…The elevation of GW Bush by SCOTUS in Bush v. Gore created a presidential usurper, not a president. The SCOTUS decision — in violation of the Constitution’s Article 2, paragraph 2 — is so far beyond the Constitution as to truly make it nothing more than Bush’s “goddamned piece of paper”. Bush v. Gore also violated the rights of all Americans to have a president elected in accord with the Constitution, thus violating 18 USC 241 — felony conspiracy against rights. Further, Bush v. Gore failed to protect the rights of Americans as given in the Constitution and laws and is therefore an act of treason — as defined for the secessionist state legislators of the 1860s. Bush v. Gore is unconstitutional, felonious, and treasonous…

by Stephen Neitzke

Part 1 — Growing Fascist Thuggery

Historians and complex system theorists agree that the development of fascism is a complicated societal process. Clearly, the US elites and civil society have managed to accomplish that complicated process.

Most of our national governments, with very few exceptions, have been of, by, and for the class-race elite. Dating from our 1789 beginnings, those sworn to uphold our constitutions have chronically represented and benefited the class-race elite and themselves — at the expense of we the sovereign people.

For over two hundred years, Hamilton’s First Law of Government has dominated : “Money-power first, ordinary people last — no matter what the law says”.

It was a straight-across adoption of English predatory elitism by American elites aping English elites. English elites had been crushing the rights of Englishmen for profits and power since the Magna Carta. Their’s was the natural law of wealth and power. It outranked any law made by nations, and the American elites loved it. The 18th Century gentlemen of the elites, English and American, lived the unexamined life of bigoted, predator elitism.

The elites’ predation on ordinary people has been a growth industry over time. With the Civil War’s accumulation of great wealth, predator elitism went from being simply unconstitutional, illegal, and undemocratic to being anti-Constitution, anti-law, and anti-democracy. Big oil — with its in-house banking, insurance, transportation, and political corruption industries — led the way.

The Guilded Age, c.1870-1914, held the beginnings of the American corruption machines’ entry into the globalized corruption engine, topped then and now by the central banking cabal. US shipping, oil, banking, munitions, and insurance industries led the way for the US entry.

Note that the US came out of WW1 as the richest, most industrialized nation on the planet — its major corporations loaded with and for corruption.

And then the Interwar Period, c.1918-1939, promised our elites globalized profits at unprecedented levels. German industrialists taught American superrich how to stack tangles of international corporations so that cash flow could be masked from investigators.

Rebuilding the German war machine for WW2 demanded secret cash flow. American superrich and their corporate sleaze were quick learners — as we know from the Krupp revelations and many other sources, following WW2. (William Manchester’s 1968 book, The Arms of Krupp, is the research starter kit.) The big winners were the international central banking cabal, American superrich positioned to profit from war, and the German-cum-Nazi industrialists. (Documentary evidence shows that Bush’s grandfathers, Prescott Bush and George Herbert Walker, were Interwar and WW2 players for the German industrialists. War profiteering is a Bush family tradition.)

The Interwar Period is also one of the primary growth periods of homegrown American fascism. By WW2, American fascism was so menacing that the FDR administrations legislated against it. However, the attempted legislative suppression was ineffective. As soon as FDR was gone, the corporate centers of American fascism moved right back into the globalized corruption engine. We’re now back to and beyond the superrich and corporate corruption plus fascism that crippled us through the Guilded Age and then again through the 1920s and early 1930s.

Now we have the legacy of Interwar Period fascism building in the full-blown fascist despotism of the 2-party, 3-branch, Bush-Cheney Usurpation.

The elevation of GW Bush by SCOTUS in Bush v. Gore created a presidential usurper, not a president. The SCOTUS decision — in violation of the Constitution’s Article 2, paragraph 2 — is so far beyond the Constitution as to truly make it nothing more than Bush’s “goddamned piece of paper”. Bush v. Gore also violated the rights of all Americans to have a president elected in accord with the Constitution, thus violating 18 USC 241 — felony conspiracy against rights. Further, Bush v. Gore failed to protect the rights of Americans as given in the Constitution and laws and is therefore an act of treason — as defined for the secessionist state legislators of the 1860s. Bush v. Gore is unconstitutional, felonious, and treasonous.

Contrary to fascist thug Scalia’s retort, “Change the Constitution, or get over it”, there are no Constitutional or statute changes required for us to criminally prosecute and imprison the SCOTUS thugs for Bush v. Gore. We have all the Constitutional and statue law we need. All we have to do is to remove the obstruction of justice anchored by fascist thug Gonzales and his DOJ hierarchy of good little goosesteppers.

The first thing that we have going for us is the fact that usurpation is null and void from its inception, independent of the date of any judicial ruling on its unconstitutionality.

Usurpation is the exercise of powers by an agent which have not been delegated to him by the principal. In a constitutional republic like the United States of America, acts by officials are legitimate only if they are consistent with and based on a constitution, a body of laws which are superior to all subsequent statutes and other acts of officials, which embodies all delegations of power, and which may recognize certain rights to further define the limits on the powers delegated. It is a fundamental principle that all acts of officials not derived from the delegated powers of the constitution are null and void from inception, not just from the point at which a court may find them unconstitutional.
–Constitution Society, “Abuses and Usurpations”.

The only legal uncertainty remaining is whether the Bush-Cheney Usurpation was null and void from the date of SCOTUS’ unconstitutional ruling, 12 December 2000, or from Bush’s taking of the presidential oath, 20 January 2001.

Whatever, all actions taken by Bush under color of law from the relevant date of his usurpation are null and void, plus unconstitutional, felonious, and treasonous. That’s every law signed, every regulation promulgated, every Emergency Order signed, every treaty negotiated, every judge and ambassador appointed, every treaty and judgeship confirmed by the Senate, every invasion order issued, every pardon signed by the fascist mutt — everything.

Most of those actions created unconstitutonal anti-law regimes that create felony conspiracies against rights in violation of 18 USC 241 every time they are applied. Both the felonious initial actions and the compounding felonies of the consequent anti-law regimes will have to be criminally prosecuted and litigated. This could take a decade or longer.

We shouldn’t let anything except our political ignorance, stupidity, and greed stop us from those prosecutions and litigations. They will be an essential part of rebuilding our nation, or, ignored, they will be an essential part of our nation’s death.

No sniveling. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. We the sovereign people have the intrinsic power to create the way into, through, and beyond the criminal prosecutions and litigations called for by the 3-branch Bush-Cheney Usurpation.

No waffling. As with German and Italian fascism in the early 20th Century, the Bush-Cheney Usurpation is pure fascism. It demonstrates a strong-man leader, extreme secrecy, controlled media, fraudulent elections, judicial rulings clearly violating the Constitution, negation of the rule of law by all three branches of government, obstruction of justice for political and corporate leaders, the making of ex post facto law to immunize political and corporate leaders from past crimes, redefinition of established law for corruption and ideological purposes, redefinition of commonly understood language terms to avoid legal retribution (e.g., ‘torture’ to mean only treatment resulting in severe organ damage or death, and ‘terrorist surveillance’ to mean the interception of any communication or bank activity done by US citizens), the making of unconstitutional law to limit rights, suppression of Constitutional rights for profits and power, misuse of policy and law for unstated intentions, cronyism and corruption, sham national security obsessions, warmaking for profits and power, supremacy of the military, sham nationalism for the masses while leadership creates policy to benefit the transnational and stateless superrich, hard science made politically relative, anti-intellectualism outside the political and corporate elites, suppression of critical thinking in public education, intermixing of government and religion, enemies and scapegoats obsessions, destruction of undesirable minority population and cultural centers (e.g., Warsaw ghetto and New Orleans), male chauvinism and suppression of women’s rights, and corporation protection extremes including lassez faire economic policy and suppression of labor’s rights and power.

Fascism is not only a form of absurd, predator elitism governance, it is a national trait. Just as there was something inherently fascist about significant numbers of early 20th Century Germans and Italians, so there is something inherently fascist about significant numbers of late 20th and early 21st Century Americans. History will damn the American people for their fascism and fascist war crimes just as it damns the German and Italian peoples for theirs.

Next Time in Part 2, “No Help Coming”

Stephen Neitzke [send him email] is the founder of the Direct Democracy League.  He is the author of “The State of the Republic, 1776-2004” as well as a number of other works, which can be found at www.ddleague-usa.net and on his blog at http://ddrevival.blogspot.com/ Stephen is a featured columnist at http://www.populistamerica.com/

© 2006 Stephen Neitzke