Because I was out all day yestserday (Thursday), the dog blog is running a bit late.
In the morning and afternoon I was plumbing. And in the evening I went to hear David Suzuki talk about his new book.
I did manage to take a few photos though, including this welcome swallow.
Posing as a “Playboy Bunny.”
but where’s the foldout?
Will this do?
It’s Albert as visualized by Vargas.
Okaaay. I’m not really seeing an Alberto Vargas pin-up myself. If that’s who you mean.
He had a bath on Sunday, mostly to clean up his face because the eye drops we were using had an oily base and made his face all greasy. That, and he was scheduled for a vet check-up and x-rays again on Monday and we wanted the vet to get a good look at his eyes.
Unfortunately, the x-rays showed two roots that still needed to come out. When the vet tried remove them, Albert started bleeding heavily and they had to stop the surgery.
At this point, we’re just going to wait and see if any teeth actually erupt from those roots, and then decide what to do from there.
Ugh. Poor Albert. Hope you are giving himself some consoling patting and fluffing.
(i was thinking of the vargas where monroe — i think — is sprawled on a blanket)
Love that photo!
Hi keres!
but it cracked me up because it looked a scene from High Noon (I know I’m pushing it)
Did Sniff bring home some venison for the grill?
they let him (and Giddy) get within about 50 feet before they left.
I can, however, have all the mole I want.
how’s ole Albert doin’?…back to his curmudgeonly cranky self hopefully.
I keep meaning to get a good photo of a swan to post. This is not it.
There is a pair that lives on the pond behind Imogen’s mum’s house (also where I got the swallow pic), that have six cygnets.
There is one parent and one cygnet in this shot. Oh, and a pair of Australian Shell Ducks.
Here’s the whole family.
Hi keres. The swans are nice, but poor Albert!
How’ve you been doing?
Poor Albert indeed.
You know it’s been a good month for the vet and a bad month for you and your pet(s) when the receptionist/vet assisant tells you he no longer needs to check your signature against your credit card.
I’ve been pretty good. Just a bit over-commited with the plumbing and all.
the receptionist and the credit card…
I find that I have reached the same situation with the local doctor and chemist (drug store for you north americans), not to mention the supermarket.
One thing I have noticed though is that when I proffer the trusty card at a service station (filling station) or supermarket, it helps to be wearing a suit and tie. No checks if you’re dressed ‘respectably’. Otherwise…I may be a thief because I’m dressed in jeans etc…
Sure that’s not a low-flying stingray?
The mind boggles at the possibilities when flocks of low-flying stingrays encounter mobs of high-flying larikins.
We’d lose half the population.
I love how cats instinctively seem to know that the belly is the best spot to suck all of the heat out of another creature.
I tend to sleep on my side, and I had one old cat, Brian, who would get under the covers and curl-up next my stomach, and then start purring.