What Are Ya Havin’?

This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Nosh on the table.
Nosh on the table.
Very NOISY rude, crude, lewd behavior appreciated.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Wake up!
Hi Andi! LTNS, due to me, alas. I have a few spare moments before I leave the office so thought I’d pop in and say hi. These past few weeks have drug me through the ringer and spat me out, so to speak. Maybe it will get better next month… at least hoping so.
How have you, Jim and the pups been doing?
It’s really good to “see” you — you’ve been missed.
All’s well here. Hope, despite that ringer, that things are good with you, Chris, and your pups.
Bet on it.
So how many miles did you do?
I did the morning 4, and I’m just about to head out for the afternoon 1.5+. How about you?
I probably did something over 3 (I judge based on an average pace of about 1 mi/20 minutes) but with lots of up and down.
I’m back (I did another 2!)…and now I’m tired.
My morning route is up and down too, with a LONG uphill at the end.
No, and you can’t make me. I had a 2 1/2 hour job interview this afternoon, after which I had to walk 1/2 mile to get my lunch and didn’t get to sit down. That’s kinda hard on an old guy.
I could have gotten lunch at a Subway right across the street from the work site, but that would have been too easy. I wanted to stop at the Pike Place Market, which has this fantastic little bakery that serves up delicious BBQ pork hum bow and crab rangoon. So part of this is my own fault.
But I’m taking a nap anyway.
How was the interview? Does the job sound good?
I think the interview went well, but of course I won’t know for sure until I hear back from the hiring authority.
But then what do I know. I had an interview the other day that I thought went well but got turned down. They said they thought I was “nervous.” Well, who wouldn’t be? Not that I was (and I don’t think I was).
Hey all! Just dropping in for a quick hello. Hope everyone’s day is going well.
How’s was the start of school?
It’s busy. I am very worried about it…there is just so much work to do. Kind of nervous, to be honest.
After a summer of reading your diaries, I feel confident that you’re clearly determined enough and easily smart enough.
I think my headache is receding but I don’t want to jinx it….so SHHHH.
hold on just a sec…<inhale>hold<exhale>…ahhhhhhhh…
and in honor of FM, hoe ’bout 27 dirty marmotini’s, eh…
that you need one of those at work to help you manage your stress levels.
if I get her one, things will improve dramatically for all of us.
I love it!!!!
how was your day?
It was long but not too taxing … π
How about you?
busy but blah
shall we commence the FM-missing?
what should we do then? lol
<whimper>I miss FM</whimper>
Tell me more. π
Andi … look who you conjured!!
How ya doing?
How’s FMom?
How’s FBrother?
How was the trip?
Did you have to turn on the cell?
Tell us everything?
Andi, you’re talented!
Your whine is my command. π
Hi Olivia.
We’re all fine, but tired. The trip could have been shorter. I screwed up and got lost. Added an extra hour and a half on the trip.
My brothers and sister have Cingular, so FMom and they have been on the phone a lot. With Cingular, it doesn’t cost to call someone else with it.
George and Cat were both very unhappy this morning. Both were whining when I left them.
How’s your day been?
So how’s life in the BIG city? (I have no idea what Little Rock is like)
It’s OK. Since we’ve been here, I’ve been to an Arby’s and Wal-Mart. The excitement is overwhelming. π
You’ll sleep well tonight hopefully … how’s the back?
Poor George and Cat …
My day was ok.
I should sleep very well and the back is so-so.
George has been through this at least 6-7 times before, but this is only the second time for Cat. It’s going to be interesting to see how she acts when I get her home.
Is Cat declawed?
Nope, she might stay outside for a little while when we get home. π
I have a feeling she will. π
Now that’s my kind of medical marijuana.
Someone has to do clinical tests though, right. I`ve been a volunteer test subject for years, & I never ever get sick. Go figure.
Wish I could hang around and have a few drinks with all my favorite folks in the pond!!!! I have to leave for a meeting in a few minutes. I did finally get all my letters mailed for the fundraiser and meeting on Sept. 18th!!! That is a relief and a load off my mind to say the least.
…with my super spiffy all nylon and valcro tailored to fit design wrist braces on. I’m assuming I can have a few intimate moments with my laptop without further damage to the abused carpal tunnel crowd.
So do you look like you’re playing a jet in west side story?
Approximately, with a futuristic and middle-aged twist….
Hi MM. Are the braces helping?
I hope so. The rule is brace-free blogging until symptom-free.
See everybody later. I’ll check into sometime tomorrow.
Have a good night in the pond.