in America.
Out of our efforts we have the prosperous Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan, as the prosperous Europe of today.
But what of Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East?
Those were the playgrounds of the Cold War. Areas where resources took precedence over ideology. And we are paying for that now.
So, I don’t mean America is exceptional because it is some blessed place, but because it has been central to building the international system that is now rejecting the leadership of Bush.
I guess I’m confused on what the point is for claiming the mantle of exceptionalism regardless of its definition. We are at our best, imo, when we use whatever power we think we have to empower others and bring them to the table as equals. The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were among the first pieces of history I studied at a young age, and found myself appalled at our actions. While we might have been central to forming the global system currently in place, I could think of a few more appropriate words than exceptional to characterize it.
Perhaps you are seeing the root of the word as: exceptional
while I am seeing the root of the word as: exception
I don’t see the word ‘exceptionalism’ as meaning ‘really rare and good’ but as meaning ‘unique’.
And therein, I think, lies a lot of the confusion.
The Guys (oily or otherwise) want their empire in the middle east. For oil? To contain China/Russia/India as future competitors? Who knows, they never asked us. As long as we do the fighting, killing and dying for them and pay the bills. They have been working for years, from way before 2001, to create an enemy for us and lo and behold have they been successful! Just look at this dairy…all these folks from the middle east are attacking us because…of what? Whereas in fact they never attacked us. Well, you never know what they want to do after what we and Israel have done to them.
Get real, read this
My oh my. What you want to critique is the following.
Could there be a more clear example of the “authoriatrian father” model. I haven’t read his book yet – but I think John Dean nailed it.
Your quote seems consistent with what is happening now. Does the text come from the Wolfowitz Doctrine?
The consequences of the Wolfowitz Doctrine are quietly and accurately layed out in Hijacking Catastrophe (video from the Media Education Foundation)
To make their dreams happen the Guys felt they needed a few trillion:
Together with its attachment on force levels required to insure America’s predominant role, the policy draft is a detailed justification for the Bush Administration’s “base force” proposal to support a 1.6-million member military over the next five years, at a cost of about $1.2 trillion. Many Democrats in Congress have criticized the proposal as unnecessarily expensive.
Very coincidentally uncle Rummy very brazenly said on Sept 10, 2001
In a poll that is sure to drive the right-wing crazy, the majority of Canadians blame American foreign policy for 9/11.
I’ve been saying this for years. And I’m pretty sure the left wing is driven just as crazy all things being equal.
Good for the Canadians. Just got back from Montreal and found the Quebecois (Quebeckis?) to be quite a righteous bunch, respectful, intelligent, friendly, fond of drinking and dancing, good television, gorgeous women, superior cannabis, etc.
where do I apply…?