the world.

I have been watching What the Bleep again.  And I thought we might try an experiment, if you all are game.  We have the internet and our connecting pcs that can act as conductors of our intentions.  

We are all connected in this community with multifold desires – 1) to affect change in the world, 2) make that change peaceful, 3) speak truth to power.

I am sure you can add some thoughts on our connectedness for yourselves.

More on flip:

Here is my idea of the experiment:

At 6:45 PM Pacific Time
   7:45 PM Mountain Time
   8:45 PM Central Time
   9:45 PM Eastern Time

We sit at our PCs for 15 minutes.  The first 3 minutes we clear our minds and we “cleanse” the space and we can do that in many ways – chanting (I like OM SHANTI because it really vibrates through my head!), incense, internal mantras, projecting our intention to cleanse however we chose to do so.  Then for 12 minutes we concentrate on our connection to the pc, and its connection with the internet and that connection going throughout the world.  The projection or intention we send then could be “Tell the truth!”  Or it could be simply “peace”.  

In an interview, it was stated that a mechanical device used like this in experiments became even more concise, even more coherent, the more it was used for such experimenting.

My suggestion is that we start next Sunday night and go for a week and see what we think.

Are you all game?