the world.
I have been watching What the Bleep again. And I thought we might try an experiment, if you all are game. We have the internet and our connecting pcs that can act as conductors of our intentions.
We are all connected in this community with multifold desires – 1) to affect change in the world, 2) make that change peaceful, 3) speak truth to power.
I am sure you can add some thoughts on our connectedness for yourselves.
More on flip:
Here is my idea of the experiment:
At 6:45 PM Pacific Time
7:45 PM Mountain Time
8:45 PM Central Time
9:45 PM Eastern Time
We sit at our PCs for 15 minutes. The first 3 minutes we clear our minds and we “cleanse” the space and we can do that in many ways – chanting (I like OM SHANTI because it really vibrates through my head!), incense, internal mantras, projecting our intention to cleanse however we chose to do so. Then for 12 minutes we concentrate on our connection to the pc, and its connection with the internet and that connection going throughout the world. The projection or intention we send then could be “Tell the truth!” Or it could be simply “peace”.
In an interview, it was stated that a mechanical device used like this in experiments became even more concise, even more coherent, the more it was used for such experimenting.
My suggestion is that we start next Sunday night and go for a week and see what we think.
Are you all game?
that we could zing the nets with thoughts of truth? We might even render George speechless! Of course we cannot affect the news networks that are not on the net, but any more everything is mucho connected.
Sure it will work.
For any of those who have conerns or questions about cleansing for 3 minutes or sending intent for 12 minutes, contact me by email and I will tell you how to do it just as effectively in less time.
Great idea Glitter.
Hugs and Blessings
about how we can promote this idea? I am really tired of doom and gloom!
The doom and gloom is exhausting, isn’t it. I can’t tell you anything you don’t already know. The only way to counter it is to BE the peace and truth we are wanting to create. We promote it by constantly reminding others there is a brighter picture to see and that we create what our future will look like by what we focus on. When we focus on the doom and gloom, we feed it, we get more of it. It is physics. It’s the law.
The difficulty, as you know, that most people have with this is they equate it with “pretending” the dire circumstances don’t exist, or refusing to see things as they really are. You and I know that is not the case. We see it, we understand it even as unbelievable as much of it is. But WE DON’T LIVE THERE. We don’t live in that doom and gloom energy nor do we wish to encourage it or feed it.
We can focus all day on what the “problems” are, or we can focus on the positive outcome we wish for those problems.
Those of us that know and use these methods in our lives just need to continue to bring them to everyones attention. It is a process. Everything is. A shift in perception.
Keep promoting this idea of focus. I will support your every move in that direction, so will others. As you know, the numbers are exponential. Two in agreement are much more than two. So if we have two or three we have far more than merely what those numbers appear to be. So for a beginning, we have you and me. That’s a good start. Others will come.
Hi Glitterscale, here are my thoughts.
First yes I think it can work, years ago when Florida was faced with widespread forest fires, the radio show, Coast to Coast, that I listened to, did a “positive thoughts for rain,” that we all did at a given time, for 5 min. or so….The next day rain clouds gathered and poured, where no notice of the possibility was there the day before. Now that show had multiple thousands of listeners, around the world, so the sheer volume of the energies was great so the impact was no doubt greater.
On another occasion we all did the same thing for a man who was next to death with many different life treatening ails, and who survived and is still alive today, against all odds. Incidentally he had been severaly hit by lightening twice in previous years and his whole body was affected.
Next, how to get people to participate. Well maybe to start post it on a monday when more people are on site, title is important, mention a ‘group project’ in the title to get attention.
Sure I would go for this, I will help you however I can, let’s see if we can make this thing fly.
You might have to do another diary as this one is far down the list now and most have missed. If you want me to do a diary on this as well, I can, or Shirl…everone reads her diaries…lol…
Well good luck and we’ll see what we can do…
Need a good catchy name too, like Thoughts for Peace, or Prayers for Peace, you should ask for suggestions…
Heck what do we have to lose except a few minutes a day projecting ‘thoughts of peace’, what could be hard about that. Thoughts of Peace, the TOP.
Yep! What Diane said!
And do a diary on this. I am not hung up on the hows or whys, I just want to do the experiment. And when we do it we can look and see what results come up. I fully anticipate some interesting things happening!
I hope you didn’t buy into Diane’s PR about my diaries. . .I think she was a little over the top. But she and I will talk it out (she’s the organized one) and will post it. Okay?